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Posts posted by Axius

  1. 15 hours ago, BrenGun said:

    But was this band under a label then? 

    usually bands with a crappy label still do live a bit longer. 

    I dont think this band was to my understanding and sometimes but its rare.

  2. On 1/6/2018 at 7:14 AM, doombox said:

    It always feels like vk bands promote backwards. They start to book gigsas soon as they have enough songs for a set and then hope to generate enough interest in their band while slowly going broke (we all know vk ain't cheap) instead of slowly building interest in their band THEN booking shows. You see a lot of the J-metal and indie bands doing this, where they're together 3-5 years before they even put out a real album, but vk just throws everything at the wall and prays that it sticks. I really don't understand the thought process sometimes. 

    I honestly agree with you. If you gonna have a band that sticks when it comes to the visual kei genera you need either a sht ton of money or just simply be patient but then again sometimes i don't think that's the bands fault 100% of the time sometimes they just might be under a crappy label.

  3. Honestly i feel as tho this topic is very opinion based every human has a different taste and ear for music me personally, I Like any vocalist who sounds different then anything metal core/hardcore metal related new gen American/UK bands all though there are some exceptions. I'm just mainly sick of the over popular whine high pitch voices that a lot of these bands like to imitate over in the 2000s era (US/UK) all tho as stated there are some band that aren't like this. You have visual kei vocalists that are just like straight up bad sound bad because of there voice but, again some people find these vocalists as gems. For me personally. I will just name a few that in my mind i couldn't really get into because of the a bad vocalist: (Ex Vocalist: Unsraw , @nniversary, NOW, Rainda, Tomodachi, EXE, Helproject, BatsuxGame) Which is the only ones i can think of at the moment.

  4. 19 hours ago, Shaolan974 said:

    EVIL MAD SCIENCEwas surprisingly good. They are better when they try to be Sadie (because Sadie tried to be DIR EN GREY)

    I think Sadie just tried to be Dir en grey starting out not as much toward the end of sadie's career. And yes i agree with you evil mad science was amazing and they should be more like Sadie i miss them :/ 




     Nominees for Overall best band/artist:  Dadaroma                  




    (Because they have done tremendously good job on their 3 releases this year. Their overall stand point in which talent and creativity has been interesting to say the least. There style changed from a crazy party (Dadaism #3) , to a weird scene that i probably really don't know how to describe (ポルノグラフ)  , all the way to this dark and powerful but yet also nice and quite balance of their recent release Ii kusuri / warui kusuri. I'm honestly blown away buy these guys wishing for more. Their previous releases they shown what they can do which was really amazing but these release are pretty much an extension on how different they can be. Even now its interesting how far this band has come and how different each release is which is what i mainly love about this band. It will always make you wonder what they are gonna do next and that type of anticipation is what makes me keep on coming back for more.)





    (Because mainly has to do with the way their sound is. Its different side that hasn't really hasn't been shown before. There is such a diverse line up with this band and its interesting to see the way they can take some hardcore stuff and just toss it around with techno. There 2017 releases were: DNA, Liquid vain and The core. Very good releases here. DNA. was great reminded me of one of Ryouga's previous bands a little with that release. Their PV was simple tho despite that it was a good release. Liquid vain. Have you ever gotten addicted to a song so much you love it so much Liquid vain is that song despite it being very weird and all over the place. I don't know how to describe it but its like had me hooked this year same with the rest of their songs in this release. The core. Very balanced release here most of the first few songs is very much of a mixture i feel as tho they are all trying to be not as brutal as the previous 2017 releases but that middle ground. Overall very nice although their PV's i feel need work on creativity i feel as through they are pretty basic despite their looks are nice.)


    Best album: THE BEST ’09-’17 by Nocturnal bloodlust





    Because of they have been my favorite for a while now. This album takes you back from 2009 to now on how they have progressed and its very good. In my opinion nothing has really topped Hiro's vocals/screams and each song is a reminder of how amazing this band was and still is today.



    Nominees for Best Single/Maxi-Single/EP:


     Bokusatsu HERO by Dezert




    Senpai no Kanojo (センパイの彼女) by Tensai






    Liquid Vain by Razor





    Best Look:

    ラッコ 『液体』



    Reign - Ghost labyrinth 




    Morrigan - Corpse mansion





    Best Newcomer: Tensai (てんさい。)




    Because there has been so much crazy things that this band has done in 2017 alone to their releases and a band member biking a long distance route to another city in japan. What a year this has been for the band. I personally never been to any of their live but its safe to assume its crazy fun based on some of the videos these guys have put out. Excellent job interested to see what this band is capable of in the future.



    Saddest Disbandment: Avanchick






    Most overhyped band: DIMLIM




    Most underhyped band: INFi2TY



    Nominees for Most underhyped release:

    Gyaku by Ribelio



    Airaku Gishin (アイラク偽心) by Yusai




    Kourin (降臨) by ARCHEMI.





    Most disappointing release: Jakunikukyoushoku (弱肉教職) by LACK-CO 




    Most anticipated release: Devil's proof by Deviloof



    Band that changed their sound for the best: The Thirteen




    (Becuase With the bands new release Evil mad science, they have shown that they are changing out from there old scene and into some new yet familiar shoes. This release sounds amazing within itself and is different then all the other released from this band. I was very surprised and blown away.)


    Band that Changed their Sound for the Worse: A9(Alice nine)



    (Because i miss this bands old style ever since they changed their name they have been changing everything that originally made Alice nine. I hope to see them come back and do some something related to their old stuff rather then whatever else this is. Some of it does sound nice but i do truly miss their old style)


    Best Revival/Return: Deviloof




  6. On 12/17/2017 at 7:30 PM, frayed said:

     When Tsuzuku went down, Koichi ran to Tsuzuku to check on him.

    Maybe it seems like Tsuzuku might be suffering from a illness or vocal strain. Judging from the fact that this happened toward the end of the live.

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