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About IGM_Oficial

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    Forever in quarantine
  • Birthday 09/08/1997

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    Manga, anime, A9, visual kei omnibuses and cats.

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  1. "Extreme symphonic metal" is a thing o_o

    I'm curious...

    1. Mamo


      Not sure but probably because extreme metal is just an umbrella term for:  speed metal, thrash metal, death metal, black metal, doom metal, etc. So basically any symphonic  version of  those would be.  Which I'm almost certain that all of these genres probably have symphonic versions.

    2. Visutox


      Well, I assume that's just a way to refer to death/black/whatever metal

    3. Bear


      Extreme metal are an umbrella term mainly for black (pagan metal), death, thrash and grindcore, and occasionally also speed and doom metal even though speed metal is usually placed under the heavy metal umbrella and doom metal under the doom metal umbrella.


      Symphonic extreme metal however are more or less just bullshit though. It's more often than not bands that mix symphonic black and death metal, and with elements avant-garde, progressive metal, goth metal or thrash metal. So usually it's just symphonic black/death metal but with some elements from other genres. Nothing more, nothing less.


      I can't think of many bands a lot of bands I would just call "symphonic extreme metal", but one I can think of is Le Grand Guignol, even though you can just call it avant-garde extreme metal or whatever. A unique experience of horror and madness in the form of music. It's got a strong Devil Doll and Arcturus (La Masquerade Infernale) vibe to it, but as I am a huge fan of both bands I hink that's great. However, this is very different.


      They only released one album under this name and it's a perfect 10/10. A must-have!



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