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Posts posted by Hakari

  1. Absolutely love Panic Panic. Such a killer track. Really hoping to get a hold on the other tracks from the different types. Im already hoping for new Purple Stone soon. Really wanting a mini or full album from them.


    I was playing a rhythm game and 24 minutes into Art Of Life then my portable hard drive just decides randomly to unmount itself -.-


    That blows, on another note Art of Life is so amazing




    lol you could have taken less classes doe



    College just wasn't for me. I was taking classes for a degree I didn't find interesting. Didn't make sense to go into debt to earn a degree for a job that would have made me miserable.


    Don't Breathe


    It's not as crazy as Evil Dead since it only has a 14A rating but it is still a great suspenseful thriller no less.


    Really on the fence about seeing this. Is it very gory? I don't mind blood, i mean the first three saw movies are some of my favorites. But i don't really care for unnecessary gore just because. How is the story?

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