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Everything posted by suji

  1. D will hold their 14th anniversary oneman event, 「ヴァイスヴァルトの花嫁/シュヴァルツヴァルトの獣」 (Weisswald no Hanayome/Schwarzwald no Kemono), on April 6, April 14, and April 15. 2017/4/6 [木] TSUTAYA O-WEST 2017/4/14 [金] 名古屋Electric Lady Land 2017/4/15 [土] ESAKA MUSE Ruiza's solo band will make a guest appearance. Bride of Weisswald: Beast of Schwarzwald: I'm so mad they got rid of that elf look so quickly...
  2. All I'm seeing rn is what I call screamo-kei, boy band-kei, and kotekei copybands trying to bring it back from the dead, slowly but surely. (Basically what everyone's been saying so far on this thread :3) I also see church-kei bands fading out more and more as they (ie. new bands) get shittier and shittier with their production quality and lack of popularity, and some are even going so far as to adopting current trends like screaming and such.
  3. suji

    not so smiley after all, huh
  4. 素晴らしき日々(subarashiki hibi) (formerly known as ととの(totono)) members were injured in an accident and their instore events have been postponed. The band's live events will go as scheduled and their injuries are not said to be life-threatening.
  5. suji

    my whole life basically (minus the pornstache)
  6. L M A O the vocal looks like a chipmunk lol poor bastard
  7. suji

    That's terrible to hear...I'm so sorry. Glad you're ok tho; keep your head up. ♥ I hope you recover as soon as possible!
  8. Misaruka members session, 「悪意と悲劇」, will perform at HOLIDAY SHINJUKU on June 16. 「悪意と悲劇」 lineup: Vo.rui (Misaruka) Gt.MAYU(LAREINE) Gt.Raizo(Scarlet Valse) Ba.Kenta(KISS the CROWN) Dr.vetchie(Misaruka) How the hell they got Mayu, I have no idea.
  9. Knew something was up since 2 wks passed by. At least it sounds like they'll continue. Shion was horrible anyway.
  10. suji

  11. suji

    Honestly, the only thing I remember about this band was when we found out that Tomoka was Tomozo xD other than that, their music was bland af. Hopefully Z reforms Art Cube or focuses more on Moi dix Mois.
  12. ぞんび (zonbi) will "collaborate" with their alter-ego band, ゾンビ, as they will hold their 10-day oneman tour, ぞんび VS ゾンビ, at Ikebukuro CYBER from July 8 to August 12. ゾンビ: Vo.華亡堕 Ba.ジーザス青井 Gt.傷〜Sho〜 Dr.零迦
  13. Never in my life have I ever had to call a shipping service just to confirm my address/number so I can get my shit. Jesus christ...

  14. i love metal, but most metal bands all sound the same, and/or they sound retarded when they scream. especially j-metal bands :/
  15. I'm not really surprised by the disbandment, but rather by Rouis leaving so suddenly and basically jumping ship. After all, he originally founded the band エゴis≒徒 (the original Egoist) back in 2009, and he's used that name ever since. Why would he leave his project so suddenly after so many years? I'm starting to believe the rumors that he's staying with a girl or whatever, since this is all so bizarre...
  16. suji

    Vo.ハイパーひとしくん (hyper hitoshi-kun) has changed his stage name to hyper hitoshiくん.
  17. Yeeeep, they've disbanded on April 1 and have cancelled their remaining dates.
  18. One of the best Wrestlemanias in years 👌
  19. Vo.礼 (rei) birthday live will be held at Numabukuro Amusement Place SEL on May 18. Participating artists: マルコ (marco) 君は鋭く。(Kimi wa Surudoku) THE VELVET sera (ex-GAMEOVER) & 礼 (rei) session 武山剛 (Takeyama Go) (magician) really..................................... ...and more
  20. f UCKER Glad he's still going with the solo cd tho, I really liked the preview. Thank you very much for the further research xD
  21. 帝都メリー (teito merry) will be on hiatus after their live on May 15; their live on June 19 has been cancelled.
  22. suji

    As a result, their show on May 24 has been cancelled; vocalist REI's session band will perform instead.
  23. suji

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