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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    They could've just done a live stream of the concert (even if pre-recorded) and opened the floor for donations like every other vk band this year, rather than barring people behind the YT Premium gate (you're welcome Retsu)
  2. platy

    Yeah, you'd need to pay for youtube premium or just sub for a free trial.
  3. platy

    The live footage looks really HQ though, so I'm curious if we're getting a PV or just a live
  4. platy

  5. I miss 8psb, honestly. But also happy to see tzk looking dark again.
  6. platy

    What a fool. I used to think vine was cancerous...if only we knew what horros tiktok would bring
  7. As if their music couldn't get any... Better.
  8. platy

    @Total Saikouand @thom35 the editing feature is now back
  9. platy

    Oh u silly boys Sounds good tho 🤘🏼
  10. platy

    This hits different when it's one of your favourites
  11. platy

    Here I was thinking "allive" read with a Spanish accent
  12. platy

    We're looking to tweak the edit feature again because this whole thread's point is that you should be able to edit your post 😅 I'll keep everyone updated
  13. platy

    Anyone can look wrinkleless with high enough contrast, perfect lighting, right angle and some editing to finish it off. From what I heard he's put in the work to avoid wrinkles as well, but everything else helps.
  14. It looks like we have a clear winner, but I'll let the poll run over till the weekend at least. Next trade off will probably be one where we assign each other themes because I really like that idea too
  15. @Katt please....no more.....
  16. Do not go on visual kei tiktok. DO NOT.
  17. Not doing anything different for the holidays, just lots of food on christmas day and hanging out with mom and sister on the bank holidays. In terms of gifts, I'm hoping to receive a book voucher and some moisturiser. I received my main gift yesterday which was a food processor couldn't wait any longer to try it out (also this is when you know you're an adult™️, asking for kitchen appliances over of anything else). I already told all my friends that I won't be getting them gifts and they shouldn't get me anything either cuz everyone's broke this year but I know one friend got me something anyway, so I'll probably bake her some cookies in exchange. I got a beautiful handmade journal made of recycled paper and Saris from India and some flower stickers for my mom and a couple of enamel pins, stickers and a crystal for my sis. This year I aimed to shop local (or from small businesses) and not from amazon whenever I can, so I think that puts me on the 'nice' list, right?
  18. Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter is sus, there's no other way to look at it

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. platy


      @Manabu Like i said, I haven't actually finished the manga myself  so I dunno how the execution of it went but the ending is definitely....unexpected for a series of this type. I guarantee you won't guess :D 


      That's my main issue with TG as a whole. Kaneki is only badass for 2 minutes/2 chapters PER series!! He then goes back to doing nothing, holding back or just hiding in the shadows while everyone talks about how legendary he is. It's actually the reason I dropped it. The author is just messing around way too much. It's a shame because there are some awesome characters but oh well, plenty of awesome series that actually deliver out there.

    3. CAT5


      @platy hxh 2011 is hands down one of my favorite anime ever. And easily one of the best shounen ever written. Hisoka is definitely a pervert, however you slice it, but an interesting character nonetheless lol. HxH has a lot of well-written characters tho. If you're only on ep 15, then the best has yet to come! YorkNew City, Greed Island, and especially the Chimera Ant arc are fucking phenomenal. Keep me posted!

    4. platy


      @CAT5 I was worried during the first few eps that it would be too childish and I loved Togashi's previous work with YuYu Hakusho, but I'm already hooked in every way :D I hung out with friends years ago while they watched the chimera ant arc so I can't wait for it so I can actually understand what's happening 



    5. Show next comments  3 more
  19. Hmm we were talking about this just some days ago and now it gets brought up in a thread. Interesting. Buried deep in the folds of the Internet. Don't worry about it.
  20. platy

    Damn those pecs
  21. platy

    It wasn't a roast but I just thought 'hey, misgendering happens a lot in vk....'
  22. platy

    I think he's apologising for the delay of the album
  23. They're a band made up or vk veterans. That's enough, right? They've always had stupid prices, I swear tickets to a show are almost 10,000 yen
  24. platy

    ....Nocturnal bloodlust...?
  25. @CAT5 @ghost @monkeybanana4 could I interest you in a trade-off? ^__^
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