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Everything posted by Saishu

  1. Saishu

    Is yamibi even a real word? eh I guess it’s dark flame or something?
  2. Saishu

    Keep on truckin, satsuki
  3. Saishu

    Thank goodness I wasn’t hyped for this, because ugh.
  4. Saishu

    Those are great tracks, but the album as a whole seems a bit undercooked to me, and a lot of the tracks just sort of blend together. Like when I saw they were going to re-record Beautiful Dirt for the best of album, it took me a while to remember what song it was, because in my head I was hearing Spilled Milk!
  5. Saishu

    Probably because an 18 track album would have been a bit excessive.
  6. Saishu

    Is Obscure really that popular or is it just the PV?
  7. Saishu

    I hated The Inferno for a while, but it eventually grew on me. I like how the riff slightly changes over the course of the song.
  8. Saishu

    I think WtD is pretty boring. Marrow is a mess, but what do you expect when they wrote it while touring America with a bunch of middle-aged edgelords? kisou is cool, just unfortunate that the bad mixing sounds like the feeling of chewing a wad of tin foil.
  9. Saishu

    Being in the top five should be hard when it’s their worst goddamn album.
  10. Saishu

    Wtf @ WtD being in the top five.
  11. Saishu

    Lol @ Gauze with one vote.
  12. Saishu

    There’s a red tsumi to batsu on eBay for $96. No thanks.
  13. Saishu

    Just found out there are physical copies of the 2011 version of Tsumi to Batsu that were only sold at lives. Very rare now. I want one.
  14. Saishu

    I have Uroboros and DSS on LP because I always buy the most expensive edition of all the DEG things.
  15. Saishu

    Not that it takes much effort to take pre-existing tracks and slap them on some CDs. The artwork on those releases were half-assed as well.
  16. Saishu

    I like Utafumi, and it translates really well live. I’ll never understand why a 3 minute song got a radio edit though
  17. Saishu

    Felt the random need to point out how much I hate when Ruki paints those black lines on his neck. It looks like shit.
  18. Saishu

    It’s only friendly to your wallet if you’re not a member of a knot, otherwise you have access to a ton of other DVDs they’ve released in the past few months.
  19. Saishu

    I’m happy that most of these aren’t just note for note covers, but the track list is also half garbage. Way more recent material than I wanted to hear. Fuck that Daikirai cover. And jesus does Lynch record in a cardboard box or what?
  20. Saishu

    To be fair, most of the more prominent VK acts from the late 90s/early 00s have slowed down. Remember when MUCC released singles every couple months and had a new album every year? Merry isn’t as active either. These dudes are in their 40s and they’re established acts. They don’t need to work constantly anymore.
  21. Saishu

    I was legit shocked when Rinkaku showed up on Arche.
  22. Saishu

    Definitely my favorite of their later releases. Remastered version is almost perfect, but Toguro’s mix was better on the original version, and the addition of Hydra suxsuxsux and Bugaboo Respira drag it down a bit.
  23. Saishu

    I just realized I was confusing Beautiful Dirt for Spilled Milk and now I’m really wondering why the fuck they chose to remake it.
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