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Status Replies posted by orange~

  1. Literally can't believe Trump won.  Thanks for letting Putin hotdog us and run our shit all over the place.

  2. History was made today Donald Trump is the 1st Orange President 

  3. Just started playing BlazBlue games... what have I done

  4. So after living few months in the same flat, apparently my roommate thinks I'm a girl o_o  (i didn't correct him)

  5. So after living few months in the same flat, apparently my roommate thinks I'm a girl o_o  (i didn't correct him)

  6. So after living few months in the same flat, apparently my roommate thinks I'm a girl o_o  (i didn't correct him)

  7. So after living few months in the same flat, apparently my roommate thinks I'm a girl o_o  (i didn't correct him)

  8. wth happened here tonight you crazy mofos

  9. Any Queen fans here?

  10. wtf, aint even halloween yet and we already got snow?? fuccccc

  11. wtf, aint even halloween yet and we already got snow?? fuccccc

  12. wtf, aint even halloween yet and we already got snow?? fuccccc

  13. wtf, aint even halloween yet and we already got snow?? fuccccc

  14. wtf, aint even halloween yet and we already got snow?? fuccccc

  15. are meji ever gonna give us another full album or are they gonna continue shitting out singles for the next 2 years

  16. are meji ever gonna give us another full album or are they gonna continue shitting out singles for the next 2 years

  17. I bought a new jacket today. But it's from women's clothing store (I'm a guy), which makes me a bit uncomfortable.


    I don't believe in gender-only clothing but still can't help it. :/


    pretty sure the feeling will pass tho ; )

  18. I bought a new jacket today. But it's from women's clothing store (I'm a guy), which makes me a bit uncomfortable.


    I don't believe in gender-only clothing but still can't help it. :/


    pretty sure the feeling will pass tho ; )

  19. I bought a new jacket today. But it's from women's clothing store (I'm a guy), which makes me a bit uncomfortable.


    I don't believe in gender-only clothing but still can't help it. :/


    pretty sure the feeling will pass tho ; )

  20. failed alcohol challenge. 

  21. failed alcohol challenge. 

  22. Amnesia is coming to the ps4...im gonna buy it... when it comes out.. :D


  23. Super tired >> loads of coffee and whiskey >> heart is beating too fast >> Can you die if you don't let your body rest? D:

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