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    togz reacted to ghost in MH FEATURED POLL #35: How do you feel about autotune in music?   
    ^I read that as "after porn" haha. Also, oh my, that dream ended before it began XD.
    Autotune? I love it. Iss perfect 10/10.
    In all seriousness, I actually love hearing auto tune in songs from time to time (@Zeus I was thinking of the exact same example!).
    I don't care if a vocalist is skilled or not; It's a tool that can be used to add an effect to vocals. But, I think that's all it should be. If a vocalist relies on it, then it gets to be too much. But that goes for any filter, not just autotune.
    An example with the band Screw (spoilered for people who don't care):
    And lastly, here's one example of auto tune I really like.
    the GazettE - Sentimental na onigokko (@ 3:00)

  2. Like
    togz reacted to Pretsy in Does VK do it for you anymore?   
    Yes. It has been given already that we are witnessing the birth of "visual" among new "visual kei" bands (i.e. dropping the "kei" out = becoming pretty much the same as any other BVB-y act around these corners). So it is very blatant to name newer generations "visual kei" anymore since they lack the "original face" that vk used to have among every sub-scene.Probably? I find it really hard to sympathize with newer acts - especially for reasons described above. Very cute but hollow shells with no substance or roots to the past or whatsoever. Give most of us over 10 years of this stuff (e.g. me, since 2001) and you will realize what I am about.To be really cruel and straightforward: yes. I had my statements wide open earlier and I don't think I have to provoke anyone again by repeating myself.Just lump me into the tea party club of ex-weeaboo gentlemen circa Jrocknyc-angelfire era and I can spend my days being grumpy and sobbing about vk back in its definitive, moderately varied and sincere glory. VK will be no more - I say.
    /not trolling/
  3. Like
    togz reacted to Zeus in Does VK do it for you anymore?   
    Interesting question!

    I was into visual kei for many years. I witnessed the bumpy transformation from 90's visual kei to 00's visual kei (although it wasn't as prominent and 9 year old me didn't really know what was going on...I was just in it for what free tunes I could get) and one noticeable part of this transformation was how many online fans didn't move with it. Those that loved the old goth style of the 90s continued to but as the scene moved away from that sound and style they found less and less artists that appealed to them until they quit the scene entirely. This transition seems to happen every ten years because I'm witnessing it again. There's another transition occurring but lots of bands are going in many different directions. I bet in a few years we'll see the birth of new sub-scenes again like oshare-kei that we use informally to describe the new sounds that form (and I can see them forming around bands that use dubstep influence, alt-rock bands, "traditional"-influenced bands, etc.).

    As for me, I haven't cared about visual kei in years. There's an undeniable sound associated with it that appeals to all of us somewhat but the scene is saturated with a lot of bands that play very similar music. After ten or so years of listening to the same bands play the same kind of music and watching the progression of visual kei slow to a glacial pace, I got bored. @CAT5 at the time helped me to get adjusted to the other side of Japanese music, which in turn helped me to appreciate different artists in the visual kei scene which were doing things a little differently but we're still pretty cool. It also gave me perspective on just how small this scene really is. In a way, I came full circle back into visual kei but the artists that I enjoy and the amount I'm into it certainly has changed. Now I'm really into a lot of the alternative rock visual kei bands, nagoya-kei bands, or otherwise visual kei oddities that don't fit into the metalcore spectrum.

    After thirteen years I can say that there's always bands in visual kei that sound different from the rest of the competition. @emmny mentions deadman and how influential they are as an "old band" but remember that deadman and Aliene Ma'riage were contemporaries! At the time, deadman was playing music completely new to the scene and look where it's got them. It's always easy to look back and say that yesterday's bands are better than today's bands because of x reasons but hindsight is always 20-20 and time has a way of preserving only the best. I feel like we won't really know if the scene's improving or dying for the next few years but I have more hope for the future of the scene now than I did a few years ago. 
    It's really about how far you want to dig to find it and how willing you are to give new things a chance. And this is coming from someone who barely listens to any new visual kei.
  4. Like
    togz reacted to kyoselflove in Does VK do it for you anymore?   
    ^That's all about taste. Like all the people who are butthurt it's not the 80s anymore and still listen to the same albums from then. VK hasn't gotten 'shitty' it's just so many people stick with what they know and don't like change.
    Like all music, VK changes and to me, it still lives up to its main appeal and forever kicks ass.
  5. Like
    togz reacted to ghost in DIR EN GREY - North America tour 2015   
    Somebody go to the Seattle show with me! MH represent!
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    togz got a reaction from Hikari-Club in TEMPORARILY INACTIVE   
    Currently no items are being sold or shipped at this time. 
    Past completed transactions have all been shipped.
    Apologies for people who had inquired about items, I am unable to process orders and ship them out in a timely manner do to my current work schedule. 
    Thank you for understanding.
  8. Like
    togz reacted to Jigsaw9 in Crossfaith - XENO Europe tour 2016   
    Crossfaith (and special guests) will have their XENO Europe tour from 2016/02/25 to 2016/03/14.

  9. Like
    togz got a reaction from kukew in Show Yourself (again)   
    I got new contacts ;___;
  10. Like
    togz got a reaction from Manic in Show Yourself (again)   
    I got new contacts ;___;
  11. Like
    togz got a reaction from ghost in Show Yourself (again)   
    I got new contacts ;___;
  12. Like
    togz got a reaction from Shir0 in Show Yourself (again)   
    I got new contacts ;___;
  13. Like
    togz got a reaction from Kira_Uchiha in While She Sleeps   
    Oh man. I knew about these guys for a while but didn't really pay attention to them until Warped Tour. I fell in love instantly. I literally remember them playing and it just sort of blew my face off. 
    These guys rock.
  14. Like
    togz got a reaction from Kira_Uchiha in Show Yourself (again)   
    I got new contacts ;___;
  15. Like
    togz got a reaction from mahoujin in Show Yourself (again)   
    I got new contacts ;___;
  16. Like
    togz got a reaction from Biopanda in Show Yourself (again)   
    I got new contacts ;___;
  17. Like
    togz reacted to mahoujin in Show Yourself (again)   
    Deadman aesthetic for a lolita/j-fash meetup today

  18. Like
    togz reacted to Flash-Fab-Supernova in Show Yourself (again)   
  19. Like
    togz reacted to bonsaijodelfisch in THE NOVEMBERS new EP ''Elegance'' + 10th anniversary tour   
    「きれいな海へ」Music Video
    Father Side :

    Mother Side :

  20. Like
    togz got a reaction from CAT5 in THE NOVEMBERS new EP ''Elegance'' + 10th anniversary tour   
    I have it on pre-order, but this time I ordered the actual cd since I couldn't see/ didn't know if it'd be on itunes this time around. 
    If no one uploads it by the time I get it (I'm sure someone will) then I'll upload it, but I'ts gonna be delayed anyway since it's shipping with another cd that isn't available as soon. 
  21. Like
    togz got a reaction from Biopanda in new band "Deviloof" has formed   
    But where's the substance. 
  22. Like
    togz got a reaction from Chi in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    I tried to avoid getting involved in this one, however just to simply state my understanding of how it works:

    I feel that overseas fans downloading music really doesn't effect their sales. (as stated quite a few times). As of right now, we're not really a target audience since money has not been spent to promote and distribute their goods. cds etc to overseas fans. The fact that some overseas fans even go out of their way to spend the money and buy a cd would be a bonus considering what was spent to only promote and distribute in Japan. Yes in the long run, cd and goods purchased in overseas countries will most certainly play a role in deciding a tour here or not. I don't see a bunch of uploads coming from sources in Japan, they're usually uploaded and shared through overseas fans anyway.

    The one thing that annoys me most is the fact that people still pull the whole. "Well if you love the band so much you'll find a way to purchase their stuff." 
    I'd like to address the fact that a large percentage of people in to visual kei overseas are teenagers who don't have the means to even buy themselves their own shampoo let alone a $40 album. Plus from personal experience, I could love a band as much as i want to but if it's between keeping my water on or making sure I have gas money to get to work and buying a cd... hell, sorry for being responsible but i'm going to choose to pay my bills. I won't have a damn thing to play that cd on if my electricity gets shut off. but at least it will look nice on the shelf. 

    Another thing that was brought up was the numbers that fill the live houses this band plays at. I don't listen to Nocturnal Bloodlust so i don't have a solid opinion of their style. Regardless, whether people are downloading or not, if they like the band and have the money and are able to go see them, they'll go. Whether it be promotion and marketing, or the band just not really hitting home with their style choices... overseas downloads do not play a part in how successful they are in their own country. 

    I'm not saying downloading music illegally is all A+ okay now, no. Every artist deserves the support and i can understand. I'd be pissed off too if someone started handing out something I spent a shit ton of money on and hard work and efforts to make to just anyone. I'd feel under appreciated for the amount of people who claim to like it. But it should be common sense with the way the industry is and how file sharing has been for YEARS before NB even formed. 

    File sharing is and always will be there, so they need a game change because as stated somewhat before... NB has 99 problems and file sharing ain't one of them.
  23. Like
    togz reacted to Senedjem in new band "Deviloof" has formed   
    There really isn't anything special about this lmao, if anything the lack of cleans makes it more generic by outside-VK standards
  24. Like
    togz reacted to Lestat in new band "Deviloof" has formed   
    I have been hearing this sound in the scene for over a year now. Nothing new, nothing I can applaud, let's move on and wait until real talent rises.
  25. Like
    togz reacted to DESTINYGUY0316 in hello   
    Hello everyone I am very good evening new to this forum I've been listening to visual kei since 2010
    I have original cd store CDJapan Aicle. AWOI SUZAKU TOMODACHI
    I'm very friendly
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