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  1. Like
    itsukoii reacted to anadentone in Deviloof   
    they should call it "orgasm kei" cuz its just ugh perfect
  2. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Biopanda in Opinions on YOHIO's Together We Stand Alone album?   
  3. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Anne Claire in Misheard J Rock Lyrics.   
    "it fucks in my anus"?
  4. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Aferni in Misheard J Rock Lyrics.   
    get in my purse
  5. Like
    itsukoii reacted to togz in Show Yourself (again)   
    I'm really short and stubby ok. like an actual potato wedge..... wedged in the middle of one ok rock. idk. 
  6. Like
    itsukoii reacted to emmny in ペンタゴン(Pentagon) to perform at A-KON 2017   
    i love my boyfriends
    i cant even say come to toronto qweens because there's an ACTUAL chance kawaii minpha would show up and wreck havoc
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    itsukoii reacted to suji in ペンタゴン(Pentagon) to perform at A-KON 2017   
  8. Like
    itsukoii reacted to suji in Avanchick will disband   
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    itsukoii reacted to emmny in Avanchick will disband   
    avanchick tier fuckery would be to cancel a disbandment for the dramaz
    they're gonna milk it tho, one final album and a goodbye tour (dont expect anything lavish tho they prolly near broke now) + live dist + rarities compilation WAIT ON IT = time well spent.
    groups who announce disbandments this far in advance usually have legit reasons for doing so, tbh i feel like noah was crunching numbers and realized that avanchick is a flop (relative) and that there's nothing they'd be able to do to change it because of their reputation. they've worked pretty hard to show themselves off as a big band but at this point its been for nothing, if not some mitsu $$$ here and there. their sponsored event live featured legit flops, the biggest band that played other than them was VEXENT...if thats not embarrassing then idk what is. that girl who went off on them and how no big bands wanted to play with them was totalllllly right lolol the evidence is in the events they play.
    they're still going to the states tho, dw
  10. Like
    itsukoii reacted to emmny in Avanchick will disband   
    rip kusokei icons
    avanchick had a shit reputation among...pretty much everyone involved in the scene lol so i don't think noah will join a new band. if anything he'll go solo, he's too good at doing what he does, plagarizing the gazette I MEAN writing catchy af vk songs and his blind girls (what an ironic fan name LMFAO) will follow him regardless.
    that dude from cindykate needs to make a new band and debut it on that other guy from cindykate's label so he stops flopping. rei should join him, the bassist's good too. idc about the drummer he can go n get a real job
    i liked avanchick (from a distance) and i hope their new band (sounding like noah minus noah) goes big
  11. Like
    itsukoii reacted to suji in Avanchick will disband   
  12. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from suji in Avanchick will disband   
    good friggen riddance. sure i enjoyed their music but not enough to actually care about these guys
  13. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from ぺるしゃ猫 in Anyone else getting over VK recently?   
    hmm... nope
  14. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Biopanda in random thoughts thread   
    It's about time.
  15. Like
    itsukoii reacted to saishuu in Crazy fans: When is enough enough?   
    Just read any @blackdollpost and you get what's enough.
    I don't really think artists are in the wrong by calling out borderline stalker fans, but it's a double-edged sword; some people will understand it for what it is (people trying to stop others from being invasive) and others will see it as artists going against their fanbase. In Taka's case, for example, there's a big chance of the latter happening - and when you consider how massively popular ONE OK ROCK is in Japan right now, it's probably gonna be quite a big PR nightmare.
    Koreans are on another level though. Run a quick search and you can find some crazy stories, from people sending idols letters with period blood + pubic hair from "antis" actually poisoning idols and risking their life (like what happened to Yunho from DBSK once for example).
  16. Like
    itsukoii reacted to AliceParanoid in random thoughts thread   
    Idk this gets kinda out of hand.
    Too much Stuff [Okay, actually not but i'm still surprised it's so much lmao] 
  17. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Takadanobabaalien in Anyone else getting over VK recently?   
    hmm... nope
  18. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from touma in Mamo from R-shitei being homophobic   
    straight men fetishize lesbians & hate on gay men so often it's disgusting; straight women do the opposite just the same.
    but that's not an excuse for this being acceptable, because it isn't. yet i'm not surprised by any of this because it's unfortunately such a common mindset for so many people ://
  19. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from len in Mamo from R-shitei being homophobic   
    straight men fetishize lesbians & hate on gay men so often it's disgusting; straight women do the opposite just the same.
    but that's not an excuse for this being acceptable, because it isn't. yet i'm not surprised by any of this because it's unfortunately such a common mindset for so many people ://
  20. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Aferni in Mamo from R-shitei being homophobic   
    straight men fetishize lesbians & hate on gay men so often it's disgusting; straight women do the opposite just the same.
    but that's not an excuse for this being acceptable, because it isn't. yet i'm not surprised by any of this because it's unfortunately such a common mindset for so many people ://
  21. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Kaleidoscope in Anyone else getting over VK recently?   
    hmm... nope
  22. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Euthanasia in Anyone else getting over VK recently?   
    hmm... nope
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    itsukoii got a reaction from echo in Anyone else getting over VK recently?   
    hmm... nope
  24. Like
    itsukoii reacted to emmny in Anyone else getting over VK recently?   
    u know we can't go without at least two of these topics per year...enjoy ladies n gentlemen!
  25. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Mihenno in Anyone else getting over VK recently?   
    hmm... nope
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