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Posts posted by Axius

  1. 10 hours ago, Seelentau said:

    Yes, I have the same problem with the android tags. For some reason, DEG's AMON isn't in DEG's list on my smartphone, for example.

    Yea i hate It. But i did have a temporary fix for a time i use this app for my music and you can edit all this tags and customly put all the album arts in. There is a option you can use when clicking on the release called "Enter album art manually" If you use the kanji name of certain releases they will pop-up but it doesn't work for all of them. Some you might have to use gallery option for at the bottom and download one off the internet.


    Only one problem with this i spent 2 hrs re-tagging everything and my sd card came out by accident when i was switching my battery. After that all the tags i had were lost but the album arts are still on there for some strange odd reason.  The small thumbnails got set to like a random release in my phone. If you use this app dont take your sd card out >...<

  2. 5 hours ago, akiko said:

    Thank you so much <3
    I probably listened to random playlist on YouTube, so I had no clue what is that song xD

    Its fine i have those same moments ^-^

  3. 9 minutes ago, JukaForever said:

    Thanks I needed that ^^ I have been following them on and off since they have started

     I suggest there Fixer album for a better understanding it complies most there discography in one album

  4. God danm i listen to too much Awoi >.<

    Awoi -レクイエム (Requiem)

    Awoi - Kotodama

    Awoi - センチメンタル・ラストシーン (Sentimental・last scene)

    Awoi - Blind

    Razor - Liquid Vain

    Mamireta - Ojamashimasu

    Mejibray - SE #1 and 2 the (whole thing)

    Tensai - センパイの彼女

    Signal - Apocalypse

    Signal - Glow Back Over Scars

    Lustknot - Sore wa namonaki doushi ni sasagutatta hitotsu no anthem

    Awoi -  哀しい歌

    Razor - DNA

    Born - 黒蟻

    Born - gurou


    Lustknot - Angelus

    Lustknot - Living in this moment

    Killaneth - 孤独-Einsamkeit-

    Codomo Dragon - Wolfman

    Codomo Dragon -  NEPENTHES.

    Dio distraught overlord - Byakuya ni Moyuru Hana

    Dio distraught overlord - Garasu no umi

  5. I've been a AA fan from the very beginning and is my favorite English related band. I have to say this new album they made was really interesting. Danny in a interview said basically that he wanted to do away with the old AA and explained why him and how him and the band wrote and why the wrote each song. That's why so many people are surprised on how different AA sounds now compared to back then and to be honest I agree with Danny 100%. There was a lot of drama that went down in the past and in the end this album in a way is a sign that the band moving on from the past they once had, to re-do AA over. The reason why you don't hear Danny scream a lot in the new album is because his vocals are shot from crazy drinking and previous AA events. They went on tour a lot, repeating songs and screaming from 2009-2015 did a number on his voice. So he needed to kinda work on his voice a bit with less screaming.

    Thank god Denis is gone... JUEZUS

    On 1/11/2018 at 1:57 PM, Kaye said:

    Which reminds me, didn't Danny leave out of creative differences anyway?

    As for why he left/kicked out. He did a horrible thing which left the band in a bad spot in the eyes of all audiences. So he left and went solo for a time think it was country music he was doing idk :/  until he returned in late 2016.

  6. 8 hours ago, Gaz said:

    where did you got this pastebin link from? by the names of these video files it looks like ando's stuff :o 

    Same thing what xriko said found it randomly on google

  7. 15 minutes ago, Seelentau said:

    Looks like a compilation of various v-kei bands' releases/lives/demos/etc.

    Obviously yes you are correct. I am just trying to figure out mainly these ones here

    【VHS】 V.A. - (2000.07.26) 異形の宴 [陰陽座/グルグル映畫館/犬神サーカス団/地獄絵/羅字屋]

    【DVD】 V.A. - (2005.11.25) アクマモノ The★Movie DVD (悪魔頭 - Shining Dance & マモノ - DEVIL DOLL)

    【DVD】 ヒトツメ - (2008.11.29) 頽廃記憶公演録 (「頽廃記憶短篇①・②」プレゼントDVD)

    【VHS】 Ya-foo! - (2000.05.xx) 鬼畜人ヤフー~屋根裏大サーカス編~ (会場限定VTR)

    【DVD】 Ya-foo - (2008.02.13) オフショット + ライブ (「アメ、モモイロ」ZEAL LINK SPECIAL DVD)

  8. Can someone help me here i have some video files i dont know what they are can someone help me sort this out/ make sense of this i don't know what is legit or not due to the files being old mainly used to newer stuff (I mentioned this in the lost j music thred ) I also didnt know where to put this topic if it doesnt belong here i apoligize


    Link taken from this site


    A guest posted this


    (Just got dead linked)

  9. On 10/29/2017 at 2:54 PM, emmny said:

    kein was also the same, except with the vast majority of their songs unrecorded. even their alleged last live VHS is something of legend

    Did you mean this VHS? Something i randomly found while on google its in a unexpected mpeg format and Audio is 192 kbps: (I dont take credit and the Video quality is badd....)




    In addition i have other stuff. This video was original taken from a videos folder i found on the internet entirely japanese idk how to make sense of any of this (Dead link as of yesterday) but i did find out one of the artist in which i posted a .vob recently in the videos section.


    Here is the site i got this videos link from may contain something im unsure. If you skip to line 3909 it starts listing off bands most i never heard of.





  10. 12 hours ago, suji said:

    If you have any more questions, please let us know! We'd love to see you participate in a tradeoff sometime! They can be pretty fun while you're able to expand your musical tastes!!

    Ahh thank you for informing me i might participate in these in the future whenever i have the time. I would definitely wanna expand on music.

  11. On 9/5/2016 at 3:04 PM, CAT5 said:

    If the plan is to get more people involved and get more people to host the tradeoff, why not increase the volume of tradeoffs a bit? I chose 11 months (excluding December, which seems to be a universally busy month) because I think with proper planning, it could be done. There seems to be plenty enough tradeoff ideas to go around and I think this would allow for more specific and varied themes, especially since not everyone will participate each month.  For instance, as things are, most of the tradeoff themes are kept rather broad - which is great, but I think if there are more tradeoffs, that could give hosts a bit more leeway, and they don't have to feel like they're alienating certain users with a more specific theme, since users will have even more chances to participate in future tradeoffs.


    Not to mention, It might also boost the overall morale of the forum if there's always an event going on. You could have people submit their tradeoff ideas, assess the idea, and if it's approved, add said person to the hosting queue. If someone doesn't want to actually host the idea that they submitted, there's enough staff around that someone on board should be willing handle the hosting duties. If 11 tradeoffs a year is overkill, then chop it down a bit, but I don't think increasing the volume a bit more could hurt either!

    Hello. I heard about trade offs i never knew what they are can you explain this. Thank you.

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