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Everything posted by suji

  1. suji

    PARANOID≠CIRCUS will disband after their last live "MERCY KILLER SHOW" at OSAKA MUSE on July 14, due to differences among the members that stemmed from when vocalist 我儿 (Garu) jumped off the venue's balcony and injured his toe back at their live on February 14. http://ameblo.jp/king-zeebra/entry-12276453522.html Vocalist 我儿 (Garu)'s comment: http://ameblo.jp/garuru69/entry-12276250402.html
  2. suji

    To hide text, you highlight the text you're wanting to hide, then click on the eyeball (beside the smiley), and it should hide it for you ;p This can only be done on the desktop version of the site.
  3. suji

    THIS AS HELL. I only ever read het fics every once in a while, but there's fics that are mostly fucking self-inserts, het or gay, and it drives me up the FUCKING WALL. orz It's basically why I've almost completely stopped reading DBZ fanfics, cuz it's usually either made up of all the characters getting gay with each other and an OC has to be added to complete the "relationship tree" or whatever, because god forbid you have one het character, or it's when an OC character/reader gets sucked into the (x) world and interacts with all the characters, and I think that's so dumb and unoriginal. What's even creepier, and what I've been seeing recently from different fandoms, is fics about the character/reader, where the story is written in second person - meaning that the character is "talking" to the reader, and I think that's just creepy as hell.
  4. suji

    Merry's old fanclub magazine back when they were under Victor, called "季刊メリー" (Kikan Merry). Showcases lots of live reports, behind the scenes pics, member comments, and even pet showcasings, all of which have been posted on Tumblr at some point~
  5. suji

  6. suji

  7. dead inside - the feeling I get when I see this guy's droopy face and the fact that he once plagiarized rammstein :/
  8. suji

    I grew up with my dad blasting his Mexican music on the radio in the backyard; ironically that's how I developed an appreciation for foreign music. Recently tho, ever since he moved, he's been listening to jazz (👍) and mainstream pop music (👎)... My mom is an avid fan of classic r&b and country music. That's why I actually have a soft spot for country unlike most people... modern country music is a different story, however. And that's how I developed my unique music taste that often avoids mainstream or other popular artists.
  9. suji

    my pussy gets wet for goth oyajis, so calmando qual it is ♡ plus they're legends
  10. The Gallo. They look cool and Jojo is a blatant Gara stan, but his voice is just too much and drives me nuts, but more like head-banging-against-the-wall nuts. Mejibray definitely stands out from everyone else, looks like a gang you could find at a Hot Topic or smth. But their music, specifically Tsuzuku's voice, is just whiny and bad. Tsuzuku sounds like his balls are being impaled by those huge piercings he supposedly has on his dick (the pic on tanuki is fucking grotesque) Most screamo kei bands. I want to like them cuz they look so cool, but their music is so generic that I can't get into it. Versailles/Jupiter. Versailles was one of the first vk bands I ever got into. They definitely look gorgeous, and I specifically love Hizaki, but their concept is so cheesy and boring to me, that I stopped listening to their discography after Jubilee. When Jupiter formed, I was also quite hyped up about them - their first look was especially gorgeous. However, besides giving me an 80s glam metal vibe, I could never get into them either.
  11. suji

    tfw u find new 16 bit midi music 🙌🙌🙌🙌 give me a super nintendo or give me death
  12. Chris Cornell, lead singer of rock bands Soundgarden and Audioslave, was found dead hours after Soundgarden's live in Detroit, Michigan in the midst of their US tour on May 17. The next day, it was determined that Cornell had committed suicide from hanging himself. A full autopsy report is still ongoing. http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/18/entertainment/chris-cornell-dead/index.html
  13. Happy birthday @For my dears! Hope you have a wonderful day!! ♥

  14. Happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!! ♥

  15. suji

    sliver - Past

    sliver 1st single Past (1296 yen) [tracklist] 1. Past 2. Pleasures 3. スパイラル (spiral) First single release from the band sliver. It will also be sold in advance at their live on 5/21.
  16. sliver 1st single, "Past" (1200 yen), will be released on June 23! It will also be sold in advance at their live two days prior. 【tracklist】 1. Past 2. Pleasures 3. スパイラル (spiral) Key.結雨 -you- has acted as support member since March.
  17. suji

    Never got anything signed in person cuz I'm cheap white trash and got into this fandom late, but I have an old Merry pamphlet with the members' signatures on the back. Also, some of the Lin/Megaromania (mostly Sui) cheki I have are signed.
  18. suji

    it wasn't like we were rooting for him to die or smth but ok, glad he made it ;p
  19. suji

    because how DARE any lovely women date some trashy bandman wwwwwww but really, as big as Dir is overseas, they're not really that big back in Japan. I believe rock music is more underground there, like visual kei is, I could be wrong tho. Relationships like these in Japan's entertainment industry are a big deal cuz one would never imagine some female entertainer actually being with some rocker dude. how cute~ this is the most disturbing thing i've read yet //commits seppuku
  20. I call it, the curse of mejibray Resurrect vk cuz they're literally killing vk 😂
  21. suji

    Dude, it's the same band, just reformed.
  22. Trombe has briefly revived at 5/16 but has since disbanded again due to lost confidence in M-H
  23. Happy birthday dear! Hope you have a wonderful day! ♥

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