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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    ....................-quits game-
  2. togz

    i'm confused... is it 21 or 1 ;___;
  3. togz

    We shall prevail... 1
  4. togz

  5. togz

    Nah a lot of places in Texas and all up in Chicago get a lot.
  6. togz

  7. Back to sleepy life.

  8. togz

    not to be all evan peters biased... BUT QUICKSILVER IS ONE OF THE BEST REASONS TO THIS THIS MOVIE IDC.
  9. togz

    waffles Dexter or the walking dead
  10. togz

    ^has terrible taste in music and is very difficult to get along with.
  11. I just want to be a burrito and sleep all day... Because that's what burritos do...

    1. CAT5


      burritos are great tho ;3

    2. togz


      Hungry.... But I can't taste anything ;;

    3. karin-adele


      can i join you

    4. Show next comments  174 more
  12. 99.5 nooo go down

  13. I don't think i could have listened to this album with a better person....

  14. togz

    about $20 worth of gasoline for my car.
  15. my hair is orange : |

    1. whitegrey


      still better then "my orange is hairy" ;)

    2. togz


      ha. hahaha true.

    3. Tetora


      Nice, and nice pun WG.

  16. it's not too late to come and join us...http://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven/

  17. Obtain food... suddenly not hungry.

    1. orangetarts


      Ugh that happens to me all the time.

  18. togz

    watch out we got a bad ass over here.
  19. togz

    probably maniac (cover) by PLASTICZOOMS... just because .
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