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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    No way... I think i found my calling.
  2. togz

    Oh man i wanted to go see ONE OK ROCK so bad when they went to Southern California, but I was living in Seattle at the time and was already saving for Nightmare. ENVIOUS I AM.
  3. togz

    Oh this is interesting! I might not have dates, but... I'll just list them in the order and month/year I remember them~ Jul 2006 HYDE Feb 2007 Dir en grey Jul 2007 Oreskaband Jun 2008 Versailles Jul 2008 LM.C x 2 Nov 2008 Dir en grey Jul 2009 Auncia Aug 2009 VAMPS Nov 2009 Dir en grey x 2 Sept 2010 Dir en grey Jul 2011 Sadie Dec 2011 Dir en grey May 2012 Igaguri Chiba Nov 2012 Moonstream x 2 Mar 2013 Crossfaith x 2 Jun 2013 Crossfaith Nov 2013 Dir en grey Mar 2014 Nightmare I feel like there was some whatever shows that i can't remember. Most of these i went to mainly because my friends went. but the most relevent one is probably Nightmare and Crossfaith. We mainly only get Dir en grey. Meeting Moonstream was cool because I bumped in to Satsuki at the karaoke room and he clapped for me and called me out when i asked a question at the uh... Q&A. Kind of embarrassing but he said I sang good which was odd. Crossfaith was fun each time and even remembered me once I saw them at warped tour in 2013! Unfortunately I always missed the shows like despairsray and MUCC, and most of all i missed Jrock Revolution, simply because I was young and had strict parents who didn't like me going anywhere. Nightmare being one of my favorite bands.... well there's really no words to describe how satisfying that was. Igaguri Chiba was the weirdest concert i have ever been to in my entire life. nuff said. lol.
  4. CAT5 idk what to do with you anymore.

    1. togz


      I don't make enough catnip in one year to support a marriage.

    2. CAT5


      When in doubt, "stray cat strut". ;)

    3. togz


      ...Then all the old men will start throwing shoes at you.

    4. Show next comments  177 more
  5. Well yes of course, by all means if you have the budget and save for things go ahead and buy the thing. But I mean in a generalization, a highschool student who doesn't have a job (majority here in the US) can't really be expected to have a budget to begin with. I mean yeah you have to work for the things you want but people use that statement "If you like it, buy it" like money grows on trees. Even as a college student, if the parents are putting you through college, which is thousands and thousands of dollars... I'd feel a little guilty asking them to buy me every release of all the bands I like. I myself don't even have the privilege to have supportive parents enough to put me through college so i work a full-time job and pay for classes out of pocket while maintaining a budget for rent, food, gas, and other necessary things for a stable life. If you have a job, great. But what I'm saying is people have other financial priorities and in comparison to the economic state of a lot of countries, importing CDs and goods are expensive.
  6. my car lives to see another day... for now.

  7. I tried to avoid getting involved in this one, however just to simply state my understanding of how it works: I feel that overseas fans downloading music really doesn't effect their sales. (as stated quite a few times). As of right now, we're not really a target audience since money has not been spent to promote and distribute their goods. cds etc to overseas fans. The fact that some overseas fans even go out of their way to spend the money and buy a cd would be a bonus considering what was spent to only promote and distribute in Japan. Yes in the long run, cd and goods purchased in overseas countries will most certainly play a role in deciding a tour here or not. I don't see a bunch of uploads coming from sources in Japan, they're usually uploaded and shared through overseas fans anyway. The one thing that annoys me most is the fact that people still pull the whole. "Well if you love the band so much you'll find a way to purchase their stuff." I'd like to address the fact that a large percentage of people in to visual kei overseas are teenagers who don't have the means to even buy themselves their own shampoo let alone a $40 album. Plus from personal experience, I could love a band as much as i want to but if it's between keeping my water on or making sure I have gas money to get to work and buying a cd... hell, sorry for being responsible but i'm going to choose to pay my bills. I won't have a damn thing to play that cd on if my electricity gets shut off. but at least it will look nice on the shelf. Another thing that was brought up was the numbers that fill the live houses this band plays at. I don't listen to Nocturnal Bloodlust so i don't have a solid opinion of their style. Regardless, whether people are downloading or not, if they like the band and have the money and are able to go see them, they'll go. Whether it be promotion and marketing, or the band just not really hitting home with their style choices... overseas downloads do not play a part in how successful they are in their own country. I'm not saying downloading music illegally is all A+ okay now, no. Every artist deserves the support and i can understand. I'd be pissed off too if someone started handing out something I spent a shit ton of money on and hard work and efforts to make to just anyone. I'd feel under appreciated for the amount of people who claim to like it. But it should be common sense with the way the industry is and how file sharing has been for YEARS before NB even formed. File sharing is and always will be there, so they need a game change because as stated somewhat before... NB has 99 problems and file sharing ain't one of them.
  8. togz

    CAT5 is my favorite
  9. I hate cars omg. How did I even make it to work today.

  10. togz

    Ah yeah, i don't mean weird in a way that it's bad he's being active. i guess lack of a better word it was just unexpected. But all in all it is nice to see him active. That is some information i didn't know. That's odd... How long before galeyd started did deluhi disband? I wonder if it was like a website hosting issue or something? Or maybe it was a trap. joking.
  11. togz

    I mean i can see the small comparison and why it's over stated... but I never really got in to DELUHI and i tried to. It's not that i thought they sucked or something, I just wanted to listen to different things, which is why I can understand and appreciate your bias towards DELUHI. I actually did enjoy DIVIDE and Sujk's solo thing, maybe I just wasn't in to Juri's voice so much? Either way both were skilled bands that did revolve around one main composer. It's amazing how I could sort of tell just by hearing the tracks that Meku had pulled from really composing as much. Especially in the last two releases before the hiatus/disbandment. They were doing good so I wonder what honestly changed Meku's mind to pursue other things. I know Meku did the thing for Kamijo which was a little weird, not sure why. and as rsasai said, Toki has been in some session projects and what not. Now we play the waiting game. haha. I hope they come back to do something whether they work together or not. Especially Garo because he has the voice of an angel ;___;
  12. The second season I was good and you should watch it, yes.
  13. Baby Garo kinda sounds like a sheep... but still good. I can't even.

    1. orangetarts
    2. togz


      beby metal \m/ only ew babymetal

  14. togz

    I don't own any, but i think they're really pretty and yours are cute. Can't wait to see the third one you're getting together.
  15. togz

    best release of 2013 in my opinion.
  16. togz

    ^ this
  17. togz

    hmmmm. definitely the Novembers.
  18. togz

    I always preferred french toast but idk if that counts.
  19. togz

    I know they're finished. Galeyd is never coming back, I get that. But I was asking more of what is everyone anticipating for the members next move after the fact. But that's good. Garo's voice is amazing and I think it'd make his fans and most importantly himself happy to be in another music project. I didn't know about Toki's session work, thanks for that info, let's just hope he doesn't vanish again like he did after leaving SKULL xD omg. Sometimes it's dangerous to put two amazing things together.
  20. togz

    Yes yes I agree! I know Meku didn't compose the last two singles, I think Toki did most of the composing for the last two releases before the "hiatus" Ah yes Indefinite hiatus is basically a disbandment, but I was aiming more of expectations as to where you think the members will wind up. I guess a better question would be, what are your hopes for the members future musical activities. (given that nikky is already officially involved with alsdead)
  21. Yeah some uncomfortable things happen in this series. haha. and my bad, I'm sorry. I've never posted anywhere that gave away spoilers. xD But I will keep that in mind! Sorry if I spoiled something Dx
  22. Yeah that's how i feel too.... I mean I'm working on episode 6 of season 2. It's a bit more interesting in season 2 i think because they added a lot more characters and they go in to more backgrounds so you can build a connection with the character development of the others other than piper. I still wouldn't say it's one of my most favorite shows, but I find myself watching it anyway lol. OMG I KNOW RIGHT. and then she vanishes. like... what actually changed.... WHAT ACTUALLY CHANGED. UGH.
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