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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    37 don't do it Saku, I see you creeping the thread.... </3
  2. So I finished the second season. Other than orangetarts, has anyone else finished it? What were your thoughts on it vs the first season.
  3. togz

    do it ! also today I saw a movie called that awkward moment, but I wasn't really paying attention, so i'd have to say Gremlins was the most recent one I watched for the first time. Yes. Barely.
  4. togz

    I feel you. You don't even know.
  5. togz

    in all honesty past: bi curious now: strictly dickly. I'm a b*tch who can't date another b*tch not meant to be offensive.
  6. togz

    I think friends are extremely important. You can't always rely on family (sad fact) since they tend to have a bias in beliefs on what's acceptable etc etc. With friends you can find people who truly understand you, and give you unbiased advice and such. Most of the time, even with family, I feel alone. I'm not the most social person, but I do crave social interactions at times and i rely on my small group of close friends for that. However most of them have moved away. Life is hard. T___T
  7. I think I know what that one week might be lol. shortest: 2 days longest: 9 months current: FOREVER ALONE. I'm not good at the relationship thing either.
  8. togz

    I classify as asexual. I can't do the whole pointless sex, and the thought of someone even touching me if we don't have a strong emotional bond makes me anxious and sick to my stomach. This can unfortunately extend as far as even receiving a hug from someone I don't feel close enough to. Sex in general is a scary thing and for me has a lot to do with performance (in majority of society's eyes) and my confidence isn't very high. Not only that but I mean... I'm not one to be an ass and say no sex before marriage, that's not what I'm getting at. There has to absolutely be a high emotional connection before even considering things like that. Because I was unable to explain these sorts of reclusive behaviors to friends before, I have been walked out on in several occasions. I don't cuddle with friends, I'll only hug a handful of people i'm close to because it's out of unconditional love, and I most certainly can't do casual sex. Not to say I haven't done these things, I only know I dislike them from experience in the event. I pushed myself in to awkward situations because these people had me convinced I was being uptight, and then walked out on me when I still stuck to my tendencies. With that said, I do have a sex drive, but it's not like... let me bang anything that walks. You can call me picky.
  9. togz

    Eh. I mean it's good for the genre that it pertains to I think and I mean it's still something that would require some skill on guitar. But other than a few sweeps it sounds kind of basic to me. I'd like to see something that utilizes more than the first two-three strings. Don't hate it, but not my thing.
  10. togz

    OH! Tyler, the Creator! I like a few of his tracks. I also like some stuff by Dir en grey! 1. ナイトメア - DISSEMBLE 2. AMARANYX - FRIGHTFUL NOOKIE 3. Animals as Leaders - Thoroughly at Home 4. illion - Planetarian 5. -OZ- - Destination 6. LieN - The hero of Gear 7. 12012 - BIRTHDAY PARTY OF SECRET ROOM 8. 0.8秒と衝撃。 - 「町蔵・町子・破壊」 9. andymori - ユートピア 10. asobius - starlight (Japanese ver.) It's funny because at least half of these tracks just sit in my itunes and i don't listen to them... BUT HEY THEY'RE THERE.
  11. togz

    I had to really think about this one, and it made me realize that vocals I really like in particular aren't always from my favorite handful of bands to listen to. 1. Garo/Jill/Ko-hey (Hi:BRiD, GALEYD, and other various projects) I just feel as though he has a very unique voice, and it's the kind of voice that can fit a few different sounds. After watching a few live videos he seems to have really great vocal control. That's admirable to stay in key but still put a lot of physical energy on top of that in to a performance. I really just love the tone of his voice. 2. Tenten/Taira Kazuhiro (hanamuke, KuRt, Chemical pictures, kiss my way, mbhi) While I felt that Garo's voice was unique, i have to say Tenten is a little above that. He's got this odd raspiness to his voice mixed with his range and tone that I really haven't found in any other vk vocalists. I feel that some of his projects really complimented his voice in more ways than a few of them, but overall he's very nice to listen to. my third would have been yusuke kobayashi from the Novembers but not vk. All three of these are really close to number one, but I'd have to say Garo is most certainly my favorite, while tenten and kobayashi are tied for 2nd.
  12. togz

    I wish they'd come back to California honestly. I had two chances to see them live and missed both by a hair. I used to work for torrid/and the hot topic they were at in washington...but i quit and moved back to cali like two weeks before they came lol.
  13. togz

    wait... supporting for lady gaga... really? Well more exposure for baby metal =___=
  14. I think I have officially exhausted all of my options for socialization.

    1. Tetora


      Are you having problems making new friends IRL?

    2. togz
  15. togz

    Charisma.com / GEORGE
  16. togz

    23 D<
  17. togz

    That staying up until the sun comes up is a bad idea.... but re-learn this everyday.
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