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    togz got a reaction from Aferni in Stuff by Togz or something.   
    I was able to do event photography for Sakura Con and here are some of the shots I got of Okamoto’s!!!
    @Itodid I do a good? 
  2. Like
    togz reacted to heresytrash in Show Yourself (again)   
    This is old but *shrug* 
  3. Like
    togz got a reaction from ghost in How open are you to finding new music?   
    I've gone through different phases of musical interests. Before I discovered Visual Kei, I really listened to whatever I thought sounded good, but outside of 80's classic rock and pop I didn't really care for artist names and checking out full albums. However, Once I discovered visual kei it was a whole new realm and I spent nearly 5-6 years listening solely to that alone. I wouldn't even give anything outside of the subculture a second thought. Looking back now, I felt it was very immature and restricted on my part. As I got older I started to listen to other types of Japanese music and strayed away from visual kei. I still listened to bands here and there but I really feel that was the peak of my musical diverse interest. At that point I would give things a good listen through, even to the point of trying a few different albums by an artist to be sure I wasn't missing out on something great. Then I went through the metal/alternative phase where I listened exclusively to that both Japanese and English bands. 
    All of that leading to now.... I have a lot of responsibilities and other things I'm going after in life so it's hard to really sit down and listen actively to new things everyday. I really have to be in the right mood and I'm more picky now because of my time restrictions. If I am in the mood to really find something new, I'll even skim through albums and if i don't like the general idea of the first 3 ish songs I'll move to the next artist. That doesn't mean I won't revisit. This is the most common thing for my musical discoveries. I'll listen to something briefly, decide I'm not digging it, forget about it and come across it again later with a different mindset. I don't believe that any music is bad, that's why even the smallest groups have a little following. I think it's all about timing and your mindset when listening to something new. Had I not discovered Visual Kei, I may not even be in to Japanese music for all I know and I may have a different process completely when discovering new artists. Sometimes I search for things and sometimes i hear things by chance of being in the right place at the right time and it so happens to catch my interest. 
  4. Thanks
    togz got a reaction from platy in the GazettE   
    No.666 tho. amirite?
  5. Like
    togz reacted to YuyoDrift in the GazettE   
    I just want to take a moment once again and thank the GazettE for creating the marvel that is バレッタ.
    You ask me to choose one song to represent why I enjoy listening to them, and it will probably be this.
  6. Like
    togz reacted to heresytrash in the GazettE   
    On the topic of HERESY, we've gotten those emails warning us that those who are sharing leaked photos are going to possibly get the site shut down. Not sure if it'll effect the Domestic fans, but it'll definitely effect the international fans and we don't get a lot other than their radio and a few photos. 
  7. Like
    togz reacted to Alkaloid in miu. (ex-【Ecthelion】-エクセリオン-) solo project "ミウラアイム (Miura Ayme)" has formed   
    miu. (ex-Chrono-->【Ecthelion】-エクセリオン-) solo project "ミウラアイム (Miura Ayme)" will hold their free one-man at Ikebukuro Cyber at 2018/3/21.

  8. Like
    togz got a reaction from Anne Claire in Show Yourself (again)   
    From December but it's the most recent of a little bit of quality plus i just like snow.
  9. Like
    togz reacted to Mihenno in Show Yourself (again)   
    I started off 2018 by buying a tiger (his name is johnny) 

  10. Like
    togz got a reaction from Hohchicano96 in Show Yourself (again)   
    From December but it's the most recent of a little bit of quality plus i just like snow.
  11. Like
    togz got a reaction from CAT5 in 凛として時雨(Ling Tosite Sigure) new album 「#5」 release   
    @SeimeisenThank you for pointing out the samples were on their site, I don't even know how to get videos blocked in the US to play.
    @CAT5I agree, I think it sounds great compared to the more recent that I remembered. I'm looking forward to it!
  12. Like
    togz reacted to CAT5 in 凛として時雨(Ling Tosite Sigure) new album 「#5」 release   
    The samples actually have me excited for this!!!
  13. Like
    togz reacted to Seimeisen in 凛として時雨(Ling Tosite Sigure) new album 「#5」 release   
    Previews are also on their OHP, and they aren't on evil ShitTube, so no proxies needed: http://www.sigure.jp/sigure15/
    - Ultra Overcorrection is a Telecaster sequel
    - Digging Tornado Minority and High Energy Vacuum
    - ten to ten and Serial Number Of Turbo are meh
    I can see this album growing on me over time
  14. Like
    togz reacted to suji in DIR EN GREY new single "人間を被る" (Ningen wo Kaburu) release   
    i'm sorry i tried
  15. Like
    togz got a reaction from Reiko in How do you guys deal with depression?   
    I have suffered depression pretty much my whole adult life, so I completely understand that it can be overwhelming in itself to even feel depression... especially when you first realize you have it because you kind of feel at a loss on where to start to make yourself feel better. On top of that, you close yourself off and don't really have the motivation for things anymore which sort of drive you downward even more. 
    For some people depression can be a temporary thing caused by stress, lack of mental stimulation, lack of direction, and just generally feeling lost.
    For me I felt that I had too many options on what I wanted to do with my life and I chose to scrape by doing what I felt was correct based on other peoples thoughts. Don't do that. You really have to find it in yourself to live your life the way you want. All the people, including parents, will tell you it's not a good idea or it's not possible, but you have to understand that everyones outcome in life is different regardless if you follow the same path that worked for them. I'm not sure how big of a role your parents play in your educational choices... but in the end no matter what, you're the only one who truly has to live with them. 
    People will try to talk you out of it or bring you down until you've put in the work and you're actually successful and happy in their book, then suddenly they'll jump on the hype wagon in bragging about you and supporting you morally. 
    I agree, if there is counseling available to you, do not let that slide by. There is nothing wrong with feeling lost. What you're feeling is your minds way to let you know something has gotta change. Plus seeking counseling is getting the perspective of an unbiased person. They take things at face value, or they just listen and help you decide for yourself what you need to do. Catch it early while you can before you dig yourself too deep. It gets a lot harder to motivate yourself to seek help once you become... "used" to the way things have become. 
    You asked how other people may have handled depression. I personally bottled everything up, shut my friends out, lost my friends, gave up on a lot of dreams, and set myself back from where I wanted to be so far that I pretty much had to reevaluate my life and come up with a new game plan. Even now some days are still hard and it's been a long time coming. Don't take the long route out of this. Talk to someone. Surround yourself with positive people who genuinely want to better themselves thus motivating you and holding you accountable to better yourself too. While relating to someone else who has depression can be a short term relief... in the long run, unless you are actively trying to change for the better, can turn really toxic really fast and actually prevent either of you from moving past things if you're the only company each other has. 
    If you want to do music, start off by going to local shows and surround yourself with people and things that make you remember why you're so passionate about it. Gradually you'll start associating with people who feel the same way or are already established in the scene. 
    I think the first step would be to talk to someone though to help redirect yourself. You may have some big decisions ahead about new directions etc and while it's hard in the moment it will make you that much stronger in the long run and you will be so much happier later on. 
    Sorry this was so long and I hope it helped. If you ever just need to vent to anyone... I'm all ears to listen.
  16. Like
    togz got a reaction from Yuri in Crystal Lake to perform in Italy   
    Crystal Lake will be performing on the July 1st date alone with ERRA and Ghost Iris.
    Anyone going?
    If you haven't heard their music, but are in the area, watch their most recent below
  17. Like
    togz got a reaction from Yuri in HER NAME IN BLOOD NEW ALBUM + TOUR   
    I didn't see this posted yet, so I figured I'd do it just cuz. 
    It was announced on January 25th that the guys would be releasing a new album in April. According to the site there is no track names yet but it will have 11 songs.
    They also announced a tour (rather short even for Japan) that spans across a few cities in Japan with a total of 5 shows for the release of the album. 
    My concern is that the news hasn't taken off as much as Bakemono did when it was announced. I've noticed a decline in the views on their videos as well. I'm not sure if it's because of the stigma around their departed drummer, poor marketing, or a combination of both. Does anyone have any info on these venues and how large they are or what their capacity is?
    Maybe this new album will rock people's socks off enough to get them up in the game again. 
  18. Like
    togz reacted to Kira_Uchiha in How do you guys deal with depression?   
    Hi there people, it's been ages since I've been on this website. I've been a member for a really long time (maybe a few of you might remember me), but during the last two years or so I started having depression, and this made me become less and less socially active here, on facebook, etc, and even irl. The only people with whom I was interacting with were my friends at university and my girlfriend (who's in the same group of friends as I). It wasn't bad depression as in I wanted to off myself, but it was bad enough to suck a LOT of my positivity and joy of living, which caused me to slowly closing myself in my cocoon, become pessimistic and unmotivated. And last year it also made my relationship with my girlfriend deteriorate.
    I tried to pinpoint what caused this depression and i think it was partly because of university. What I'm studying there feels completely bland to me. I'm studying graphic design and it has it's interesting moments, but a lot of it is bloated with repetitive and numbing tasks/assignments. And the other part is since I'm doing something I'm not passionate about, I started feeling really scared and stressed about my future.  Recently, before the new year I started to try and pick myself up. I realised that if I continued down this road I would be a speck of who I was, and I don't want to "lose myself" (so cliche omfg sorry).
    I started to try and think more positively and try to make something out of this negativity. I started to exercise, and picking up songwriting, since music is really what I'm passionate about, and I want to work towards it, even though I still have to deal with graphic design and I probably won't be able to make a living out of music if I don't plan things properly, and actually write regularly. Even though I may not make a living with music, I still want to try my best, and if it doesn't work, at least I tried and I can still keep it as a hobby.
    I'd like to know, if anyone ever experienced depression here, however light or heavy it was, how did you get out of it? How did you cope with it?
    Also sorry if this isn't the right place to post this.
  19. Like
    togz got a reaction from Yukimoto in FALILV New Single "Keep the Heat and Fire Yourself Up"   
    On May 2nd, the single "Keep the Heat and Fire Yourself Up" will become available.
    CD Only 1200 (2 types?)
    CD+DVD 1800yen
    It is also featured as the opening song for 覇穹 封神演義 (Too many Kanji for me someone halp thanks)
    Also looks like their current tour, other than their final, is 100% SOLD OUT all days. 
  20. Like
    togz got a reaction from Reikatsumi in the GazettE   
    Me personally, I still listen to the GazettE from time to time... but being around the fanbase... to me they've become more of a fashion statement or "trend setter" that also happens to play music. I see more fans talking about what merch they own and what RAD Market goods are in their ootd than I do of them talking about their actual music. I gave DOGMA a listen through before and frankly, my opinion, it was really just background noise. I couldn't tell you the name of probably more than 2 tracks on that album. 
  21. Like
    togz got a reaction from appl- in Show Yourself (again)   
    From December but it's the most recent of a little bit of quality plus i just like snow.
  22. Like
    togz got a reaction from doombox in Crystal Lake to perform in Italy   
    Crystal Lake will be performing on the July 1st date alone with ERRA and Ghost Iris.
    Anyone going?
    If you haven't heard their music, but are in the area, watch their most recent below
  23. Like
    togz got a reaction from Haniel in Show Yourself (again)   
    From December but it's the most recent of a little bit of quality plus i just like snow.
  24. Like
    togz reacted to -Tetsu- in Crystal Lake to perform in Italy   
    Hopefully they'll add a few more dates and make it a tour through Europe. I really want to see them!
  25. Like
    togz reacted to VkBrutaliaN in モルヒネ(morphine) 3 month consecutive concept single release   
    モルヒネ new single 拝啓、被害者の皆様へ (haikei higaisha no minasamahe) for which the concept is 罪 (tsumi) will be released at 24.01.2018.
    Price: 1000yen (tax in)
    2.℃ロ℃ろ実験 (Bonus track)
    Jacket design made by yumeleep vocalist nemu.
    also they have published their new look
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