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  1. Interesting
    platy reacted to Bear in Last movie you saw.   
    You do? I am sure there's plenty people here with a more interesting top 10 than myself. I'm a bit of a weird, you see.
    You've missed out on his three best movies then. Three absolute masterpieces, and an absolute must if you're into action, neo-noir or thrillers. It's completely mind blowing that John Wick 1-3 are Chad Stahelski's three first movies as director. Not many have managed to start off with three movies this strong back to back. But they're incredible, and Chad Stahelski, alongside Gareth Evans (The Raid), are easily the two best non-asian martial arts/action directors out there. They make action movies just like the top asian directors of the 80's, 90's and 00's. Top notch!
  2. I feel ya..
    platy got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in random thoughts thread   
    ~working 8-10 hours a day and my fingers and hands are fucked~
    Manager: how much of the pain is work related? Cuz I know you do art as well, u sure that isn't the problem
    ye if I can even manage 15mins of art a day that will definitely fuck me up. 
    and no, an uber eats voucher isn't gonna motivate me to work an extra 10 hours a week 
  3. Like
    platy got a reaction from Total Saikou in Shipping, OTP, BroTP, etc   
    Took me forever to understand the title of this thread, I thought it was spam

    No, I don't ship band members and I don't really see the point, maybe I lack imagination. I barely even ship characters in stories tbh. I think I have a handful of couples I root for and that's it. 
  4. Like
    platy reacted to jon_jonz in Corona-related Livestreams / Concert Videos   
    Sono from MATENROU OPERA. He just got himself this yt channel, btw
  5. Like
    platy reacted to jon_jonz in Corona-related Livestreams / Concert Videos   
    Please, don't post MVs in this thread. This is for lives and sessions only.
     Hikarito from AIOLIN
  6. Like
    platy reacted to KrumpingChihuahua in Poor use of foreign languages in visual kei   
    Yoda talked has 
    I do wonder though how do those singer that talk 2 words english always get to all that english in their songs. Google? taking out a dictonary and choose a random word out of it?
  7. Like
    platy reacted to ghost in What video games are you currently playing?   
    RE2 remains one of my top 3 PS1 games and my favorite in the series (although, I'm biased as this was my first RE game ever). I'm actually the opposite having not played the REmake yet. Curious to know your thoughts!
    I feel like RE4 doesn't need a remake. At least, not yet. Mechanically, it practically defined how the next generation of survival horror games play (including REmake 2 & 3) so it'll probably play similarly to how it did in 2005. And unlike RE2 & 3, the game is readily available on any platform imaginable. If the rumors are true I hope they have more planned than just a visual overhaul.
  8. Like
    platy reacted to monkeybanana4 in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Finally managed to finish RE2 Remake earlier this year. It was a blast to play through. Hardcore mode was tough with a limited inventory space and ammo. Now, I really want to play the original one to see how it compares
    RE3 Remake was enjoyable, but I think there was potential for the game to be even better than what was released. That being said, I love the graphics and the new character designs in this one!
    Picked up Spiderman (Insomniac). This game made me fall in love with traversing across the "world" within the videogame. Being able to websling around the city was cathartic and highly exciting. The voice acting felt solid, and the graphics look great.
    Currently playing through RE4. While it's more action-oriented, it's absolutely super crazy, but insanely fun, and I love every moment of it. I wonder if the rumors of a remake for this game are true. Not sure how I'd feel about if it was for real.
  9. Like
    platy got a reaction from KrumpingChihuahua in random thoughts thread   
    Please do necro threads if you have smth to add. It would probably bring some life back to topics people didn't see originally or forgot about. 
  10. LOVE!
    platy got a reaction from Total Saikou in Favorite PVs/MVs [Discussion]🎥   
    I've fallen out of the habit of watching PVs, but decided to check out xaa-xaa's latest and it really held my attention. Now I've been on a MV/PV binge.
    Let's talk PVs! Share your favorites/least favorites/etc. new or old, j-jpop, v-kei, j-rock and k-pop (i guess)
    I loved the color and style of this MV as well as the song. I don't know how xaa-xaa does it every time. Kazuki is really expressive (well, at least when it comes to showing despair lol)
    It reminded me of another one of my favorite mvs by pentagon. I mean the art direction is just  *chef's kiss*
    and speaking of bands who release their best mv just before they disband, SuG's SICK'S is one of my all time favorites
  11. Like
    platy reacted to Rahzel in random thoughts thread   
    Really, yay thanks! It's just silly topics (like the one with good engrish songs and the one about ghostwriting) but if it doesn't bother people then I guess I will.
  12. Like
    platy got a reaction from Rahzel in random thoughts thread   
    Please do necro threads if you have smth to add. It would probably bring some life back to topics people didn't see originally or forgot about. 
  13. Like
    platy got a reaction from Kuro in random thoughts thread   
    Please do necro threads if you have smth to add. It would probably bring some life back to topics people didn't see originally or forgot about. 
  14. Like
    platy got a reaction from Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    Please do necro threads if you have smth to add. It would probably bring some life back to topics people didn't see originally or forgot about. 
  15. Like
    platy got a reaction from Kuro in What are you listening to 2?   
    Their music will never age
  16. Like
    platy reacted to Rahzel in What are you listening to 2?   
    Don't we all! 😞 Lately one of the few things that actually bring me joy is updating my neocities and following other retro websites there. And it's just confirming my suspicions - I am old old Internet is still fun, social network monopolies are unnecessary 
    And as for Demi she was the only Disney singer I not only tolerated but actually liked in my teens when she still did ~rockish songs~ lol a pity the Disney singer label weighs so heavily because she is so fine and could do much better. Gotta love her versatility in going from Let It Go to FOB - Irresistible unscathed
    In another subject, isn't this new release from Utada Hikaru pretty amazing?
    Found this song and I am surprised at how much the monotone vocals sound like some contemporary singers but with a positively 80s/early 90s beat and sound ofc. And it bothers me how much she sounds exactly like someone I should know well (Etsuko Yakushimaru? Komuai? Something-like-that-but-not?)
    (kinda offtopic but, the whole citypop revival of the last half of the decade made me realize how many of these trends that have become all the rage in japanese experimental/alt dance (-inspired) music in the 2010s actually began in 1970-80 and it's just crazy. Wish I could say something convoluted about it but to be fair I think Golden Bomber - Dance My Generation summed up the trend better than I could ever lol.)
  17. Like
    platy reacted to plastic_rainbow in plastic_rainbow's scribbles and illustrations   
    I don't update here anymore lol, but I recently drew a fanart of Lime from Kizu and thought people here might be interested. ^^
    Done in watercolor on mixed media paper.

    I'm also taking commissions in this kind of style if anyone's interested......Check here for more info.
  18. Like
    platy reacted to KrumpingChihuahua in What do you do when you're sad?   
    I like to listen to music, try to draw or cry a lot, altough i hate crying infront of anyone so i usually try to be alone. 
    The only person i really open all my heart to is my mom, but sometimes i am afraig to push too much on to her shoulders, so i keep things for myself. 
    Also about talking to people, i am a person who is always afraid of annoying someone, or ending up being missunderstood.
      I am so sorry for you. I went trough 1 or 2 years of bullying, by girls that had been my best friends before. It was awful. 
    i feel you. being angry and sad often goes hand in hand for me. 
  19. Like
    platy got a reaction from Rahzel in VK Fan Turnover rates   
    As you get older you change and so do the things you like. Once upon a time I used to watch harem/ecchi anime and listen to the gazette after. Now there’s one of those things I wouldn’t touch if my life depended on it. So I think it’s only normal for people to let go of something they got into as teenagers. I also think that being unwillingly to explore other music will make you go off vk faster.
    In my later teen years I went off vk completely for about a year or two, I was just too busy to be involved with the scene, even after I came back to it I still had a year where I went in a deep search to expand my musical horizons. Now things have levelled off and I can move between western music, pop, Kpop, Vkei and everything in between. Another factor that makes people drop off: this scene requires time investment and the older you get the harder it is to make that investment. As your favourite bands die, the only way to keep interest going is by discovering new things in the scene, be it older bands you didn’t know or newer bands. Don’t forget, nowadays the average teen’s attention span is less than a goldfish’s so they’ll move to the next thing that makes them horny without a second thought and considering kpop merch is not only cheaper, but constantly being pumped out and more readily available than vk chekkis will ever be I can’t blame people for not sticking with vk for long. Kpop community is more active and widespread which does a lot to stimulate the senses.
    What keeps me coming back to vkei is the angst and artistic side of it all. You just can’t find it anywhere else, even if it is fake lol. I don’t know if I’ll ever let go of it completely, like Dispo said I’m in it for the long haul.
  20. Like
    platy reacted to GreatNorthernVK in VK Fan Turnover rates   
    Echoing what a couple of people have gotten at, the turnover of VK fans to K-pop is largely due to the accessibility of the fandom (or lack thereof, in VKs case).
    The main difference is... the Kpop industry actually wanted the west’s engagement. Even if it’s just “share the fuck out of our music videos, and spam pictures of us on Twitter”. The VK industry’s response to this was “How did you get those music videos!? How did you get those magazine scans!? Region lock everything!!”
    Eventually, western fans got tired of having to beg for crumbs, spend twice as much as Japanese fans for half the experience, and having any rare overseas lives still be more about flexing to their domestic fanbase than about catering to the foreign fanbase.
    The irony here is that the “boom” of VK in the west was precisely due to the same promotion methods that Kpop acts use today (though on a smaller scale, as most of the groundwork occurred prior to the popularity of social media). The management of the bands that came over, however, were largely oblivious as to why this happened. So they just assumed they could do exactly as they did in Japan, but half-assed, and their fanbase would continue to grow.
    This just built up hope that VK would eventually be more accessible, only for the momentum to die down once management realized that it wasn’t as simple as they thought. This discouraged many, and they lost interest after ~2010, even if they had been a fan long before 2007. Most of my friends fall into this category.
  21. I feel ya..
    platy reacted to Komorebi in random thoughts thread   
    Does anyone with an invisible condition have to spend a ridiculous amount of time convincing people they do have said condition and aren’t faking it? It’s
  22. LOVE!
    platy reacted to Yuan in Favorite PVs/MVs [Discussion]🎥   
    I love PVs, it's so great to discover all the ones you guys picked! I just discovered Hysteric Panic and I'm very thankful for that, I love it haha!
    I absolutely adore all of WEDNESDAY CAMPANELLA's PVs. It's hard to pick just one but I guess Ikkyu-san will do, as it was the first one I saw from her and it made me instantly fall in love with her universe:
    Much of the same can be said for MONDO GROSSO but I'll pick Labyrinth:
    ... and Charisma.com. But my favorite is moyamoyashite:
    I have a big soft spot for KIRINJI's Jikanga Nai:
    Anyway, as can be seen from all the ones I've mentioned, even though I do enjoy watching simple PVs just centered around the band playing, they usually don't make it to my favorites. It's interesting because it didn't use to be that way. There are many simple PVs from MUCC and Plastic Tree that I love, and they are simply that.
    But the nicest "it's just the band playing but in extremely cool lighting" PV I can name is THE NOVEMBERS' Bad Dream. What a great song, too.
    The ultimate PV to me will be, always and forever, MAXIMUM THE HORMONE's eponymous. It's just everything I love about them into one song and one music video hehehe
    It's actually been a while since I've watched visual kei PVs, I guess I gotta get back to it. Which is why most of what I listed is J-pop (aside from the past 2). But what would be this topic without someone mentioning the GazettE's Taion, right?
  23. LOLOL
    platy reacted to Keiyuh in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    Anime doesent suck 
    It swallows I've only watched 3 series 
    Yugioh, death note (screw season 2), monster (only for Johan and they showed him like for 15 episodes) 
    But nowadays it's either retarded fantasy, or knockoffs for example a colourfull skank, a op long haired repetitive main character, overdone settings, the list won't end the only thing I've ever liked about anime is like back in 2006 back when the Internet was a whole and not divided into tribes of elitist fucks scrubbing public attractions (woman rights, Lgbt rights, this goes on forever) so don't blame anime it's been a while since anyone's actually used creation or imagination because most retarded fucks only ever like imagining them being in the position of the mc feeling the desolate emotions of degeneration 
  24. Like
    platy got a reaction from Rahzel in What are you listening to 2?   
  25. LOVE!
    platy got a reaction from Rahzel in What are you listening to 2?   
    I didn't expect to ever like a Demi song and the visuals are just a huge bonus! I miss the old internet :')
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