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Everything posted by suji

  1. wtf did ayabambi split up???

    1. qotka


      holy shit. so far i only found one tweet asking 'did they really split up???'


      i will be very sad if this is true.

    2. suji


      same, i really liked how they were openly together and stuff ;A;

    3. leafwork


      love is dead

    4. Show next comments  573 more
  2. suji

    ^ i hate this sO MUCH
  3. suji

    YAAAASSS GAWD YAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSS xenoverse WHO??? I might just get me a PS4 just for this ♥
  4. suji

  5. suji

    well damn, i literally just finished it & i'm stumped i want this tea on the finale tho.................☕☕☕
  6. suji

    I haven't watched the semi-final yet, but I just haven't been as motivated as much cuz the final 3 are predictable af (I'd be surprised if it turns out differently, but I doubt it) and the final challenge sounds boring too. Plus I've been so bored over this season that I'm just over it. I want season 10 already ;w;
  7. suji

    last pic was kinda ratty af, so here's an update w/ a haircut + a nice prop ♥
  8. So a few days ago (6/7), an article came up about L'Arc~en~Ciel and apparently they're having financial disputes with their label, and because of that, it's possible that they may disband...band leader Tetsuya refuses to comment on the matter, but he doesn't deny it either. Source: http://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/13170483/ Translation: http://chirpasaurus.tumblr.com/post/161602963428
  9. suji

    The bands included in MUCC's tribute album have been revealed on their niconico stream: There's still 4 bands yet to be revealed~ I'm so excited!!!!
  10. suji


    SHAPE SHIFTER 1st (& last) album "SHAPE SHIFTER" 3000 yen [tracklist] 1時ノ中 2感情雨 3闇裂く羽 4繰り返す優しさ 5盲目の僕 6枯れた瞳 7永遠の零 8マスカレード 9渇きの扉 10鳥籠 11哀しみの記憶 12憧憬
  11. suji

    Symphony No.0 - SAMURAI CAT

    Rei (ex-the LOTUS) new project, Symphony No.0 1st single "SAMURAI CAT" [tracklist] (tba) The single will also include a photobook in the lyrics booklet which details the adventures of the main character, Zero, and his friend, SAMURAI CAT. *Symphony No.0's OCs, DO NOT STEAL!!
  12. suji

    masaya - HOME TOWN

    masaya (ex-BLESSCODE) 1st solo single "HOME TOWN" 3 tracks, 1600 yen [tracklist] 1. ノスタルジー (nostalgy) 2. 旅立ち (tabidachi) 3. Camellia (acoustic ver.)
  13. (株)ど☆りーまん (d ream man) will participate at クレイドル (cradle)'s one-day revival live on July 29.
  14. masaya (ex-BLESSCODE) will debut his new single, "Home Town" (3 tracks, 1600 yen) on June 30 and he will move his activities to Tokyo. [tracklist] 1. ノスタルジー (nostalgy) 2. 旅立ち (tabidachi) 3. Camellia (acoustic ver.)
  15. ex-the LOTUS Vo.レイ (ray) new project, "Symphony No.0" has formed and he will release his first single, "SAMURAI CAT" on June 23.
  16. suji

    The album will be released on August 9. Also, I wanna motorboat Z's fake titties *_______* ♥♥♥
  17. suji

    i learned about monokuro kinema today & from the looks of it i *opens her legs* need to try them out
  18. suji

    From closetchild:
  19. limited-period project, "午前五時の殺意" (Gozengoji no Satsui) has formed on June 1st and they will hold their first live at Fukuoka DRUM Be-1 on July 5. lineup: Vo.バル (baru) Gt.名無 (nashi) Ba.海 (umi) Dr.八尋 (yapi) Twitter
  20. 白黒キネマ(monokuro kinema) will revive for one-day at their live at Club Dorothy at 2017/08/19 Vo.田嶋武敏(tajima taketoshi) Gt.長谷川翔(hasegawa shou) Gt.進藤和希(shindou kazuki) Ba.坂本隆史(sakamoto takafumi) Dr.一村 友治 (ichimura yuuji)
  21. ^The beautiful album art was designed by Saorina (ex-Kalavinka)~
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