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Status Updates posted by anadentone

  1. ever get "drunk" off a non-alcoholic drink (like orange juice or mango juice) and be like "Damn, my punk ass is weak."?

    1. Doesn'tEvenGoHere


      I cannot, for the love of me, handle energy drinks. I remember trying a Monster when I was a teen and i immediately started feeling like shit. I ended up taking a 2-hour long nap after it. Then again trying a redbull in college which made my heart feel like it was going to fly out of my chest and then made me feel exhausted as heck. It definitely makes me think I'd never be able to handle alcohol. I feel ya. 

  2. Finding out that the Canadian from Baboo (JOY), Chobi (DIV) and Im pretty sure their Tetsuya is Diauras Tetsuya. Dunno who the lead is.

    1. helcchi


      diaura's drummer is tatsuya not tetsuya

  3. Foxy foxy by BORN is such a sad song. I can feel it in Ryoga's voice.

  4. Georgia is under lock down (ie stay in yo house dammit) and my neighbor is mowing his grass at 2:40 in the morning :| 

  5. Gotta have my MH fix

  6. Had a weird dream of Karen hairstyles being all the rage in Japan and suddenly all jrock groups are donning Karen cuts :o 

    1. Gesu


      *imagines all my favourite bandmen with Karen cuts*


      In fact, that should be a Toasted Waffles thread for people who are good with Photoshop.

  7. Happy Birthday Keilu! You adorable little butterbean :D

  8. happy birthday to the cutest Heavener and member of Gotcharocka :D

    1. Jun_


      ......now, that's the cutest message I've received today HAHAHA How I wish I could play like THAT Jun~ Thank you very much!!! ;~;

  9. happy birthday you adorable lil floof :D

  10. Happy birthday you adorable lil fluffy dork :D

  11. happy birthday you adorable little cupcake ❤️

  12. happy birthday you cute cupcake you :D

    1. Himeaimichu


      Thank you so much!!~

  13. Heads up! Even though it's October, now's the time to be buying your Christmas stuff from overseas. All that stuff from China and Japan will get here in time for Christmas ❤️ 

  14. Hearing Fuma (ex. Purple Stone) singing "Honesty" by Billy Joel is my current jam.

  15. hi ya ^^ whose the  band in your siggie ? They look familiar :o

    1. suji


      it's マルコ (Marco) ^^

  16. how is it that ダウト (d-out) yt channel has only 4k followers? I thought they were famous?

    1. platy


      I think a lot of their fans aren't on YouTube, but other Japanese video platforms 

  17. Hurricane Michael tore up my town and or lights were of for 4 days due to fallen trees and phones/tablet/laptop was dead. But I'm not!

    1. suji


      very sorry to hear that. glad you're ok tho!

  18. I cant explain it, but Kazuharu (Reign) is fucking sexy

  19. I didn't know the new BP records band was Londboy with a new name.

    1. Miku70


      I know this because I follow LONDBOY members on their Twitter  and they keep their old count  Twitter during in a limited time with their new count Twitter.


  20. I don't trust anyone who says "Trust me, I know what I'm doing"

  21. I forgot that Mizuki had left Jin-Machine last year and got replace by Ryoha. When I saw their newer vids, I thought "Mizuki looks hella difference. Musta got some plastic surgery"

  22. I found a Attack on Titan bag at goodwill for $2.99.

  23. I had a dream I was reading on MH that Buglug was going to disband in October. WTF, I gotta stop drinking oj before bedtime 😕 

    1. ricchubunny


      Once I've dreamed that I saw in MH that Kiryu's Mahiro has passed away because a lightning bolt hit his head

    2. anadentone


      had OJ before bed too? 😮


    3. Gesu


      Didn't have OJ before bed but once when I was fifteen, I dreamt that I was at a party and I somehow lost all my clothes (bar my underwear). It wasn't lewd; I just kinda… lost 'em? Anyways, I asked some of the taller party guests to stand around me as I walked home so no-one would see me, but I eventually got really cold so I pulled out my phone (which I had in me undercrackers fsr) and called Kamijo to bring me a change of clothes. He arrived within minutes on the back of a beautiful white horse looking like he did in the Masquerade PV and presented the clothes to me with a flourish. I thanked him and put them on, then he offered to take us all home. On the bus. He paid for our bus fares and left his horse at the bus station.


      God, my dreams are so wacky. Anyone who's visited the dream thread will know that, but damn. What is going on in my head?

  24. I had a dream I went to Osaka for my sisters wedding and I went to to this airport info place and asked how far it is to the nearest Daiso and she said 26 blocks. I woke up cuz the blocks in my whole town isnt that much.

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