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Everything posted by suji

  1. they look so cool!! i hope their music is just as good~
  2. suji

    Happy birthday dear! Have a wonderful day! ♥

  3. suji

    i highly recommend checking out this band called versailles ;0
  4. David support lineup @ 4/25: Gt : HI-NA Gt : erina Ba : MASASHI Dr : 匠 (sho) MASASHI session lineup: Vo : KAMIJO Vo : SUI Gt : Meku (Kamijo(?)) Gt : erina (ex-Dio, TRIGGAH) Ba : MASASHI Dr : YUKI Key : Mao holy fuck ♥
  5. suji

  6. エルム(ELM), which disbanded back in February, has announced that they will release their last live DVD, "Good Morning" (2 discs, 7000 yen) on June 25. The DVD showcases their last live performance of the same name at Shinjuku ReNY on February 22, 2017. The band will also collaborate with photographer NORI as they will hold their one-day sale & photo exhibition of the DVD on June 23. [tracklist] ■DISC1 SE n.f.e 1.猟奇偏愛少女サドA 2.キャロル座妄℃ 3.LOST WORLD'S 4.精神科医ノ「歪」ンダ性癖 5.FOREST OF MUSHROOMS 6.Fとラプンツェル 7.RABBIT HOLE 8.BLOODIE CHOCOLATE THEATER 9.HAPPY I SCREAM 10.時計仕掛けのMASQUERADE -黄金の昼下がり- 11.MALICE IN WONDERLAND 12.絶対零度のアリス 13.ソプラノ・グランギニョル 14.Vendettaに花束を 15.Beautiful Monster~薔薇色の怪物~ 16.愛しのミドリちゃん 17.終らないインフェルノ 18.血に染まるハライソ 19.R[L]OSE HEAD GARDEN 20.Strawberry moon 【libido】 21.JAZZ THE RIPPER 22.切り裂きジャックの憂鬱 ■DISC2 -EN1- 1.ナイトメア 2.NECRO CIRCUS 3.当店自慢の切れ味をご堪能下さい 4.ありふれたさよなら 5.解剖されたメンヘラの胃袋 -EN2- -DREAM THEATER- 1.エルム街の哀夢 2.EXIT~夜が後少しだけ永かったなら~ -LAST MC- 3.WORLD'S END END SE
  7. ^ He is also covering SID and performing with ex-NEVILIA members no wonder he left Elysion, his musical tastes are even shittier than the band itself i just hope he starts a new band soon
  8. suji

    really loving this original concept, so i'm actually looking forward to the single glad they got rid of that tired alice concept btw.............................for now
  9. looks like a recycled cover of The History of Genesis with a slight edit...
  10. suji

    Yeah, Gt.ヨハン(Yohan) has left the band due to personal circumstances. He will however, return to the stage at some point.
  11. Kaya will hold his special event, "歌姫回顧展 2017-1997" (utahime kaiko-ten) on June 25 at Takadanobaba AREA. In this event, he will cover music from his past bands (Femme Fatale, Schwarz Stein/Rudolf Steiner, ISOLA, Meties, & an unannounced project(?)) to commemorate 20 years of his career. Guest musicians: Hora (Schwarz Stein) TaNa (ex-Femme Fatale, now in LAB THE BASEMENT) Enya (More, TAKE NO BREAK, ex-12012) FUMIYA (GALNERYUS, THOUSAND EYES) ...and more (will be announced in May)
  12. suji

    if this trend continues for the rest of the year, then that'd be hilarious 😂
  13. A MERCARI SHOPPING SERVICE bless your heart!! 💕💕💕💕 PM'd~
  14. suji

    well i hope it's rerecordings of older songs...
  15. suji

    hentai eds >>>>>>>>>>>> normal anime themes i need to watch this btw
  16. suji

    Again, that may have to do with their visas, since their venues were charging entry fees, although the band themselves were performing for free...
  17. suji

    The band have already announced that they've arrived home in Japan, so that's highly unlikely.
  18. suji

    Agreed, I heard that this wasn't their first rodeo here, but I didn't really know too much about it since I don't follow this band. It's odd that they're blaming immigration policies when other Japanese and other foreign bands have been able to perform here in the States, even under Trump. I believe it was because it had something to do with their visas, which is briefly stated in one of the articles.
  19. LOUDNESS has been forced to cancel their US tour when the band was denied entry to the United States on April 18. They were originally scheduled to start off the tour by appearing at Reggie's in Chicago on April 19; the venue has since broken the news of the cancellation. The venue and the band have claimed that the strict immigration policies created by the Trump administration was to blame. http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/music/ct-loudness-denied-us-entry-cancel-reggies-show-story.html http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/did-trump-new-immigration-policies-cause-cancelation-of-loudnesss-u-s-tour/
  20. suji

    That bitch tried to come up with a broken ribs excuse only AFTER the episode aired - and literally nobody bought it. 😂😂
  21. suji

    DIE'LIZE has finally contacted Ba.RyuRyu, and it has been determined that he has officially departed as of today. They note that it was a very short period for him (it was only 4 months), which is hilarious and sad at the same time. The band will continue activities with the 3 remaining members. http://ameblo.jp/dielize/entry-12267317646.html?timestamp=1492659850
  22. ^ Thanks for the update on this! I've been checking on Vintersorg here and there to see the progress on this and I'm happy to see that Till Fjälls pt II is complete!! I'm more interested in the Vargatron classics, so I'll definitely be buying this!! Odemarkens Son is also gonna be available on vinyl *_* I may have to get that too since I happen to have a record player...
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