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Everything posted by suji

  1. Happy birthday dude! Hope you have a wonderful day! ♥

  2. suji

    Member comments in case you missed them: http://ameblo.jp/elysion-official/entry-12273554583.html?timestamp=1494428408 Ba.Misogi and Gt.Lira have announced that Elysion will be their last band.
  3. suji

    im so tired also
  4. suji

    It's never too late to check out other bands. In fact, people still listen to bands that have been disbanded for like, 10 years.
  5. suji

    As sad as I am to see them go, I'm not particularly surprised about this. I remember that long pause after they released Shuuen no Campanella, and from my perspective at the time, that was understandable since they were an up-and-coming band and all. Then all of sudden Crim left. When Chaos of Dystopia and War of the Dead Paradise was released, you could just tell their quality was dwindling. I was really excited when they announced their album, Apotheosis, though, since I still had hope for them. However, when I listened to it, I couldn't even finish it because the quality was so bad. After that, I kinda dropped the ball on them but still hoped that they would get better. Judging by their band history, I can see them coming back under a new unit and a fresh new concept. This was mainly a tribute band to Megaromania, also my very first visual kei band, and that was why I really loved them. I was hoping they'd be almost as good as they were, but in the end, they couldn't live up to their hype of course. By the time they form their new band or whatever, I do hope they can improve their recording quality and hire a new sound guy, lol.
  6. suji

    well, Mejibray's Youtube channel being converted to "FORUM OFFICIAL" all of a sudden was definitely foreshadowing after all...
  7. He's currently in THE HIGH GRIP, but don't know much about them release-wise.
  8. new unit "SARRMATH" has formed and they will release their first mini-album, "SARRMATH" on October 10. Lineup: Vo.響 (hibiki) (THE HIGH GRIP, ex-Calmando Qual) Comp. Tokami1000 (ex-Tokami)
  9. suji

  10. suji

    ^ I misunderstood their post, and I apologize for any confusion. I fixed the original post. Thank you very much for the correction. Orz
  11. suji

    ELYSION will disband after their last live, 【終焉〜The afterlife〜】, at Shibuya REX on August 28. Member comments can be read here: http://ameblo.jp/elysion-official/entry-12273554583.html?timestamp=1494428408
  12. suji

    hoooooly shit
  13. suji

    I forget what band this guy was in (they deleted all the band references on twitter), but he was in one of those really indiefag bands that I vaguely remember Trombe posting about before. You might recognize them... Edit: The guy is 緋嶺 (akane) (ex-bassist for UN-DE-MEA , super indiefag band) She has since transitioned(???) to female and goes by the name おおはしさん (Ohashi-san). She's also married a woman whom she now has a child with.
  14. Happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day! ♥

  15. even Mana doesn't know where Klaha's at...and he misses him ;w; ♥


    "He represented the royal cathedral brilliantly. He is the best!"



    1. raphael


      This is so genuinely touching and bittersweet. It's a little disconcerting that even Mana doesn't know anything... God, really makes me wonder what the hell he's been up to all these years, lmao.

    2. Tokage


      I saw Klaha at a sushi bar in Sapporo yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
      He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
      I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I turned away and continued with my meal, and I heard him chuckle as I turned around. When I wanted to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen sake bottles in his hands without paying.
      The guy at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear him, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
      When he took one of the bottles and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped him and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After the guy scanned each bottle and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting him by yawning really loudly.

  16. suji

    Gt.Leo has been hospitalized after he fractured his arm in an accident on May 8. The rest of the band will perform as scheduled at their oneman on May 13. http://v-kei.jp/news/?newsId=5504
  17. suji

  18. LAZAROUS Vo.SUGAR will leave the band after their oneman live at Takadanobaba AREA on August 24. The band has yet to announce their future activities.
  19. for summertime, this is the first song that comes to mind:
  20. suji

    i'm into this group again, dunno how that happened i haven't listened to them in years
  21. Gt.しゅうた (Shuuta) (GLAM GR@MMAR, Irokui) has been hospitalized since May 4 after being hit by a car. He has went through two operations so far for his injuries and is expected to recover. Currently, he cannot stand due to the cracked bones and bruises all over his body. He will also announce his future activities later on.
  22. a better-detailed and more accurate live report from a fan that i actually follow who was there ✨
  23. suji

    Got all my college work done and I'm so fucking relieved!
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