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    togz got a reaction from Biopanda in TEMPORARILY INACTIVE   













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    togz reacted to doombox in Pick a band and answer some   
    So many bands I want to do this with lol. So doing it again, because why not?
    Pick Your Artist/Band: SiM Are you a male or female: Succubus Describe yourself: I'm Alright How do you feel: NUMB Describe where you currently live: Happy Home If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: Here I Am Your favourite form of transportation: March of the Robots Your best friend is: JACK.B You and your best friends are: Living Dead What’s the weather like: in the rain Favourite time of day: Faster Than the Clock If your life was a TV show, what would the title be?: WHO'S NEXT What is life to you: Evolution is Solution Your Relationship: I HATE U (It's not a Play on Words) Your fear: We're All Alone
  3. Like
    togz reacted to JukaForever in Pick a band and answer some   
    Pick Your Artist/Band: Versailles
    Are you a male or female: Prince
    Describe yourself: Thantos
    How do you feel: Zombie
    Describe where you currently live: Edge of the World
    If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: God Palace
    Your favourite form of transportation: Vampire
    Your best friend is: Silent Knight
    You and your best friends are: Philia
    What’s the weather like: Flowery
    Favourite time of day: 愛と哀しみのノクターン (love and sorrow of Nocturne)
    If your life was a TV show, what would the title be?: HISTORY OF THE OTHER SIDE
    What is life to you: Illusion
    Your Relationship: Love will be born again
  4. Like
    togz reacted to doombox in Pick a band and answer some   
    I love these things. lol.
    Pick Your Artist/Band: Lynch.
    Are you a male or female: Anima
    Describe yourself: MERCILESS
    How do you feel: MAD
    Describe where you currently live: I DON'T KNOW WHERE I AM
    If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: the universe
    Your favourite form of transportation: lizard
    Your best friend is: enemy
    You and your best friends are: GUILTY
    What’s the weather like: LIGHTNING
    Favourite time of day: THE MORNING GLOW
    If your life was a TV show, what would the title be?: The Fatal Hour Has Come
    What is life to you: pulse_
    Your Relationship: ALL THIS I'LL GIVE YOU
    Your fear: OBLIVION
  5. Like
    togz reacted to blackdoll in Pick a band and answer some   
    Pick Your Artist/Band: lycaon
    Are you a male or female: gossip
    Describe yourself: miss evil inside
    How do you feel: enslavement beauty
    Describe where you currently live: shadow
    If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: pain killer
    Your favourite form of transportation: psychedelic jelly
    Your best friend is: royal order
    You and your best friends are: mask
    What’s the weather like: red rum
    Favourite time of day: number
    If your life was a TV show, what would the title be?: decoration of war
    What is life to you: i love sex i love drugs i love rockin n roll
    Your Relationship: rouge
    Your fear:  **88**
  6. Like
    togz reacted to Muma in Pick a band and answer some   
    So I found this thing on the world of the tumblblogrrrrrr and I thought it was p cool so...
    (excuse the lame ass topic title0
    Using only song names from one artist/band, cleverly answer these questions without repeating any songs
    Pick Your Artist/Band: La Dispute
    Are you a male or female: For Mayor In Splitsville
    Describe yourself: Nobody, Not Even the Rain
    How do you feel: Fall Down, Never Get Back Up Again
    Describe where you currently live: A Broken Jar
    If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: The Lost Last Continent
    Your favourite form of transportation: A Letter
    Your best friend is: You And I In Unison
    You and your best friends are: Damaged Goods
    What’s the weather like: New Storms For Older Lovers
    Favourite time of day: Stay Happy There
    If your life was a TV show, what would the title be?: Then Again, Maybe You Were Right
    What is life to you: The Most Beautiful Bitter Fruit
    Your Relationship: Bury Your Flame
    Your fear: He Is Here, He Is Not Afraid
  7. Like
    togz got a reaction from Aferni in MH FEATURED POLL #31: Do you believe in (romantic) love?   
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    togz reacted to Lestat in MH FEATURED POLL #31: Do you believe in (romantic) love?   
    Calling someone 'emo' or simply negative because their brain/soul/emotions can't process romantic love is stupid, though. Asexuality exists, aromanticism exists, and for some people it might not as evidently be present, but a lot of people simply can't feel such a deep attachment to one life-partner.
    That doesn't make them sad, poor, or negative. It's simply how they (don't) feel.
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    togz reacted to kyoisKILLINGME in R.I.P. plug.dj   
    i already bookmarked the page cause i think that's where we moving too... 
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    togz reacted to Pjuskr in R.I.P. plug.dj   
    Have found one alternative that i very simular to plug dj.
    It is called dubtrack.
    It does not have dancing avatars, but you can select your own profile picture, with can even be a gif.
    And most important of all, you can have multiple playlists.
  11. Like
    togz got a reaction from CAT5 in [Band Battle] Dir en grey vs. DIR EN GREY   
    It's the end of the world as we know it
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    togz reacted to Ro plz in [Band Battle] Dir en grey vs. DIR EN GREY   
    DIR EN GREY, easily. The older era had some bangers, key live performances and most importantly they make the newer era more significant. But it was MOAB that lured me in and its been a ride since then. I enjoy the timeline that is Uroboros to ARCHE very much. Album wise, you see the growth and experimentation. Live, I believe that a lot of us can agree that they need hella work...they just aren't consistent in that aspect. But still, there's way more songs in that era that i can watch the Lives for OVER and OVER again. They are just that DEBO.
  13. Like
    togz got a reaction from ghost in MH FEATURED POLL #31: Do you believe in (romantic) love?   
    I do believe in unconditional love. Romantic love not so much. I feel like the true definition of love has just one meaning. I don't feel that love categorizes people in to the type of love you feel for them. 
    Say if I were dating someone, I would take a bullet for them just like I would my Brother, Mother, and friends. "Romantic" love I feel like is nothing more than a confirmed physical attraction to where you feel comfortable enough to be more physical. I feel like that's the only thing that separates being someones best friend and being an exclusive pair. Which is also why I feel like if you're going to spend your life with anyone it should be someone you'd consider your best friend. I still wouldn't consider that Romantic love though because really all it is is finding the right person who tolerates your shit, and a person you can tolerate. 

    I used to believe in that whole soulmate thing, but I think that's childish. I believe "Romantic" love is more of that new and interesting spark in the beginning, attraction really. After a while that spark dies down and I think spending your life with someone becomes a choice. You choose to stay with that person whether it be because of your past conflicts and resolutions or simply because you've just always been together. Either way if you don't want to be alone as you grow old, a great person to pick would probably be someone you'd consider a close friend.

    That may sound negative to most people... but I think it's a realistic view on what love is. 
    I love my family and friends for different reasons, but in the end they're all just people who have impacted my life to a point that I don't want to lose any of them, so I'd imagine a partner would be the same just more physical.
  14. Like
    togz got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in MH FEATURED POLL #31: Do you believe in (romantic) love?   
    I do believe in unconditional love. Romantic love not so much. I feel like the true definition of love has just one meaning. I don't feel that love categorizes people in to the type of love you feel for them. 
    Say if I were dating someone, I would take a bullet for them just like I would my Brother, Mother, and friends. "Romantic" love I feel like is nothing more than a confirmed physical attraction to where you feel comfortable enough to be more physical. I feel like that's the only thing that separates being someones best friend and being an exclusive pair. Which is also why I feel like if you're going to spend your life with anyone it should be someone you'd consider your best friend. I still wouldn't consider that Romantic love though because really all it is is finding the right person who tolerates your shit, and a person you can tolerate. 

    I used to believe in that whole soulmate thing, but I think that's childish. I believe "Romantic" love is more of that new and interesting spark in the beginning, attraction really. After a while that spark dies down and I think spending your life with someone becomes a choice. You choose to stay with that person whether it be because of your past conflicts and resolutions or simply because you've just always been together. Either way if you don't want to be alone as you grow old, a great person to pick would probably be someone you'd consider a close friend.

    That may sound negative to most people... but I think it's a realistic view on what love is. 
    I love my family and friends for different reasons, but in the end they're all just people who have impacted my life to a point that I don't want to lose any of them, so I'd imagine a partner would be the same just more physical.
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    togz reacted to peffy in MH FEATURED POLL #31: Do you believe in (romantic) love?   
    i believe in pheromones
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    togz reacted to Furik in MH FEATURED POLL #31: Do you believe in (romantic) love?   
    I do not.
    I read an article yesterday about how the newer generation of youth do not even know what love is. The 80s and 90s babies have been brainwashed, so to say, with what love even is. The media's portrayal of love has obviously been poured into a seismic swamp. The Snapchat children send dick pics thinking that'll attract someone to bang. That's not love.
    I've hand a handful of meaningful long relationships that have lasted more than a year at a time but the constant dread of being cheated on (or me cheating on them) ultimately take tolls.
    No one has security and trust anymore and I ultimately cannot believe in true love. Not in this day and age anymore.
  17. Like
    togz reacted to DogManX in MH FEATURED POLL #31: Do you believe in (romantic) love?   
    How do threads like this always suck in emo people whining how they suck at life? Of course there's love. What it exists for specifically or what we make out of it is disputable though.
  18. Like
    togz got a reaction from Hikari-Club in TEMPORARILY INACTIVE   
    Currently no items are being sold or shipped at this time. 
    Past completed transactions have all been shipped.
    Apologies for people who had inquired about items, I am unable to process orders and ship them out in a timely manner do to my current work schedule. 
    Thank you for understanding.
  19. Like
    togz got a reaction from Luca in Show Yourself (again)   
    when I try. ( Key word: TRY)
    when you have 5 minutes to put a face on.
    idk i always look tired so it doesn't even matter \o/
    But y'all are cuties wtf cut it out. SPECIALLY YOU SHIR0 I SEE YOU DERE.
  20. Like
    togz got a reaction from diamondAss in Show Yourself (again)   
    A close friend of mine drove all the way up for a visit this past weekend. Since they opened a Round 1 in Seattle (near Seattle) we went there for "old times" sake. 
    So we ended up taking dat purikura. 
    I'm on the left or something. (*___*) /
  21. Like
    togz got a reaction from Manic in Show Yourself (again)   
    A close friend of mine drove all the way up for a visit this past weekend. Since they opened a Round 1 in Seattle (near Seattle) we went there for "old times" sake. 
    So we ended up taking dat purikura. 
    I'm on the left or something. (*___*) /
  22. Like
    togz got a reaction from Shir0 in Show Yourself (again)   
    Haha well thanks that's very kind. It's weird to look at the person I was nearly 10 years ago, and I think I have become everything I didn't want to become at that time. But I'm not exactly sad. I guess my views and goals in life for myself changed so much that I'm quite okay with it. I still admire the expression in fashion, but I have strayed so far away from it myself, that I don't feel like i have much to express at all. Maybe I've become brainwashed by society after all. haha. Joking.
  23. Like
    togz got a reaction from Licio123 in Show Yourself (again)   
    A close friend of mine drove all the way up for a visit this past weekend. Since they opened a Round 1 in Seattle (near Seattle) we went there for "old times" sake. 
    So we ended up taking dat purikura. 
    I'm on the left or something. (*___*) /
  24. Like
    togz reacted to Shir0 in Show Yourself (again)   
    Yeeah I know what you mean now that I'm about to start my internship I've put all my contact lenses, glitter stuff, wigs, etc. into a corner and ..
    ...this is what I fear the most now lol
    Naah from what I've seen I think you still rock it
  25. Like
    togz reacted to PsychoΔelica in Show Yourself (again)   
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