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Everything posted by Saishu

  1. Saishu

    To this day these are the only lyrics I hear when Iisten to this song.
  2. Saishu

    But so is I’ll. Surely they played it during the Mode of Macabre tour.
  3. Saishu

    That deadpanned “ahh...” at the very end of Pink Killer is the best part of the whole song.
  4. Saishu

    Vulgar and WtD are tied for worst produced album, but Arche isn’t too far behind. Original Uroboros as well (except for Toguro).
  5. Saishu

    Still waiting for Kyo’s promise to fuck my parents.
  6. Saishu

    Rinkaku is also the single version. Only reason I can tell is because Shinya’s toms sound different.
  7. Saishu

    MOAB has that same harsh, unpolished wall of static sound as Kisou. They both also feature some of Kyo’s most “offensive” lyrics. I also draw parallels between Macabre and Uroboros, but that’s just me.
  8. Saishu

    If I’m not mistaken, I think the entire discography was up for vote. So yeah, it’s possible the single version of Sleazoid got more votes than the Marrow one. Tsumi to Batsu 2011 sounds hilarious when it’s censored. Practically half the vocal parts are gone.
  9. Saishu

    Cuz Yoshiki.
  10. Saishu

    Ware, Yami Tote and Vinushka sound worse than ever here. Seems like they took the original master and just upped the levels.
  11. Saishu

    Just now listening to Vestige of Scratches, and honestly I wish they would just remaster their entire catalogue from Gauze to WtD. Being able to hear Toshiya and Shinya in Vulgar and WtD makes this shit so much more enjoyable.
  12. Saishu

    To be honest I thought they replaced him a while ago, but then I realized he just stopped wearing dresses.
  13. Saishu

    Yo! Remastered Yurameki is the SHIIIIIITTTT!!! Not a fan of Taiyou no Ao at all, but pushing Toshiya forward in the mix added a nice new dimension. FUCK! Mushi still fades out!
  14. Saishu

    Wow, that is weird! I just tested Toguro since Kaoru’s opening riff is panned hard to the left, but you can still hear it. So weird.
  15. Saishu

    If that’s the case then you’re probably only hearing half the guitar parts in every song.
  16. Saishu

    Lol, these damn weirdos used the single version of Hageshisa. I mean I prefer that mix, but I didn’t expect that at all.
  17. Saishu

    We’re lucky I’ll is on there.
  18. Saishu

    I think they were TRYING to sort of group things together on each disc, so Jealous probably wouldn’t have fit on disc one since Akuro no Oka, Taiyou no Ao, and ain’t afraid to die are already on there.
  19. Saishu

  20. Saishu

    Had this been an album of live one-takes, I imagine there would be just as many detractors. “Wasting time and money in a studio playing old shit?! Just give us a new album already!!!”
  21. Saishu

    Single version of Clever Sleazoid is a good move though. Almost a curveball. But the Decade collections had some surprises too, mostly Jealous -reverse- and the single version of Embryo.
  22. Saishu

    I mean, really, a majority of this thing is the result of fans voting. There isn’t much to angry at the band about. Besides, let’s not act like we all haven’t made our own best of albums already.
  23. Saishu

    Macabre is grossly underrepresented on this thing. I know ain’t afraid to die is basically a Macabre track, but having that and Taiyou no Ao (one after the other at that) is ballad overkill.
  24. Saishu

    I’m still waiting for my damn copy to arrive! I ordered CDJapan and went with airmail, so I know that takes longer. There’s no tracking either, so I’m just sitting here wondering and waiting.
  25. Saishu

    He uses the 6 string Stratocaster for that specific tone he had in the original version for the clean picking and jangly stuff.
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