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  1. Like
    platy got a reaction from Komorebi in Why many of you guys are refering to male bandmembers as she/her?   
    It's to do with drag culture. Implying that bandmen = drag personas
  2. Like
    platy reacted to colorful人生 in Why many of you guys are refering to male bandmembers as she/her?   
    I hope I'm phrasing this the right way, but I think it's just the conflation of drag culture terms w/ vk musicians. There's a ton of interest w/ both on here, so there's bound to be a bit of discussion overlap even when the context isn't really there (?) I don't really get it either, but to each their own.
    Someone who's more informed could elaborate on this.
  3. Like
    platy got a reaction from Gesu in We finally got the Yoshiki announcement we've been waiting for!   
    This looks fan made. 
  4. Like
    platy reacted to Bear in so,even THOR is going to become a woman now.Doing shit with Muhammad no one dares to.   
    I don't see the problem here. At all. Jane Foster has already appeared in the movies, and all the way back in 1978, Jane Foster, the character played by Natalie Portman in the movies, was deemed worthy of Mjolnir which made her take the name Thor, the Goddess of Thunder.
    Like, why should this be a problem? Shouldn't we be happy that they actually pick storylines and characters from a broad array of comics, instead of the usual?
    I guess we should cry about Batman: Gotham by Gaslight, Batman Ninja, Into the Spider-Verse and so on too for not following the standard and most known story lines and characters as well?
  5. Like
    platy got a reaction from suji in I was almost beaten to a pulp last night by a drunk "friend" and if three or four oth   
    @Komorebi you were really brave to come out about it and you did the right thing. I'm sorry people are so blind as to not see how gross that person is. Try to reach out to those witness to check whether they'd come forward if you can how about those guys who broke up the fight? Stay safe. 
  6. Interesting
    platy reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in so,even THOR is going to become a woman now.Doing shit with Muhammad no one dares to.   
  7. Like
    platy reacted to 123Sandman321 in so,even THOR is going to become a woman now.Doing shit with Muhammad no one dares to.   
    I don't know, mate, I'm not here to debate that.
    Tho, not many have the same recognizability and branding as Thor. All the advertising, merchandising and shit, so much easier.
  8. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from Wakarimashita in which one of you is responsible for this!?   
    I wish he'd sent one back 💔 
  9. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from Gesu in which one of you is responsible for this!?   
    I wish he'd sent one back 💔 
  10. Thanks
    platy reacted to suji in which one of you is responsible for this!?   
    the thrilling conclusion


  11. Like
    platy got a reaction from nick in which one of you is responsible for this!?   
    lmaoooo it was probably some horny guy who mistook nemu for one of 'them submissive Asian chicks' 
  12. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from psychonnect_rozen in Can 13 Reasons Why like fuck off already. One season was enough like it was ONE FUCKI   
    First season: wow what garbage! 
    Second season: I'm curious how they're gonna drag this out. Let's see... Goddamn they WENT THERE! 
    Third season: I'm not wasting my time on this... Wait, that trailer is sickening 👀✨
  13. Like
    platy reacted to Biopanda in fucked up to think, that people on this music forum would rather play with their ''to   
    Real Gamers™ know how to do both at the same time.
  14. Like
    platy got a reaction from psychonnect_rozen in What is it with adults trying to write a teen movie nowadays. Like seriously, half of   
    Really? What kinda teens do you hang out with because the ones I see around me are exactly like you described lol but I know what you mean, my high school was nowhere near a Hollywood portrayal of the experience lol
  15. Thanks
    platy got a reaction from Euronymous in ok,first the ghost hunters, L from death note,then Shun from saint seiya,little merma   
    People were already foaming at the thought of Idris Elba as 007, now this...? BUT IS IT GONNA BE A GOOD MOVIE? Why not create a NEW franchise with a badass female spy? Why use the old 007 name? sigh
  16. wtf?!
    platy reacted to YuyoDrift in I'm struggling so much with the mixtape review. I can't even fully listen to the song   
    I said the same thing when I had to endure a KPOP binge when I was paired with the great @Triangle a while back lol. I did mention that as a disclaimer though, cuz boi was it bad for me, but I pulled through and grew to enjoy some as time went on.
    I hope people forgot I had to get drunk and possibly butt-naked to get into the zone for that though LOL.
  17. 悲しい
    platy reacted to Arkady in ok,first the ghost hunters, L from death note,then Shun from saint seiya,little merma   
    Shun from Saint Seya was actually very regressive as a decision. He was people's favorite feminine boy, I'm still Salty 😢 (even tho it's like 20 years o more that I don't touch S.S. 😛). 
  18. Interesting
    platy got a reaction from ambivalentideal in laughing at NAZARE following ppl on twitter (they just followed me) fishing for follo   
    I honestly liked their first album, if it was recorded in an apartment it doesn't show
  19. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from ambivalentideal in laughing at NAZARE following ppl on twitter (they just followed me) fishing for follo   
    LOL my friend tells me he left a comment on dimlim's twitter post about members leaving and he goes "this weird vk band followed me back. They're really new and only have one MV. Hated the singing" and I was literally gonna ask are they called Nazare, but this post confirms it. 
  20. Like
    platy reacted to zombieparadise in Google's apparently been listening in on people through their Google Assistant app an   
    Likely because Facebook/Google are censoring any negative press. Remember, anything that's given to you for 'free' is anything but.

    Call me paranoid, but I will never put an Alexa or Google Home in my house. It's bad enough that my phone is listening to me when I'm getting it on with my wife. Don't even get me started on all these 'smart' devices monitoring our stats and sending it God knows where.
    It's also very sad to think that this creepy, privacy-assaulting, Orwellian technocracy will be all our children know. It doesn't seem like there's anything stopping it 😞
  21. Like
    platy reacted to YuyoDrift in Google's apparently been listening in on people through their Google Assistant app an   
    As much as I get shit for this, I always blame it on user negligence because it always comes back to that. Yes the companies should be held liable/responsible, but they never held a gun to your head. That soon became you due to what society now deems "normal" when it comes to social media and how no one should be left behind in tech since it's so easy to jump on the wagon.
    We have been conditioned to be as lazy as possible when it comes to our attention spans, free-thinking, and consumption of media. Turning on notifications, tracking, and agreeing to license agreements without so much as looking into them cuz that way we have more time for things during the day. What better way to bore/trick you since your attention span is no more than 5 min or less now.
    We have given up too much for convenience that soon the next generation is going to think this is just normal, and these are people that potentially will consume media and use apps 1.5X faster than those who we think are pros at it already. The last thing on their mind will be what happens when they put the phone down, since most of us now don't even bother to end apps or set privacy settings to log off/turn off when not using them.
  22. Like
    platy reacted to Tokage in Google's apparently been listening in on people through their Google Assistant app an   
    Yeah, I'm aware it's nothing new under the sun,  might as well be regarded as somewhat of an open secret, but it's good that some Google worker had the guts to bring this shit out into the open so it has at least ascended  from the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist realm' into the ''we know about it and wow it sure sucks but hey, we'll  all completely forget about this shit by next week anyway'' realm in the public eye. 
    I  still remain convinced Facebook must be doing something similar, in fact probably just about every massive company that doesn't financially charge you for using its services in any way does. After all, if you're not paying with your money, you'll still have to pay -somehow-, and what better way to do that than by paying with your data? The number of people I've heard the ''I was talking about [x] with a friend and suddenly the next moment I opened up the app I got an ad for [x] without having searched for it!'' story from regarding FB is quite high, but to my knowledge FB has never admitted anything regarding THAT yet, despite all their other privacy breaches that have come to light so far.
    As for the stuff with the 'smart' lightbulbs, it reminds me of those past scares about children's toys with wi-fi connections, 'smart' fridges, 'smart' televisions, sex toys with wi-fi support etc. that could all theoretically be exploited by hackers (or, as it turns out now, just by corporations in general) to unlawfully collect people's data, spy on people, etc.  Considering the amount of always-online  tech  we're surrounded by at all times at this point I feel like there is legitimately no way to entirely avoid this kinda shit anymore. There was even some controversy in the Dutch media recently regarding one of the biggest banks of the country having some plans to start providing its clients with targeted ads based on their spending habits, but so far it looks like that plan's gonna get shot down.
    We're basically living in the lamest cyberpunk universe
  23. Like
    platy reacted to YuyoDrift in Google's apparently been listening in on people through their Google Assistant app an   
    I'm glad you're aware of this, but it's been going on for a while. China gets shafted because they willingly do things they shouldn't when it comes to data mining, and using fancy ways to do it too.
    Applications that have nothing to do with voice ask for access to your microphone in order to use the app. Products like the knockoff Philips Hue Lightbulbs from china , which use an app to control them, apparently need to send feedback information to their servers in China, for what? I've actually looked into Li-Fi (light Fidelity) several years ago, and even wrote a paper on it to know it's not that hard to send data back to the network without your consent. Look forward to that in your airplanes this year or the next, as Li-Fi is finally taking off it seems.
    Google themselves are getting to be stagnant in popularity that they have spent more time finding ways to receive revenue through data collected (and then selling) by things like timelines of your day (I find it in poor taste for them to send me notifications to confirm whether I went to this place or not, let alone how the fuck they knew I was there), whether or not you go to their recommended spots to eat/hang out, or simply taking the route home from work/school they recommended you take more than once.
    I mean the whole Driver's License thing with the FBI/ICE is still making me cringe since things like a selfie you take can be used to locate you or your loved ones if they are being investigated. Yet you, the poor schmuck, think that tagging yourself is a good idea because they told you it was.
  24. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from Gesu in Today I learned there exists a fetish for dragons fucking cars.   
    Go on fur affinity and you'll also find out that birds in diapers is a raging fetish. 
  25. Like
    platy reacted to colorful人生 in Today I learned there exists a fetish for dragons fucking cars.   
    https://www.reddit.com/r/birdswithhumanpenises/  [*scratches chin*]
    https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFW411/wiki/index [Index of every fetish sub tmk]
    https://old.reddit.com/r/wowthissubexists/top/?sort=top&t=all [More weird shit]
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