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    gekiai reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I miss the 1999~2004 style of vkei promo pics: super blown out faces that are slightly tinted green or orange with early pokemon card-esque backdrops
  2. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from platy in DADAROMA New Mini-Album Release & Tour 'MASTURBATION.'   
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking exactly this. MEJIBRAY and Pentagon seem to be riding on this trend too and it's pretty boring and generic to me. I really miss tracks like their earlier ones (Oboreru, Ame no Waltz, etc.)
  3. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from Ro plz in DADAROMA New Mini-Album Release & Tour 'MASTURBATION.'   
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking exactly this. MEJIBRAY and Pentagon seem to be riding on this trend too and it's pretty boring and generic to me. I really miss tracks like their earlier ones (Oboreru, Ame no Waltz, etc.)
  4. Like
    gekiai reacted to Ro plz in DADAROMA New Mini-Album Release & Tour 'MASTURBATION.'   
    Ima be that asshole.
    This song is straight garbage.
    They seem to be stuck in the same rut Mejibray is in which is that they cant stay consistent. One minute they drop a stellar metal track (they are SO good at this. EXPAND ON THAT MY NIGGAS....EXPAND!!!!!!!!!) Then the next is just some average VK-Pop rock. But hey they look good doing it, which is all that matters right? 
  5. Like
    gekiai reacted to Wakarimashita in DADAROMA New Mini-Album Release & Tour 'MASTURBATION.'   
    I'll be honest: I don't like this.
    I mean, the song is catchy and eveything, I kinda enjoyed the preview and I might end up liking the whole track but it's not what I want from DADAROMA. This feels like a generic dance B-side track you could get from any other pop-rock VK band out there. I started listening to the band (and falling in love with it) with tracks like Oboreru Sakana and Ame no Waltz, I absolutely LOVE their super heavy side and I feel like they kinda gave it up as the time passed by. Yes, I know that they usually put heavier side tracks in their singles, especially if the main track is something 'lighter', but... I just feel like it's not the same thing. Just my opinion tho.
    PS are we getting another tits & youtube ban video?
    PPS Pinhead Tomo XDD
  6. Like
    gekiai reacted to inartistic in ex-MeteoroiD members new band "GreeΣ" has formed   
    lmao they got rid of him and disbanded just to come back with this basic shit?
  7. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from Ada Suilen in What are you listening to?   
  8. Like
    gekiai reacted to Komorebi in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Every time I tried discussing about Morrigan's music with other (older than me) fans I was met with utter silence.
    But If I bring out how cute Aryu's last selfie was everyone replies.
    It's so frustrating.
    I suddenly felt really lucky... I have an amazing group of 10 + people in my own country, nearly in my own town with whom I can actually have meaningfulish conversations about newish bands that aren't Dadaroma and such... I wish other countries had as many VK fans and as varied as there are here :/
  9. Like
    gekiai reacted to Zalemu in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I can't connect with most fans because of what you mentioned above. I hate it because I truly want more J-rock/vk friends, but 9 times out of 10 when I try to initiate a conversation, it ends up being about Dadaroma and such. I'm not so much of a vk oldfag that I shun all newer bands--there are actually quite a few that I like, they're just the few that most fans don't bother checking out because they don't look like Gazette or Mejibray or whoever else. Like, there are so many other bands out there. Be more open-minded. I understand having a preference but I also don't get why people always stick to the same few without exploring anything else unless it's a carbon copy of what they like. Idk, maybe I'm just getting old.
  10. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from Ro plz in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Ah yes, another time for me share my unneeded opinion:
    This isn't exactly music related but I kinda hate how people near my age and younger only obsess over the same few bands (which I don't really care for): DADAROMA, Pentagon, and MEJIBRAY (I think I've already said how much I dislike them here earlier). It's like they're more interested in their looks, selfies, etc.  than actually realizing that the music they've came out with as of late is just so lackluster, compared to many other bands.  That's why I encourage everyone I get to talk to take a stop by MH. I've learned so much here I love ya'll.
    Other bands (or labels) I don't get the hype for is AINS. Besides DIAURA, Gossip, Kuroyuri to Kage, Grieva, etc. have not impressed me. Maybe I'm not listening to the right releases but I don't get why a ton of folks go crazy over them. 
  11. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from Zalemu in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Ah yes, another time for me share my unneeded opinion:
    This isn't exactly music related but I kinda hate how people near my age and younger only obsess over the same few bands (which I don't really care for): DADAROMA, Pentagon, and MEJIBRAY (I think I've already said how much I dislike them here earlier). It's like they're more interested in their looks, selfies, etc.  than actually realizing that the music they've came out with as of late is just so lackluster, compared to many other bands.  That's why I encourage everyone I get to talk to take a stop by MH. I've learned so much here I love ya'll.
    Other bands (or labels) I don't get the hype for is AINS. Besides DIAURA, Gossip, Kuroyuri to Kage, Grieva, etc. have not impressed me. Maybe I'm not listening to the right releases but I don't get why a ton of folks go crazy over them. 
  12. Like
    gekiai reacted to Tokage in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    The fact that so many people still equal notions such as 'brutality' and 'heaviness' with 'quality' is, quite frankly, appalling and fucking dumb tbqh
  13. Like
    gekiai reacted to SadMoomin in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    My unpopular opinion is that I can't stand Mejibray at all :/ lol
  14. Like
    gekiai reacted to Kiyoharu is God in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I don't unerstand Golden Bomber's apppeal/popularity. At least other comedy bands like KISHIDAN, jealkb, and GROUP TAMASHII  play instruments. Like, what do you get out of a Golden Bomber live performance? I was watching the recent Rock in Japan Festival broadcast and they're in it just doing stupid gags while pretend performing. Like the bassist and drummer pretend play and then stop to get the crowd's attention... Meanwhile the song is still playing in the background. Wtf?
  15. Like
    gekiai reacted to Komorebi in Avex pictures enforces export ban on Blu-rays, DVD, and CDs   
    Some of us don't want to use spotify, and some of us want the physical copy of the damn CD
  16. Like
    gekiai reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Avex pictures enforces export ban on Blu-rays, DVD, and CDs   
    Asagi foretold this prophecy which is why D started flopping hard enough to get dropped from Avex. Wonderland has truly been saved!
  17. Like
    gekiai reacted to -NOVA- in NEW BAND "One thing" has formed   
    No its because they are only releasing 'one thing' and then disbanding
    Jk they sound really nice I need more so hopefully its not just 'one thing'  
  18. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from echo in ViV   
    Discovered these guys today and fell in love with them...
    Too bad they're disbanding (they're the honorable mention in my most recent status post)
  19. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from NICKT in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    I find glaring examples of this whenever it comes to kpop/krap. Honestly, many kpop fans will swear up and down that Western music is trash when so many of the groups and music producers say they are directly influenced from Western artists.... I also do not think the phonetic discussion has much validity in kpop either especially when so many of the verses and lyrics are English...
    Like some mentioned earlier, it could just be some people just glorifying anything these countries produce...so general koreaboo/weeabooness and close-mindedness ensues.
    But hey, to each their own.
    Definitely loving this discussion. Personally, I guess I have a linguistic bias to J-music now, and my taste in Western bands has fallen off some. However, I don't think a language will bar me from enjoying a band fully. I am always open to recommendations from everywhere. I don't like limiting myself when it comes to music...I'm always looking for a new song that I'll get hooked to.
    Cheers <3
  20. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from hiroki in ViV   
    Discovered these guys today and fell in love with them...
    Too bad they're disbanding (they're the honorable mention in my most recent status post)
  21. Like
    gekiai reacted to kurenai_ in Hello and thanks for existing   
    Hi everyone. I say "thanks for existing" because it's really neat for me to see so many people together who share my interests. It's totally out of my comfort zone to go about and do this as I am a "suffer in silence" type, but I thought it was about time I try to reach out and get more involved in this music scene, maybe make a friend or two with similar interests. But if not it's okay, I just like reading what you all have to say anyway. I am from a tiny town in the South of the US, so I haven't gotten the chance to see  many bands live or meet people who even like this kind of music. I've been listening for about 10 years, though I stopped a few years ago after Vidoll disbanded (my favorite band back in 2011, though now I see it was just because my teen self was infatuated with Jui, lol.  still am tho)  and I have been listening again since last April when I saw The GazettE live. I've never tried to socialize online with other VK fans until now, I don't really know why. But here I am! I like everything from oldies like Luna Sea, Buck-Tick, Malice Mizer, Aliene Ma'riage, Baiser, to bands like DaizyStripper, Matnerou Opera, etc!  ! Ive recently gotten back into the scene and I'm discovering the potential of newer bands like Arlequin, xaa-xaa, Jiluka, HOLLOWGRAM, and beyond. If you have any recommendations I'd love them as well. Well thanks for reading and I'll try to make my voice heard here! Nice to meet you all. 
  22. Like
    gekiai reacted to Chi in [Lyrics] THE NOVEMBERS - To (melt into) kanji/romaji/english   
    this is god's work plz keep doing it *heart eyes*
  23. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from zaa_zaa in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    I find glaring examples of this whenever it comes to kpop/krap. Honestly, many kpop fans will swear up and down that Western music is trash when so many of the groups and music producers say they are directly influenced from Western artists.... I also do not think the phonetic discussion has much validity in kpop either especially when so many of the verses and lyrics are English...
    Like some mentioned earlier, it could just be some people just glorifying anything these countries produce...so general koreaboo/weeabooness and close-mindedness ensues.
    But hey, to each their own.
    Definitely loving this discussion. Personally, I guess I have a linguistic bias to J-music now, and my taste in Western bands has fallen off some. However, I don't think a language will bar me from enjoying a band fully. I am always open to recommendations from everywhere. I don't like limiting myself when it comes to music...I'm always looking for a new song that I'll get hooked to.
    Cheers <3
  24. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from Komorebi in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    I find glaring examples of this whenever it comes to kpop/krap. Honestly, many kpop fans will swear up and down that Western music is trash when so many of the groups and music producers say they are directly influenced from Western artists.... I also do not think the phonetic discussion has much validity in kpop either especially when so many of the verses and lyrics are English...
    Like some mentioned earlier, it could just be some people just glorifying anything these countries produce...so general koreaboo/weeabooness and close-mindedness ensues.
    But hey, to each their own.
    Definitely loving this discussion. Personally, I guess I have a linguistic bias to J-music now, and my taste in Western bands has fallen off some. However, I don't think a language will bar me from enjoying a band fully. I am always open to recommendations from everywhere. I don't like limiting myself when it comes to music...I'm always looking for a new song that I'll get hooked to.
    Cheers <3
  25. Like
    gekiai reacted to zaa_zaa in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    Nyasagi - that's the reason why I wrote "hypocricy" with quotation marks and asked a question without claiming that my opinion is correct, and without insulting anyone.
    We all can enjoy whatever we want, but the point I was making is that certain listeners of any genre sometimes tend to glorify what they listen to, when, objectively speaking, even from a technical side their favourites are mediocre. It's like me arguing that what I listen to is "good" music, whereas what you listen to is "bad" music.
    And yes, I did hear some interesting perspectives here that I haven't thought about, such as a look at music from a perspective of pronounciation.
    Regarding japanese bands having a specific sound - yes, I agree with you, but I assume one can make such a claim about almost any country's music, be it Russian, Portugese or whatever, since one has to look at traditional music and scales that were dominant in that country.
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