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About IGM_Oficial

  • Rank
    Forever in quarantine
  • Birthday 09/08/1997

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    Manga, anime, A9, visual kei omnibuses and cats.

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  1. R. I. P., E-hentai

    1. colorful人生


      the panic has spread to /a/ w/ all the archiving reqs, which is how I got the news.


      ex will likely be down in a couple hours, but e should remain up for a couple months... though that doesn't control the stuff that's already being taken down as I type this. fun fact that the ex + e are a combined ~23TB of material. i doubt that they (or other users) didn't have a plan in place , especially how the 4ch demographic is the most anal about archiving shit.


      but yea, shoutouts to the Netherlands bopping our cartoon porn. though it was probably b/c of all the sketchy stuff on ex which never attracted me in the first place. the lost obscure vn cgs + artbooks will be a bummer, tho.

    2. IGM_Oficial


      Totally yes. I knew about it from a Brazilian imageboard. People here are in a frenzy too and downloading some gigs of doujinshi.


      "fun fact that the ex + e are a combined ~23TB of material."

      Holy shit.


      "i doubt that they (or other users) didn't have a plan in place"

      An admin said that he'll probably create an archive with all content he can get.


      "though it was probably b/c of all the sketchy stuff on ex which never attracted me in the first place."



      "the lost obscure vn cgs + artbooks will be a bummer, tho."

      This so much. Mainly the sets from games release by no1curr developers from 10~15 years ago, and here is some of the gold.

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