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Himeaimichu last won the day on November 17 2020

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About Himeaimichu

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    Kote Kei bandmen be like: UGGH! UGGH! UGGH!! BY-Y-Y!!!
  • Birthday 03/07/2000

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    Japanese Mythology, Eroguro-Angura-Misshitsu kei, linguistics, androgyny, early 2000's vkei, traditional Japanese music.

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  1. New Agers have made it almost impossible to listen to traditional Asian music, especially Indian, Tibetan, and Japanese, without a bunch of shoehorned pseudo-science that doesn't even exist in Asia. Like, I just want to hear the music, I don't need a speech about how A432 Hz will "open your chakras and your third eye". I don't think they even care that much about the specific A-Note tuning in Asia.

    As well, they've also made it really hard to find actual authentic traditional Asian music, because they market their FL Studio stuff as "Traditional", even though it doesn't musically resemble anything actually traditionally played in Asia. You can't just put a bunch of Chinese VSTs in FL Studio and call it "Traditional Japanese". (though there are also other reasons that traditional Asian music, that's actually authentic, is hard as fuck to find. Mostly due to stuff like Mao's cultural revolution and the pressure to westernise literally everything down to the sounds of the instruments. I'm looking at you, China)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zombieparadise


      The only thing worse than regular hippies are new age hippies.

    3. colorful人生


      Had to revisit this status b/c Adam Neely did a video on tuning to the different A432 Hz "chakra" frequencies. Though considering that the video was posted on the same day, your status might've been inspired from this (?)


      I think there's benefits in using A432, but using it in such a haphazard snake-oil way is ridiculous. Ends up sounding ridiculous too, haha.


    4. Himeaimichu


      Oh yeah, that's another rabbit hole lol. I think A432 could be good if, say, you're a singer and its more in your range. But when it comes to the actual temperament, unless you're an experimental musician, the whole push to switch to something other than equal temperament honestly makes little sense in the scale of western music. Although alternate tuning systems are really fascinating. 

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