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Status Replies posted by orange~

  1. Super tired >> loads of coffee and whiskey >> heart is beating too fast >> Can you die if you don't let your body rest? D:

  2. Super tired >> loads of coffee and whiskey >> heart is beating too fast >> Can you die if you don't let your body rest? D:

  3. Grieva's new single ain't bad, but at the same time I remember nothing about it directly after listening to it...

  4. i need a shot or two of bleach because school starts tomorrow. fml

  5. i need a shot or two of bleach because school starts tomorrow. fml

  6. i need a shot or two of bleach because school starts tomorrow. fml

  7. Weird mixture of bored/restlessness/depressed/social anxiety/tired.


    I wanna do stuff and see people but at the same time I feel like becoming a hermit and secluding myself from society.


    End of the summer. definitely.

  8. anyone else seeing similarities between hide and Hyde?


    I've been getting into VAMPS lately (after not really caring about them for past years) and Hyde seems to have a lot of similar manners, expressions and attitude as hide used to have.


    VAMPS' music is also something I could imagine hide doing and they even look alike in some of the MVs (like angel trip and revolution just for example)

  9. social life overkill >_<

  10. do vk guys actually get old or do they all just die before they reach that point

  11. i wanna delve more into shibuya kei but idk where to go... i already dig Towa Tei, Cornelius and Capsule from what I heard...

  12. If you have Facebook ;0; I've just created a photography page https://m.facebook.com/TominaPhotography/

  13. Today I fell in love with Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.. just letting you people know that : S

  14. Finally moved into my new place.  Gotta relax to the max and jam out! :D :X'D:

  15. Surprising nostalgia trip from L'arc en Ciel. Never really cared for them but I guess you couldn't avoid them back in the day ^^

  16. dubtrack anyone?

  17. It's one thing to go on my front lawn to catch Pokemon, but don't go into my fucking backyard, and then expect me to NOT let my dog out. Had a good laugh watching my dog chase this PokeDumbass, who felt the need to trespass for a shit starter.

  18. learning Dogma on guitar. literally the easiest song in existence and yet beginner me takes an hour to get the first few bars down lmao

  19. learning Dogma on guitar. literally the easiest song in existence and yet beginner me takes an hour to get the first few bars down lmao

  20. so apparently skinny dipping at 3 AM can make you sick.. ) :

  21. seeing the talk of Nocturnal Bloodlust's Europe tours have gotten me so jealous. can one of y'all pick me up in Canada and bring me

  22. seeing the talk of Nocturnal Bloodlust's Europe tours have gotten me so jealous. can one of y'all pick me up in Canada and bring me

  23. 2D Beat 'em up games are boring as fuck goddamn

  24. 2D Beat 'em up games are boring as fuck goddamn

  25. 2D Beat 'em up games are boring as fuck goddamn

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