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Everything posted by Saishu

  1. Saishu

    Klaha の Krunchy
  2. The west already had its own VK, and it was called hair metal, and the nail in that coffin was hammered in decades ago.
  3. Saishu

    That's about average because Japanese prices are ridiculous.
  4. I think I lost interest once the novelty of "I know this guy from the jrocknyc shoutbox" wore off. That said, I liked the first two minis, but nothing grabbed me after that.
  5. Saishu

    None! Because mine was free!
  6. Saishu

    Arguments over semantics on the Internet is a terrible idea. That said, anything along the lines of "well that's your opinion" isn't much of an argument to begin with. The only thing that drives me even crazier is when I criticize a band and someone responds with "well what music have you written?" or "well how many records have you sold?"
  7. Saishu

    I feel like they've reached a point where they've started to reuse choruses. I swear I've heard these songs before.
  8. I mean I'm excited to hear professional recordings of live versions of the Arche material, but the other stuff just isn't resonating with me. Bust out Wake or 24 Cylinders, dudes. Throw a real curveball.
  9. I NEVER understood the craze over The Final. It's fine, but it being treated like the holy grail of DEG songs is strange.
  10. Saishu

    I called it!
  11. Also just noticed Child Prey is in there. Double ugh.
  12. Could tell it was Yuu playing piano in Ousia.
  13. Saishu

    It's "THE FINAL" all over again.
  14. I don't think filth_y was specifically saying The Black Swan plays in front of 6 people. But it's true that the average person in Japan has no clue who most of the bands we talk about are.
  15. Saishu

    Oboreru Sakana is too good.
  16. I think it's fair to hold a band to a certain standard, and Master of Romance showcased Sadie's influence without being too obvious. And while I get that it's extremely common and often encouraged that jrock/VK bands copy songs from other artists, it still bothers me. It shows a lack of creativity, and it's even worse when you know the band has talent but settles on ripping off riffs, arrangements, etc. I'm not entirely sure the DEG/Sukekiyo comparisons is accurate, since the whole idea of a side project is to create music that doesn't fit with the vision of your main project. I don't hear many similarities between them aside from the familiarity of Kyo's vocals. My issue with the THIRTEEN is that so far it just sounds like Sadie stealing another song. I'll admit it's not a fair assumption since very little is out there to judge, but that's my initial reaction. As far as expressing opinions here, I'm sure we can agree that "This band fucking sucks" is just as pointless and non-constructive as "I love everything these guys do." But not everyone is going to take the time to give detailed reasons why they feel a certain way. But if it ever comes down to "if you don't like it, don't comment", well, I'm going to point out how ridiculous a concept that is. It's very rare for a group of people from all over the world to unanimously share an opinion, especially over music.
  17. Saishu

    That actually makes me wish I still imported CDs often.
  18. Let's not get too crazy and have varying opinions, folks. Speaking for myself, the reason why I continued to follow Sadie despite being continuously disappointed for years is because I kept hoping they would do something that was as good as Master of Romance. They never did, and Maria de Madrigal made me angry because I can't remember the last time I heard a bunch of songs that were so blatantly copies of another band's material. So here we are with a new project with dudes from Sadie, and it still just sound like Sadie. Sadie "covering" Dir en grey. Again. Sure, we can all just write it off and not comment on how annoying it is, but it's a public forum and everyone has different thoughts and opinions on things. It can't all be positive. In fact, it shouldn't all be positive. I understand VK fans tend to be ridiculously devoted to their favorite bands, but they tend to take criticism of the band as personal attacks.
  19. Saishu

    Finally sat down and gave these guys a listen, and I'm half impressed. When they're heavy, they're actually HEAVY, and I think a lot of that is due to the drummer truly understanding how metal drumming works. On the other hand, when they do that weird shuffle beat jazz stuff, I check out.
  20. I didn't even buy the last album Gackt released, I made it myself by taking the tracks I already downloaded and making a playlist in iTunes. I mean, I had legitimately already purchased every single via iTunes, there was no way I was going to drop more cash on shit I already had.
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