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Everything posted by Saishu

  1. I mean, there’s nothing here that makes this exponentially worse than the average, dime-a-dozen VK band, but that’s the problem; it’s not even bad enough to be noteworthy. Their nationality certainly plays no part in the mediocrity, as there are tons of VK bands FROM JAPAN that are bland and forgettable. So holding that against them is unfair. Hopefully they stick around long enough to learn and grow.
  2. Saishu

    Sounds like something that would have come from a bunch of barely twenty-somethings back in the early ‘00s. It is literally the most pedestrian thing DEG has written.
  3. Saishu

    They’re probably just in the studio laying down tracks for the re-recorded stuff.
  4. Saishu

    Jesus Christ why do all of Jin’s chorus melodies sound the same?
  5. What’s funny is I think only the first print run will have the re-recorded songs. That’s horseshit, just like them re-recording Macabre and slapping it on a bonus disc in The Unraveling. Also, remember that these tracks were supposedly chosen by fans.
  6. Saishu

    Decade 1998–2002 was okay, but it was interesting that they went with the single versions of embryo and child prey (former has different lyrics, latter has a different almost Kisou-like mix).
  7. Saishu

    I remember hearing something about Dynamite Tommy being a crook years ago, but nothing specific.
  8. Saishu

    Tomorrow never dies is like their Hagshisa or Sustain the untruth. Just let it go. Please.
  9. This one is already a combination of A and B. The remasters are going to sound like completely compressed to shit, and the re-recorded songs will probably have a mix similar to Utafumi and the Easy Make, Easy Make cover. So, yeah, more LOUD AS FUCK chaos with no concern for dynamics. Best thing for everyone is to just keep listening to whatever you listen to, however you listen to it.
  10. Saishu

    So, like, DEG (or someone at Free-Will) slapped together some half assed compilations to make money to help support Dynamite Tommy’s fraudulent ass?
  11. Saishu

  12. Saishu

    The Decade releases were clearly just slapped together to meet some record label requirements. This at least seems like a proper package.
  13. Saishu

    Taiyou no Ao being followed by ain’t afraid to die is going to feel like an eternity.
  14. Saishu

    Uh... DISC 1 : CD 01. -I’ll- 02. アクロの丘 03. ゆらめき 04. Cage 05. 予感 06. 脈 07. 理由 08. 太陽の碧 09. ain’t afraid to die 10. FILTH 11. 蟲-mushi- 12. 腐海 DISC 2 : CD 01. JESSICA 02. umbrella 03. audience KILLER LOOP 04. CHILD PREY 05. DRAIN AWAY 06. dead tree 07. 朔-saku- 08. C 09. 鼓動 10. DOZING GREEN 11. AGITATED SCREAMS OF MAGGOTS 12. 艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み 13. CLEVER SLEAZOID 14. 我、闇とて・・・ 15. VINUSHKA 16. THE ⅢD EMPIRE DISC 3 : CD 01. 霧と繭 02. 残 03. 罪と規制 04. 羅刹国 05. かすみ 06. OBSCURE 07. THE FINAL 08. DIFFERENT SENSE 09. 激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇 10. LOTUS 11. 輪郭 12. Revelation of mankind 13. Sustain the untruth 14. Un deux 15. 詩踏み 16. Beautiful Dirt lol at no Garden. Inclusion of Utafumi is also surprising. Also lol at using the censored version of the tsumi to batsu remake.
  15. Saishu

    I think I called Fukai being one of the remakes. Why Beautiful Dirt?! Well I guess it’s better they fuck with a mediocre song instead of mangle a good one.
  16. Saishu

    That one setlist from a few months ago that had tons of old school shit was more impressive than this.
  17. Saishu

    So what’s the deal with San? He some kind of asshole or something?
  18. Saishu

    I think Yuu, the drummer, provided the piano work on at least Ousia (the song). And Ray formed another band didn’t he? Or did that die? I still cant get over the fact that he was in Aliene Ma’riage. I don’t know why I can’t wrap my head around that. Nega fans were the first to make me realize how deluded VK listeners can be. To hear “Guilt Trip” and then “Zakuro” and completely deny the blatant similarities is total insanity. I can’t think of any other song in visual kei that rips off another so closely. It’s almost a cover.
  19. Saishu

    Ousia has a really bad mix, which doesn’t do music that’s so chaotic any favors. It’s like there are all these layers going on, but they’re playing at the highest possible volume so most of the time it just sounds like noise. In other words, the whole thing is REALLY LOUD and not in a good way at all. And I don’t know... the title track just sounds like Jin wrote that long ass song from Vanitas all over again.
  20. Saishu

    Listened to Ousia today with the knowledge of the disbanding in mind, and it didn’t change my opinion of the album. Still very unfortunate this is happening.
  21. Saishu

    Probably. I mean “cowboy world”?
  22. Saishu

    Does he actually have borderline personality disorder or is it just VK theatrics? Also heard that Rentrer en Soi disbanded for similar reasons; two members got into fights on a regular basis.
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