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Everything posted by suji

  1. suji

    inb4 it's weed
  2. i just realized archemi is engrish for alchemi....did they do that on purpose or...?

    1. Alkaloid


      Yes lol

      I have a Cure magazine with an interview with them and they said that's where the name comes from.

    2. Shmilly


      For a little extra detail, the Japanese (loan) word for alchemy would be romanized as ARUKEMI- so they just kept the English 'ch' for stylistic purposes I guess. The spelling combined with the design looks quite oriental to me though so I didn't realise at first either.

  3. Ba.RUCY is ex-KILLANETH Ruchi~ Dr.DAISUKE is also a member of ROACH and the session band, X SUGINAMI. RUCY twitter - his account links to his instagram with his old Killaneth photos~ DAISUKE twitter
  4. Good for them but I can't tell which is more terrible - this look or their previous look. Zin looks like some washed-up hair metal hag.
  5. Kamijo's record label, CHATEAU AGENCY has opened their official Twitter. They have also announced their new shop, CHATEAU AGENCY STORE, coming soon! http://twitter.com/chateau_agency
  6. suji

    then be prepared to be called a rapist sympathizer ✌
  7. suji

    @ this thread
  8. Happy birthday dear! Have a wonderful day! ♥

    1. - Hitori -

      - Hitori -

      Thank you so much ♥

  9. Călătorie-カラトリア-” 1st Single, "琥珀の花" (Kohaku no Hana) release will be postponed as the CD jackets haven't even been made yet...yeah I don't see this thing coming out anytime soon. i thought this was interesting btw
  10. They have put up some "prizes" if this tweet is retweeted a certain amount of times: 250 RT - twitcasting alerts 500 RT - Amazon card (5000 yen)
  11. ソニックデスモンキー (Sonic Death Monkey) will have a oneman tour in late May. The schedule so far: -5/20 @ Shinsaibashi CLAPPER -5/21 @ Nagoya MUSIC FARM -6/9 @ Takadanobaba AREA
  12. suji

    LONDBOY has also announced that they will have a oneman live on the 15th, but they're not including Rio (???) ....
  13. suji

    Poltergeist - Message/Curtain Call Paraponera - Night of Crowley The dumbfucks at DHL almost fucked up my delivery, but they're here!! Finally!! ✨✨
  14. Crim's live schedule (I believe these are only session events, as his Twitter bio says he's not accepting band invitations atm) I highly recommend following him on Twitter and enabling tweet notifications to stay tuned for his livestreams - he doesn't show his face, but he does speak :)))
  15. After 2 wks, I FINALLY got my packages from Amazon JP! Never again!!

    1. Ikna


      As people have already said, it's a problem with DHL, not with amazon.jp. If you can you should avoid DHL and pick another shipping service, because they are known to do major fuckups.

      I had several problems with their service, no matter where the parcel came from. One time I got an expensive shipment from tunisia that they simple hold in their customs for two months, asking us to provide bills of the product we didn't have because it was some self made baking goods that my relatives sent as a gift to me. But the assholes over dhl wanted to get some precious money so they were adamant about getting the papers. We couldn't provide them, so they sent the parcel back to my relatives and they had to pay the return costs!


      They also didn't deliver some parcels and claimed either that I wasn't at home (even though I was) or that the adress on the parcel was wrong (even though it was written on it correctly and in big letters!). The truth is that the people at DHL only care for profit and are lazy af.

    2. nekkichi


      call dhl and escalate this shit until they hook you up w. a local branch manager who will give you a form that you can fill to pick up stuff at your local office instead of waiting for courier who typically only drives once a day in the mornings; if you're lucky and/or persistent they'll refund shipping costs too but i won't be counting on that

      if you want a cool story i once had to wait for about 10 biz days for a shipment from cali to vancouver because some logistic genius routed it through montreal and it got stuck in the customs which didn't happen b4/after lol, I was so PISSED

    3. suji


      @Seimeisen lol yeah that was what I was suggested to do the next time I had a DHL shipment; i should probably do that for USPS tho, i get slips up the ass x) fortunately i hardly even use dhl except for amazon shipments when it's the only method, so i guess i have to cut that off :P

    4. Show next comments  615 more
  16. suji

    Yay, I love Merry, Kaya, and Plastic Tree too!! I understand how you feel about newer bands too, can't really get into them as good as established bands. Luckily they tend to die off within a few months or so, lol x) Welcome to the forum, or as I should say, welcome back! ♥
  17. yaaaaasss~ I liked only a few songs from his album, but I'm still looking forward to this single nonetheless.
  18. suji

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but according to this sentence, he was actually caught with this girl twice from September to October of last year. Police are now investigating a third person that the two got acquainted with.
  19. "変人奇行" (Henjin Kikou) is now available on iTunes since 4/11 for $2.58USD and the tracklist has been butchered oh so maliciously~ #manhall
  20. I've never actually listened to this band, but damn, that's a bummer :/
  21. suji

    He (村田賢太 (Kenta Murata), 24) fucked a girl who just became a fan in March (???) and he denied knowing she was underage.
  22. suji

    This particular day wasn't bad, but lately I've been having more bad days than good.
  23. inb4 they come out w/ acapella songs with a beat since there's no guitars/bass
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