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Posts posted by suji

  1. anyone recorded Merry's interview on nico yet? if not, i'd give it a shot this weekend before it expires, but last time I recorded a nico broadcast, the audio/video sync lagged halfway thru (17 min of footage btw) and that really pissed me off :))))

  2. 7 minutes ago, VkBrutaliaN said:

    but again to say if you post a yt vid you HAVE to write the info is kinda pff... people don't always have time to do that and if you have read a few of my considered "news" posts you should know if time allows it i most likely write such information in my posts/do japanese to romaji translation for the song titles etc.

    I understand, that's why we're here to help ^^ Don't consider it an attack when others put up where you left off; like I always say, newsposting is a team effort. :hug2:

  3. 2 minutes ago, VkBrutaliaN said:

    you really can't tell me that there is any human being with a brain who doesn't read/overlook the part about their first single in this pv.

    also in this case 90% of all MH users who simply copy/paste yt videos shouldn't do so cuz there is most likely almost always info about either a release or some sponsored lives etc. in PVs.

    but lets stop this garbage, its getting nowhere anyway like always.

    Or maybe some people want that information in text form so they can read it better or copy/paste it to their respective databases/libraries.

  4. 4 hours ago, Gesu said:

    I've heard that meditation can help to increase your metabolism. I guess a daily/weekly exercise routine would also be good, even if it's just walking or something similar.

    That's something to consider; I'd also like to take up jogging as well. xD I've also exercised here and there, but after a few days I lose motivation ;w; Guess that's something I should work on then lol

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