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Posts posted by ShTon

  1. Shingo used to be in Gotcharocka (you can check out their early stuff if you liked his bass in Sugar), but there was a huge drama about him departing. He joined some non vk band (Z's or something like that? Can't really remember) after that, but I'm not sure if they're still active.


    On 4/28/2019 at 5:07 AM, Gesu said:

    Did Twelve Apostles actually do anything?

    On 4/28/2019 at 5:09 AM, suji said:

    They had a series of live events, but yeah i don't think they released anything

    I think it was supposed to be a limited time thing from the start since live events were named after the apostles.


    On 4/28/2019 at 6:02 AM, Peace Heavy mk II said:

    Mikaru from Dio had a weird art project where he sold bad paintings and wore an ugly hat

    Afaik he's still doing this  from time to time when touring Europe. Minus the ugly hat.


    I remember Show (ex. Vaastu) announcing his new project but all I know is that they released one PV and disappeared. 

  3. Good to know other people have the same phobia. In a "I'm not alone in this, yay!" way of course. I freeze whenever I see a wasp or anything that slightly resembles it.


    Some time ago I was spending summer vacation in a place known for having lots of lakes and bugs, especially mosquitoes and wasps. When I went out to eat once, I passed walls, trash cans and other surfaces covered in so many of those yellow nightmares they were hardly visible from underneath them. I get chills whenever I think about it.

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