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Posts posted by Axius

  1. This wrist cut theme is a bit annoying. In 2017 alone we got gossip creatively doing it, Shellmy, kizu and i forget who else but there is another. Now Dispina. I dont mind it  and im really not trying to hate on these bands i love them but could we do away with this theme for a good year or two please. Its like its just recycled a bit too much. Thats just my opinion.

  2. On 11/26/2017 at 11:29 PM, emmny said:

    if only google would show me how long this would take by the bike option, but if anyone doesnt know, its a ~6 hour drive, LMFAO

    Well lets see. Google says it approximately  about 104 hrs to walk from Osaka to Tokyo not counting where Like an Edison is in that city. Averaging in the 488 Km that google maps states and the average humans walking speed which  is around 5 km per hr its estimated that if you Divide this into the 488 km that it is a estimated total of 97.6 hrs (Flat paved) which is close to 104 hrs (Non-flat paved) that google projected for this trip. Using that same formula for the average human bike speed which is about 20 km per hr it will take a estimated one whole day give or take a hr or two  for him to reach his goal if he is on a paved straight road without stops, traffic or the factoring in of hills. Considering these factors it can take him 2 days but on top of all this he has to stop to greet fans with tickets as well as the designated stops/missions so he might reach it in  4 - 6 days depending on how fast he is. Then again he has 7 days so who am i kidding its all estimation i hope he can make this trip well and in good health. Amazing band btw love them lots and this is a cool interesting way to promote the band.

  3. Meh as much as i miss the ol born vibe, I'll give him this he defiantly changed. Weather in a bad or good way it up to the listeners. Interested into what else comes for them still Liquid Vain was a weird yet interesting release. Its lot of effects and things just thrown at you all at once. I personally think its a risky approach then again this guy lives a breaths brutal vocals. Having the 2nd mini album with a ballad kinds evens this feel out in my opinion.

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