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  1. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from libertine in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    I’m changing the track list for myself. Shifting some files around on my laptop isn’t going to alter the experience for anybody else. The original body of work is still out there for hundreds of thousands of people to enjoy, including myself. It’s just a fun little experiment. I did the same thing with Arche. 
  2. Bitch, excuse me?!
    Saishu got a reaction from EzraEroguro in Dir en grey   
    Keibetsu to Hajimari, you pleb! Turn in your fan card!
  3. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from LIDL in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Then there’s “fukai”, which takes on several different meanings all because of the kanji Kyo used. 
  4. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from geist in Dir en grey   
    This is correct. 
    The solo in Followers is also very Gazette. 
  5. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from madygrain in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    The kid’s father sounds like a class act too. Wants to sue over an affair, but not the abuse of his child. 
  6. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from Rosner in Dir en grey   
    Best listening experience so far has been in my car with the bass set at one notch above the flat default and the treble two notches above the flat default. I get a more full bodied lower end  and the cymbals are brighter and more defined. 
  7. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from suji in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    The kid’s father sounds like a class act too. Wants to sue over an affair, but not the abuse of his child. 
  8. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from ahnchc in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    The kid’s father sounds like a class act too. Wants to sue over an affair, but not the abuse of his child. 
  9. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from cvltic in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    The kid’s father sounds like a class act too. Wants to sue over an affair, but not the abuse of his child. 
  10. I feel ya..
    Saishu got a reaction from Kelrya in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Why couldn’t Jens Bogren mix the whole album?
  11. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from LEY in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    My bad, I have no idea why I even brought clipping into this other than I shouldn’t try posting while talking to co-workers. 
    The album is compressed to hell and it’s not a new thing, but it just seems really bad this time. Aka in particular could have been a lot prettier with a better approach to the mix. Why is the guitar solo so buried? Wouldn’t the dramatic moments be a bit more explosive and emotional if the gentle sections were quieter?
    Of course the actual songwriting is good, but the mix is not pleasing to my ears. 
  12. LOLOL
    Saishu got a reaction from emmny in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Not Ninth. 
  13. LOLOL
    Saishu got a reaction from emmny in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    I also thought Rubbish Heap sounded like Gazette, which is funny given the title of the song and all. 
    Surprisingly I’m mostly okay with the mix; the ballads sound fine, some of the early heavy tracks are just fucking noisy. I find it a bit worrisome that these fucks waited almost four years and now they’re saying they were putting this shit together at the last minute. We heard the same story with Uroboros, but at least that came out the year after Marrow. 
  14. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from EzraEroguro in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    The vocals in Utafumi sound like a raw untouched take. 
  15. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from Rosner in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    You can’t play it loud because it’s already loud. It sounds like it’s naturally cranked up to 10, hence the clipping and distortion. Raising the volume doesn’t make it sound better. Oddly enough, I hear more intricacies when I turn the volume DOWN. We’re not new to this, but sometimes there are cases worse than others. This might be DEG’s worst. 
    Mind you one of  the reasons why so many recordings are compressed is to accommodate people listening to lossy rips thru shitty earbuds. So yeah, I’m pining for the good ol’ days of music that sounds nice on everything. 
  16. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from Rosner in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    I should point out that I’m listening to a Tidal Hi-fi download, which means this is lossless quality. I’m not getting my hopes up for the CD sounding any better. I won’t know personally until I get it Monday. 
    Changing album tags to THE BRICKWALLED WORLD
  17. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from Rosner in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Okay I’m listening with headphones now and good lord this album sounds awful. I’m going to punch Kaoru in his face. 
  18. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from geist in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    My bad, I have no idea why I even brought clipping into this other than I shouldn’t try posting while talking to co-workers. 
    The album is compressed to hell and it’s not a new thing, but it just seems really bad this time. Aka in particular could have been a lot prettier with a better approach to the mix. Why is the guitar solo so buried? Wouldn’t the dramatic moments be a bit more explosive and emotional if the gentle sections were quieter?
    Of course the actual songwriting is good, but the mix is not pleasing to my ears. 
  19. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from LEY in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    You can’t play it loud because it’s already loud. It sounds like it’s naturally cranked up to 10, hence the clipping and distortion. Raising the volume doesn’t make it sound better. Oddly enough, I hear more intricacies when I turn the volume DOWN. We’re not new to this, but sometimes there are cases worse than others. This might be DEG’s worst. 
    Mind you one of  the reasons why so many recordings are compressed is to accommodate people listening to lossy rips thru shitty earbuds. So yeah, I’m pining for the good ol’ days of music that sounds nice on everything. 
  20. Yikes
    Saishu got a reaction from EzraEroguro in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    I should point out that I’m listening to a Tidal Hi-fi download, which means this is lossless quality. I’m not getting my hopes up for the CD sounding any better. I won’t know personally until I get it Monday. 
    Changing album tags to THE BRICKWALLED WORLD
  21. I feel ya..
    Saishu got a reaction from EzraEroguro in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Okay I’m listening with headphones now and good lord this album sounds awful. I’m going to punch Kaoru in his face. 
  22. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from Egnirys cimredopyh in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Okay I’m listening with headphones now and good lord this album sounds awful. I’m going to punch Kaoru in his face. 
  23. LOLOL
    Saishu got a reaction from nullmoon in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Okay I’m listening with headphones now and good lord this album sounds awful. I’m going to punch Kaoru in his face. 
  24. I feel ya..
    Saishu got a reaction from Mind of the sun in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Okay I’m listening with headphones now and good lord this album sounds awful. I’m going to punch Kaoru in his face. 
  25. Daria
    Saishu got a reaction from EzraEroguro in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Real talk, Devote My Life is borderline unlistenable. 
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