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Status Replies posted by IGM_Oficial

  1. Seems like i'll work as LM.C interpreter this time.... EXCITING!

  2. Warm advice: Don't read your smartphone while walking on the stairs or you might get an egg-sized strain on the ankle like I did!

  3. E M B A R A S S I N G

  4. Welp, being forced to sell an Electric Panda VHS, featuring Ao and ya-su and limited to 50 copies.  RIP, this was personal collection and not RarezHut.


  5. Welp, being forced to sell an Electric Panda VHS, featuring Ao and ya-su and limited to 50 copies.  RIP, this was personal collection and not RarezHut.


  6. Welp, being forced to sell an Electric Panda VHS, featuring Ao and ya-su and limited to 50 copies.  RIP, this was personal collection and not RarezHut.


  7. Oh damn, the signature edit looks so limited ;~; We can't even change the size of fonts or add links to images D:

  8. Oh damn, the signature edit looks so limited ;~; We can't even change the size of fonts or add links to images D:

  9. Okay, it's finally come to the point where searching for threads on MH ~via Google~ is more effective than searching for it on MH itself. Wow.

  10. Royz released NOAH 4 years ago..........JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I still remember when I listened to it for the first time.

  11. Damn, Paradeis is horrible.

  12. I've had KARATE on repeat in my head today. I don't usually listen to BABYMETAL, kind of funny that that song was the one to get stuck.

  13. at last ESCAPE [9] RUN OUT, RUN OUT at last ESCAPE [8] FED UP, FED UP

  14. People need to be calmer when they read. Commenting something doesn't necessairly imply a demand. "I would not do this" doesn't mean "Anyone shouldn't do this".  I think this is easier to understand than to make the opposite logic leap. Oh, well. So much for giving some advice.

  15. Received Grieva's new PV DVD today yass

  16. People need to be calmer when they read. Commenting something doesn't necessairly imply a demand. "I would not do this" doesn't mean "Anyone shouldn't do this".  I think this is easier to understand than to make the opposite logic leap. Oh, well. So much for giving some advice.

  17. Let's see if my internet helps so I can upload the DESTINY -THE LOVERS- Type A DVD :'D

  18. Decided to open my old HD and daaaamn so much JRock. Gonna reupload (Or add the link of someone that's still active) some discos to MH <3


  20. too many great lives, too little money


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