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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    it really does take forever omg.
  2. togz

  3. togz

  4. togz

    Reviving again!
  5. Hello fellow musicians. I'm currently looking to start a band. It doesn't have to be Visual Kei looking, but somewhat inspired musically. I play guitar and sing. It's okay if we end up not sounding anything like what a Visual Kei band would sound, because I'm not trying to create something that mimics the genre so obviously. I figured I'd post it up here first in hopes that i can obtain band members with a similar musical influence as myself as it may be easier to work together towards a definite sound or style of music. Let me know if you're interested! Either comment here or message me~
  6. togz

    Did you hear the Tainted Love cover? *____*
  7. So I noticed they put up the second season for this series. I had originally started watching it because once again I couldn't find anything else to watch on netflix and found myself finishing the whole first season. When I saw that the second season was up, I wasn't sure if I was excited because I was bored or excited because i ended up enjoying it a little. It makes me think more of high school than prison. www. Has anyone else watched this?
  8. togz

    I searched and didn't see one about them. Although they're on indefinite hiatus, they're still one of the bands I listen to the most. It seems a lot of people compared them to DELUHI. I can see a comparison in the TYPE of sound they had with some of their guitar work, but I feel like the bands sounded completely different when it came to their musical style and compositions. I also feel like Meku is in this little guitar virtuoso stage where he can't really commit to anything other than his own technical beliefs of what music he should be playing. I am disappointed that GALEYD resulted in this, but I am not surprised. As for the other members, I'm glad to see Nikky doing something with ALSDEAD. I believe Garo had done a session band, however I haven't heard much on Toki. What do you guys think, and how do you feel? What do you hope for?
  9. Still sleepy life.

    1. Tetora


      Nyquil is a hell of a drug.

    2. togz


      seriously. I'm always scared to take that stuff like it's gonna knock me out for days.

  10. togz

    I didn't see this event posted here, but it's hosted by Tune in Tokyo & Nameless group. "J-Pop promoters Tune in Tokyo have teamed up with Nameless Group, Xenon Shop and Cure Magazine to present two nights of Japanese Idols and Visual-Kei live in Little Tokyo! Los Angeles Idol and VK Fest is coming to Nirvana Bar, with music and fashion straight from Japan! Los Angeles Idol Fest will be held on Wednesday, July 2nd with performances from Tokyo Meru, Houkago Princess subunit Pastel Calla, and DJ Meirlin, and featuring Chii Sakurabi! VK Fest will be held on Sunday, July 6th, and features performances by Anti-Feminism, Kon (CeLL), Carat, Tomo (The Rhedoric) Lolita Dark, DJ Meirin and DJ Fumi Hilow! There will also be a Shibuya men's fashion show presented by Xenon Shop! Cover for each event is $15 (separate charge for each night). Presale tickets available at: https://www.facebook.com/namelessgroup/app_263240933736761 Please note seating is limited. Nirvana is 21+, and features a full bar and Izakaya menu. Hours for Los Angeles Idol and VK Fest are 9 PM – 2 AM." I only got a ticket for VK fest on July 6th. Anyone going? lol.
  11. 1. NEGA 2. Lynch. 3. Royz 3. the Novembers 4. MERRY 5. Plastic Tree 6. Sadie 7. D.I.D. 8. GLAY 9. NIGHTMARE 10. Megaromania
  12. togz

    yes PLASTICZOOMS NNNNGH their Maniac cover was quite pleasing to the ears.
  13. togz

    Favorite band of all time. no curr. Saw them in Texas at Anime Matsuri and no words can fully describe how satisfying that whole weekend was.
  14. togz

    I'm still a CCL crazycatlady
  15. togz

    I'm currently single, and have been for some time. I've dated here and there, but I never felt confident enough to really grasp on to something serious. I just have some serious trust issues that I can't explain, and it's wrong for me to force someone through that crap if they're going to date me, plus it becomes tiresome to try and explain how I feel with out sounding like a bimbo. On top of that I'm kind of a sexual brick. I get really anxious when people get physically close to me, and that kind of stuff can wear down on a relationship. Currently I've paused the dating game since it's really just exhausting and most people my age in this area really only care about hook ups right now and i'm not about that life. . . anymore. Just going to take a step back, focus on me for a few years... or maybe forever. Love is a trap anyway.
  16. togz

    The Story of Luke: amazingly found this movie after hours of movie browsing on netflix. (surprise surprise). The movie ended up being way better than I was anticipating. It had some humor, but there was a part where it just made me cry. Call me a sissy I don't care. lol. Anyway, here's the description off IMDb if anyone wants to watch it! Sheltered by his grandparents, Luke, a young man with autism, is thrust into a world that doesn't expect anything from him. But Luke is on a quest for a job and true love. And he isn't taking no for an answer.
  17. togz

    They're really hard. There was only one long distance relationship I had that was decent. They lived in a state over, about 4-5 hours away actually. Some may or may not consider that long distance, but we didn't see each other often at all. but we had a lot of mutual friends, and we did music stuff together, so I mean essentially it's not like we didn't talk enough. I think it's the one relationship I had that I felt could be really serious one day. I don't think it was distance that ruined it, it as more than likely my confidence, trust, and maturity level that made it screech to a halt. Even so, I still talk to this person and they're extremely important to me. But overall experiences with LDR... majority of the time it didn't feel like anything. Just that one time it did.
  18. togz

    sorry for party rockin.
  19. Sleepy life. BUT LOOK http://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven/

    1. CAT5


      That was fun!

    2. togz


      Yes it was.... I totz didn't even see you commented on here. orz

  20. togz

    I change tumblrs so often it's not even funny. haha. But the one I have been using recently is http://dorasuteika.tumblr.com I don't have many followers so i think if you do follow me, I have to follow you back or something haha. THE NOVEMBERS ARE A WONDERFUL BAND. Yes. good. yes.
  21. togz

    Boredom haunts often~ I've popped in there a few times before, but i think my timing is always off. haha. But thankyou, thank you! Still bummed about GALEYD man....
  22. either way I'm super excited to see members of Skull back in the game too...
  23. I'm not exactly new here, however I do go back and forth from being really active to not so active for months at a time. I just wanted to re-introduce myself and say hello to everyone! If you're a musician yourself, let's talk! Actually if you're anybody let's talk! ha~ I'm planning to be more active so I hope to see everyone around, and I hope I can help contribute to the lovely database of downloads for all to enjoy~ People usually ask what bands I like, but that changes a lot depending on my mood! But the following has been pretty consistent: Nightmare, GALEYD, Crossfaith, Black gene for the next scene, DIV, Plasticzooms, the Novembers, anything with Tenten/Taira Kazuhiro (shamelessly follows him til the end of time). I also really like the 80's, classical, metal, and sometimes pop (using that one loosely). Anyway, if you got through this, CONGRATULATIONS! Don't do drugs, stay in school. I'm easy to talk to, so don't flip potato chip~
  24. togz

    Welcome! I hope you can find some great tunes here as well as good people. Look forward to seeing you around!
  25. togz

    Yeah same here. I've been playing video games more than anything. What do you think of Sword Art Online so far? How far are you?
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