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  1. Like
    togz reacted to Furik in Show Yourself (again)   
  2. Like
    togz reacted to Ito in Show Yourself (again)   
    No Shave November!
  3. Like
    togz got a reaction from Shir0 in Draw with Togz   
    Tetsuya, Probably doing Kouryuu or Tenten next.
    anyway you can now find my drawing tumblr, by recommendation of Aferni, here
  4. Like
    togz got a reaction from CAT5 in Draw with Togz   
    Tetsuya, Probably doing Kouryuu or Tenten next.
    anyway you can now find my drawing tumblr, by recommendation of Aferni, here
  5. Like
    togz got a reaction from beni in Draw with Togz   
    As some of you may know, My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND is basically my super band because of SKULL and Tenten. 
    My favorite member is Daisuke, and I've been following him and the rest of SKULL since 2004. Because this is my favorite band right now, I decided to do a drawing of each member, my first being Daisuke~

    woooooooooo~ poop.
  6. Like
    togz got a reaction from Aferni in Draw with Togz   
    I can try to draw mako! And I haven't made a tumblr for my art it's not that great so I haven't thought to make a blog for it.... It's be one more thing to manage that wouldn't get much attention .___.
  7. Like
    togz got a reaction from Shir0 in Draw with Togz   
    As some of you may know, My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND is basically my super band because of SKULL and Tenten. 
    My favorite member is Daisuke, and I've been following him and the rest of SKULL since 2004. Because this is my favorite band right now, I decided to do a drawing of each member, my first being Daisuke~

    woooooooooo~ poop.
  8. Like
    togz got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in Draw with Togz   
    So I started working on something new...
    Unfortunately I wasn't really impressed with the band Call Me, however I thought that the theme of Minpha's look was really cute and it was a kind of image I'm not used to drawing so I wanted to try and capture the different textures in his clothing and head piece as well as take this opportunity to practice drawing objects in peoples arms. I haven't gotten to those parts yet, but here is the rough outline so far. 

    I still need to refine things and clean it up, but that takes so much time so I'll just get the whole sketch out and then I'll make things better looking. 

    As for the previous drawing I was doing... I lost the file somehow so I won't be finishing that one. sorry ;___;
    EDIT: I did a little more, I still need to redraw the head piece better and go over the outline of the hair and add more texture... I may just scrap the color all together and start over =___= but here is kind of something headed in the direction. Still kinda poop though.

  9. Like
    togz reacted to fitear1590 in Draw with Togz   
    ^Sometimes, I imagine Takemasa (Kiryu) has THIS under his perma-facecloth, rather than a big chin.

    Your art is cool!!!
  10. Like
    togz got a reaction from CAT5 in Draw with Togz   
    As some of you may know, My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND is basically my super band because of SKULL and Tenten. 
    My favorite member is Daisuke, and I've been following him and the rest of SKULL since 2004. Because this is my favorite band right now, I decided to do a drawing of each member, my first being Daisuke~

    woooooooooo~ poop.
  11. Like
    togz got a reaction from hitsuji-hime in TEMPORARILY INACTIVE   
  12. Like
    togz reacted to GazeRockSnob in Show Yourself (again)   
  13. Like
    togz got a reaction from freesia in Show Yourself (again)   
    y'all are cuties
  14. Like
    togz reacted to freesia in Show Yourself (again)   
    Went to pre-order NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST's new album this afternoon and got bored on bus on the way, so here's a selfie.
  15. Like
    togz reacted to usuxorz in Show Yourself (again)   
    Two pictures this time!

  16. Like
    togz reacted to rebelstrik in TEMPORARILY INACTIVE   
    Oh i guess then it doesnt work for chrome/android on my phone :/
    Switched to full version n now work
  17. Like
    togz reacted to Lestat in TEMPORARILY INACTIVE   
    Sent a PM
    (I am already breaking my 'hiatus').
  18. Like
    togz got a reaction from doombox in #12: ニア・イコール by アルルカン   
    So to sum it up, Arlequin simply played it SAFE with this album. The end.
  19. Like
    togz got a reaction from doombox in #12: ニア・イコール by アルルカン   
    Okay let me reword this. As a musician you may want to try new things out of your comfort zone not because you have to but because you want to. The new ideas you may have you might feel are "too risky" but trying something new in music is always risky. This doesn't mean stepping out of your genre or losing your sound, it just means taking your outline and doing it differently. A good example is the novembers. They have released things that have consistently sounded like the NOVEMBERS it's still them, but can you say all there songs sound similar and have the same formula? No I wouldn't say so. But they still sound like them. I like fourth wall but if all of their releases had the same feeling and direction as fourth wall of be pretty disappointed, not because it sounds bad, but if I wanted to I could just listen to the fourth wall on repeat all the time. Same is for arlequin, their past releases all fall with in the same genre, but they are all unique in their own way, but with the album it just feels like the new songs have the same phrasing and formula/feeling so it's hard for it to stand out.
    I'm not saying and haven't said for them or any band to take risks in the direction of another genre, but maybe try to convey a different feeling or direction in a song.
    It's like a riff you enjoy playing so much that you try to incooperate it in to each song you play. No matter how much you spice up that riff or change the note placements, it becomes too repetitive.
    Or like candy. Or food. If you eat the same kind of candy over and over again, you lose your taste for it. Candy is still candy, so you can try different flavors.
    Let's put it this way....
    Candy is music, and the different types of candy are genres. (Lollipops, chocolate, gummies etc etc.)
    Let's say arlequin is lollipops.
    Instead of having only watermelon lollipops, you can have cherry, blueberry, bubblegum, etc etc instead of watermelon all the time. They'd still be a lollipop.
    Idk if that makes any sense at all.
  20. Like
    togz reacted to doombox in #12: ニア・イコール by アルルカン   
    I'm sorry if I misunderstood. I thought you were referencing the other bands you mentioned as well. I was just making a point that playing with passion and interest in expanding aren't mutually exclusive.
  21. Like
    togz got a reaction from doombox in #12: ニア・イコール by アルルカン   
    that's all I'm saying
  22. Like
    togz reacted to hiroki in #12: ニア・イコール by アルルカン   
    I've only listened to the album once very casually and i don't think i'm in the position to comment on the quality of the album, much less give a proper review. But my own view is that there's no value inherent in taking risks just for the sake of doing it. I mean, if i'm in a band that has found a unique niche sound and accrued a solid following, why would i not want to keep to my sound? Moran's songs sound "samey" too, and enough people buy their sound, so I don't believe being a successful musician is all about changing sounds every few releases and trading a group of fans for another as the band becomes more "mature". To be honest that would be ridiculous. Instead it's about being able to stand your ground in what's alr a very challenging scene, consolidate some sort of identity for yourself/your band, and then explore how to vary elements of your music meaningfully. I feel it's important that the variation comes in at the last step (and note the emphasis), otherwise the result will be the polymorphous disaster that's Sadie's last album ._.
    For me arlequin has managed to find their own sound (already impressive given how young and relatively inexperienced they are), and i'm more than happy to give them time to take the last step. Simply because it will take time.
  23. Like
    togz reacted to Zeus in #12: ニア・イコール by アルルカン   
    See, I don't think that's what's going on here.
    70% of the issue here is that Arlequin have confined themselves to a very narrow box in which they can perform well. Their sound simply isn't diverse or engaging enough to sustain anyone's attention for longer than thirty minutes. They suffer from the same problem -OZ- did. Everybody thought -OZ- was a powerhouse that could not be stopped until they switched over from releasing mostly singles to releasing mostly albums. Once that happened, they lost their "spark" because it's boring to hear the same song reinterpreted thirteen slightly different ways. Same thing here. Arlequin have released nothing but singles and when it's just one song it's cool. But when it's nine or ten very similar songs, it's not as cool.
    30% of the issue that the new songs they've composed for near equal are forgettable. It's been a week since I wrote the review and I can't remember any of them. I remember none of the tracks being bad, but they weren't all that great either - hence my rating of 3/5.
    Watch the next single come out and everyone say "they're back!". They're not back. They didn't go anywhere. That's just their style. They either have to break out of this box or become defined by it and doomed to the same fate -OZ- and DEATHGAZE were. The ball is in their court.
  24. Like
    togz got a reaction from ghost in ghost's drawings   
    awww your stuff is super cute.
  25. Like
    togz got a reaction from kyoselflove in Draw with Togz   
    So I started working on something new...
    Unfortunately I wasn't really impressed with the band Call Me, however I thought that the theme of Minpha's look was really cute and it was a kind of image I'm not used to drawing so I wanted to try and capture the different textures in his clothing and head piece as well as take this opportunity to practice drawing objects in peoples arms. I haven't gotten to those parts yet, but here is the rough outline so far. 

    I still need to refine things and clean it up, but that takes so much time so I'll just get the whole sketch out and then I'll make things better looking. 

    As for the previous drawing I was doing... I lost the file somehow so I won't be finishing that one. sorry ;___;
    EDIT: I did a little more, I still need to redraw the head piece better and go over the outline of the hair and add more texture... I may just scrap the color all together and start over =___= but here is kind of something headed in the direction. Still kinda poop though.

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