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Status Updates posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Happy Birthday!~

    1. suji


      thank you!!! ♥♥♥

  2. My Memento Mori live DVD came in and it's so amazing. The filming is done very well and they gave it their all on their final performance. If you can get your hands on the DVD (it's on CD Japan listen under "Memento Mori Last Live DVD." It's also on Brand X http://www.brand-x.jp/product/9466. I got it used on closet child), please do buy it. You won't be disappointed

  3. Should I be worried that I'm harmonising to JyuLie songs, since Saku isn't always in tune?

    1. emmny


      me when i sing along to madeth gray'll and cant tell if im a god or actually just tone deaf

  4. Anyone here like KAO=S? I'm getting back into them


  5. Does anyone know any examples of "Professional" Musicians getting involved in VisualKei? All I can think of is percussionist Cato Isao and Music Professor/Session drummer Tetsuro, both of which played in bands with the same members, JyuLie and GossiP. As well as the entire lineup of CrowXClass. 

    And I don't mean involved as in doing one song, but like actually being an integral part of the band

    1. reminiscing2004


      What exactly do you mean by 'Professional'? ahaha. Most musicians consider a 'professional' someone who gets paid for their talents full time, which would mean most Visual Kei musicians are professional musicians.

    2. Elazmus


      I'd guess we are talking about formally EDUCATED musicians right? 'Cause yeah most vk bands would be technically professional (although we can't rule out any and all who may also be working on the side to stay afloat loll!).


      Love hearing all that about Matenrou Opera, it shows!

    3. Himeaimichu


      @reminiscing2004 Yeah, basically what @Elazmus said. Formally Educated Musicians, sometimes those who often play outside of Vkei, like in the case of Cato Isao, who nowadays is more known for preforming Samba music in Brazil instead of support for JyuLie lol.

      Also, @Komorebi, that's very interesting! Thanks!

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  6. The lyrics for Cuartet's "Ogre" are all in surprisingly not that bad English, and I possibly could do a cover of it if I memorised them.
    Only thing is, IDK which word goes were, because Saki is worse than his former bandmate Ruki at pronuniciation. 


  7. Is Memento Mori's last live DVD worth buying? Or should I spend my money somewhere else?

  8. Does anyone know if this Guruguru Eigakan song is meant to be a cover of an actual Enka song, because I swear I've heard this exact Taishogoto melody in another song before.


  9. Fucking HYPED about The Thinners. 2018 gonna be a good year for sure. This year gonna be the one where classic Angura makes a comeback

  10. Uggh I want to book a ticket to Japan during the summer so I can see Kuroyuri live, but the cheapest tickets are like 2000 dollars. 

    I'll never afford that

    1. Mephistopheles


      Try using Sky Scanner and also the app Hopper. If you use Sky Scanner, do it on the incognito mode on your browser. I have seen flights as low as $400 to Japan using those.

    2. Himeaimichu


      Thank you, I'll definitely try those ^^

  11. I want to show my final support to Kuroyuri to Kage. Even though there isn't much I can do from the US, I'm going to try my best to get people who can support them more to do it as much as they can. Even if it'll have little to no effect, it's the most I can do from here

  12. I'm keeping the video I mentioned earlier unlisted, out of respect for the original ripper of the music, and so I don't get copyright striked. I won't be posting the link though, as I've pretty much made it for my own personal enjoyment

  13. I sinned and put the rerecording of Kiryu's 月ノ姫 to the original PV, and I want to upload it... but I'm afraid it'll get taken down for copyright

    1. Himeaimichu


      And it only processed in 720p. Well, my shitty screen can't tell the difference but my TV will

  14. Gosh, I forgot how fucking amazing the Inuyasha soundtrack is. It's a shame not many of the orchestra performances of it implement the traditional Japanese instruments that were used in the making of the soundtrack, because the various flutes, Koto and Biwa used really make it shine. 


    1. Mamo


      OMG so true

    2. platy


      One of the most memorable anime OSTs. 

  15. Happy Birthday!

  16. If I manage to get Cuartet's "Cuartet no Ura Video" VHS, I'll rip it for you guys (since the YT rip is crappy)

    1. Biopanda
    2. Himeaimichu


      That's what I was referring to lol. I'm planning to buy it for christmas ^^ 

    3. Biopanda
  17. So I've listened to CrowXClass seriously for the first time in a long time, and it's so different listening to them after having experienced more Vkei. 

    1. Himeaimichu


      Also, the only songs I can seem to pinpoint any specific Vkei influence to are Kirikuro, which is definitely influenced by Dir en Grey, and Karakuri Meiro and Hakanazaka, which follow general Vkei patterns.

  18. Sutari (ex. La cen Zhow) just made a new Dir en Grey session band (or Copy band as he calls it) called Dorian Gray. I'm ded 

  19. Welp, for those of us living in the US, Net Neutrality was taken away. 

    Greedy Rich People can now make us pay even more out of the ass, but this time to access certain content over others

    1. Himeaimichu


      @suji Yeah, I actually found that out way after I made this lol. Let's hope!

    2. Himeaimichu


      @lichtlune But apparently, there is a huge majority of congressmen that support Net Neutrality, so we may still keep it. After all, we've narrowly kept it after almost losing it once already. We just need to keep contacting our congressmen and letting them know our thoughts. 

    3. Axius


      Has to go through legislature, the president and congress first before that happens. Besides taking away net neutrality technically is unconstitutional.

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  20. If Gill'e Cadith had a bigger discography, I'd stan them way more. I need more of that craziness from Karuna

  21. How to make the lowest budget PV ever:

    Make one that's so expensive, it puts you in debt, meaning you have negative money, and therefore, the budget is negative. 

  22. ここにラブソングを by DEZERT really feels like if you took Guruguru Eigakan, and made them Nu-Metal. 


  23. Does anyone know any updates on Karma's new band, "Rands"? He hasn't posted on twitter since the beginning of the project, and the website is still unfinished from the looks of it

  24. So I decided to give some GazettE stuff made after 2007 (specifically DIM) a 2nd try (mostly because I was desperate for something similar to Memento Mori), and I gotta say, I like the songs Leech and Nakigahara from DIM. Leech is just very high energy and aggressive, which is my thing lol. And I think Nakigahara actually directly influenced Memento Mori, since it uses the Koto, and Memento Mori was known for it's use of traditional Japanese instruments.

    Though most of the album is still ehh for me, I have more respect for them than I used to.


    1. yakihiko


      I don't remember that, but I would totally be for it. Both versions from 別れ道 are seriously wonderful, to have a 3rd one with their newest music style would be interesting.


      No idea, besides their fabulous look for their recent lives, I haven't check videos or whatever they are doing for it. I prefer to wait until they formally drop it, previews and spots didn't work for me lol :D

    2. platy


      They haven't dropped any previews for their next release. Also that look that's similar to "cockroach" was just for a Halloween special. But it did give me hope for their upcoming album! 

    3. Nagisa


      泣ヶ原  is hands down my favorite GazettE song. So many gems in DIM. 

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  25. Does anyone know of any good Korean folk-metal bands other than Gostwind?


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