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Everything posted by Saishu

  1. A lot of things to touch on here. For one, as has been pointed out several times, the language barrier bothers a lot of people. For a lot of people, being able to sing along is top priority. While I agree that's fun, that's the last thing I think about when it comes to music. But then there's just straight up racism involved, which I witnessed first hand at a couple DEG shows. "I CANT UNDERSTAND YOU!" "GO BACK TO JAPAN!" Nonsense like that. People that are ignorant and afraid of anything that isn't familiar to them. But as far as people that think j-music is superior to Western music, well, I think the major factor is how long they've been listening. If you're new to j-rock, you're going to think it's superior because the sound is new, especially if you've grown tired of the same old sounds of the music from your country.
  2. Saishu

    Neither do I, but Nagisa pointed out how small the venues were compared to the ones shown on DVDs and I was explaining why.
  3. No one knew it was a dead tree?
  4. Saishu

    Venues are way smaller because Gazette doesn't have a big enough presence outside of Japan to fill stadiums.
  5. Saishu

    There's some Gazette stuff up on Tidal, too, and they've been putting quite a few releases up on iTunes. I'm guessing it's because of the world tour yeah.
  6. Saishu

    Arche is definitely compressed into oblivion, though. Kaishun and Tousei and Phenomenon should be so much more subdued so that when they do reach those dramatic releases, they're much more effective. It's all the same loud-as-fuck volume. But that's common for music in genral, not just a DEG thing.
  7. Saishu

    DEG is one of my favorite bands, but I'm not going to ignore how inconsistent they've been live for the last five years. And lack of passion is apparently Shinya's problem, because he says he loses motivation or some such when he's on tour. But, again, I think it depends on the material they play. Other problem is that I play drums, so my ear tends to dial in on the drums and bass when I listen to music.
  8. Saishu

    I generally don't like SE's, or I just kind of ignore them. One of my favorite instrumentals is baroque's "Red Bird" though.
  9. Saishu

    But that fill around 1:15... man that is weak. Especially since everyone stops so Shinya can drop that fill. And for the average metal drummer, what's played on the studio version isn't even impressive. 32nd notes across the toms? That's basically a rudimentary exercise for a drummer.
  10. Saishu

    Anima (and Vitium, finally) are up on the US iTunes Store. It's just Anima, though. No b-side.
  11. Saishu

    Absolutely. Also those mid-tempo jams like Toguro and Dozing Green. When he's actually given a chance to groove he sounds great. Stuff like the remake of Kiri to Mayu? Well... the studio version is fine, but first time I heard it I knew it was going to be a disaster live.
  12. Lol starry night sounds like the intro to a shitty anime.
  13. Saishu

    I think Shinya's best work is on Uroboros, but I do love what he does in the chorus of Rinkaku (the descending toms) and his syncopated drum pattern in the chorus of Kaishun. Actually, I like that be simplified things on Arche.
  14. Feel the speed as Shinya's limbs become entangled in his attempts to deliver brutal double bass passages and blast beats.
  15. I can't make it all the way thru the preview... What isn't helping AT ALL is how practically every second of what I did get thru had Mao screaming thru the world's most annoying voice filter. All I hear is static.
  16. Best thing about this band is the I and R in the logo are stylised to make a 13.
  17. Saishu

    That logo is awful and doesn't reflect their sound at all. You aren't THAT heavy, guys. Chill out. As far as Undying, I think it's okay. It's similar in composition to the song Dogma, just sloppier. A lot of the differing sections seem like ideas that weren't fleshed out enough to make sense together, just a lot of awkward and jarring transitions from one part to the next. Carmelzors post already touched on this, but the melodic parts really are kind of... boring. This is my biggest issue with Ruki as of late. His melodies sound recycled and flat, but props to him for improving the screams and growls. The rest of the band is fine, except I still can't tell Reita is there except for one really quick, cool bass run towards the end. I dunno, I guess I'm just not as taken with Gazette's new "dark" phase as other people are.
  18. Saishu

    Just bought Undying off iTunes. Gonna listen now.
  19. Saishu

  20. Saishu

    It's weird that the only one actually performing is Kyo.
  21. Saishu

    That's definitely an edited version. I'm almost certain that instrumental bit in the middle is way longer in the studio version.
  22. Saishu

    You want two hours of nothing but heavy Gazette? Because that's pretty much all they're playing.
  23. Saishu

    Seriously. And Agony as an encore? Bad call.
  24. Saishu

    Someone did on the first page. I think the lowest I've heard Morrie's voice go was in Kurumeki.
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