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Suuu last won the day on July 28 2016

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About Suuu

  • Rank
    Wataru's Punching Bag
  • Birthday 08/11/2016

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  1. Suuu does that mean live-limited cds for Morrigan?

    1. Suuu


      I will need to check with them about this, usually bands choose to make live limited for a reasons, its the fans that then sell them.
      but perhaps at the very least we might be able to organize shop limited cds

    2. Zeus


      @Suu would you be able to give us some reasons why bands choose to make live limited releases? Among international fans these types of releases are not popular because it is difficult for us to get physical copies. Understanding why bands do it will help us get closer to the scene!

    3. Suuu


      It's usually a thank you gift to the fans who continue to support them and come to their concerts.

      its also a incentive for fans to come to their lives.


      unfortunately it's not a good situation for international fans who, even if they want to support the bands and regularly attend concerts,  are unable to do so.


      so to combat this, I am thinking about store limited releases

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