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Himeaimichu last won the day on November 17 2020

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About Himeaimichu

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    Kote Kei bandmen be like: UGGH! UGGH! UGGH!! BY-Y-Y!!!
  • Birthday 03/07/2000

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    Japanese Mythology, Eroguro-Angura-Misshitsu kei, linguistics, androgyny, early 2000's vkei, traditional Japanese music.

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  1. I'm still baffled on how I got copyright striked on a クララ零式 video a few years ago. 

    Like, they're long disbanded, and I don't think they were ever even signed to a record label that cares anything about copyright. 


    1. suji


      that reminds me of how Starwave took down my Sear/Lene vids...but given that I did put in the title that they were Labaiser, I had it coming. xD

    2. BrenGun


      also sometimes band use melodies of "other" bands. which you can copyrighted for...

    3. Himeaimichu


      For some odd reason, I think it was a major label that took down mine lol.

      But then again, what major label owns Kurara Zeroshiki?  I do know it was during that one point on youtube where people were getting their videos copyright striked for no reason. so I could've been a victim of that

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