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Everything posted by suji

  1. suji

    of course I can't fucking watch it cuz i'm blocked orz even the unblock site I use won't work this time. if anyone could link me the song that'd be nice :))))
  2. suji

    I've listened to plenty of this guy's covers, they're fucking epic *__* please check out his channel!!
  3. suji

    Pretty sure they were on break since Lolita23q got back together, and I'm also sure that band was kinda big back then...
  4. suji

  5. suji

    ex-drummer 昇真 (shouma) has joined rock band, Reptile, on 5/22
  6. Crim has locked his Twitter account and will delete it soon... He might be forming his new band 👀👀👀
  7. I'm genuinely excited for this ♥♥♥ I love the name!!
  8. suji

    tfw u try to look for more 16 bit music, but u end up back in 2007 instead
  9. Purchase privileges for "穴二つ" (Ana Futatsu) have been updated: *Note that these will be available with preorder only. Jishuban Club: 【type A】・・・LIVE DVD【灰と罰】 (Hai to Batsu) 【type B】・・・LIVE DVD【社会・窓】 (Shakai Mado ~No communication~) CrossCat: ■type A・・・artist comment DVD ■type B・・・LIVE photoset Like an Edison: ■type A・・・LIVE DVD【鳴くよ鶯、マンホール】 (naku yo uguisu, manhōru) ■type B・・・LIVE DVD【変人奇行】 (henjin kikou) little HEARTS: ■type A・・・LIVE DVD【麒麟】 (kirin) ■type B・・・LIVE DVD【MMNS】
  10. Footage from Crim's session performance @ 5/11:
  11. Rehearsal vid (they performed original songs) : This lineup also performed on 5/22 at Ikebukuro EDGE~
  12. ソロソロ眠ルコロ…zzZ (Sorosoronerukoro...zzZ) have opened their official website: http://sorosoronerukorozzz.jp/
  13. Too bad they only did it to please India, aka their new business partners, and yet they still booked him as "the evil foreigner". Also Vince likes jacked guys, so that's why he ok'd Jinder's big push since his return.
  14. suji

    After two years of activity, RiGerU has disbanded on May 1 due to the departure of their guitarist, JUN, who left due to family circumstances.
  15. -真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ(zigzag) will also distribute a free one-coin single, "糞麺氏ね" (kusomen shi ne) at their oneman live on May 21.
  16. suji

    Helter Skelter
  17. suji

    just what i've always wanted: a visual kei thanksgiving ♥
  18. tfw random bandmen follow u, yet u can't even get ur faves to do so ;w;

    1. suji


      Yep, that's one thing I actually like about it, that my faves aren't that desperate, lol.

    2. Komorebi


      That's an odd relief I can relate to hahaha

    3. returnal


      bonus: when it's one of your faves but they also follow literally everyone back (looking at you, 風麻 and keiya!)

    4. Show next comments  585 more
  19. suji

    This season is just not doing it for me, and I knew that from the very beginning, just didn't wanna believe it. Things are getting way too obvious, most of the queens aren't doing it for me, or they're not even trying. And if they do try, it just looks half-assed. The lipsyncs are especially some of the worst on the show; talk about those double eliminations that happened in the past all you want, but there's actually motherfuckers that are actually giving up. (I'm surprised no one has actually just up and walked out at this point.) I don't think I've ever seen that before, and I've watched RPDR since the very beginning, even though my cable was cut off in the midst of season 2 and I had to resort to illegal tactics. At least Valentina is staying strong and is taking her dismissal like a man, instead of resorting to making up bullshit excuses like certain queens *cough*oldqueen*cough* I hate to say it, but season 9 may be worse than season 7. It's getting that bad.
  20. Daisuke is recovering smoothly and is scheduled to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow on May 21. However, the band will still perform with a support bassist at their live on the same day at Shinjuku RUIDO K4. Daisuke will return at their live at Ikebukuro EDGE on May 28.
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