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Everything posted by robkun

  1. Wahahaha just saw an old VK dude try to play along with a 50-year old fangirl. Shit was great XDD.

    1. IGM_Oficial
    2. robkun


      Basically, the 50-year old said she loves VK bands, and he awkwardly said something like “lol thanks”. Then she said where she lived and put up a creepy photo of herself. It was great loll.

  2. robkun

  3. Watching about Japanese food on PBS cuz it’s 9:30AM, nothing else is on and I have insomnia =___= lol

    1. colorful人生


      NHK World's (which was offered as a PBS channel where I went to college) "Begin Japanology" series is probably one of the best sleep aids ever, not because it's boring, but how oddly therapeutic the episodes are. Peter Barakan's voice + really smooth shots & transitions makes for some fascinating material. 

    2. robkun


      Yeah, it was NHK. And it was definitely interesting background noise while I was doing some stuff.

  4. Gonna be seeing Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re for the first time in October and I’m fuckin STOKED. Been a fan of em for about seven years now, so I’m literally counting down the days XD.

    1. YuyoDrift


      Saw them in Chicago a couple years ago. They were quite the trip haha.

      Have fun!

    2. robkun


      No doubt! And some other Japanese band will be opening up, The Molice. Two for the price of one!! Lol.

  5. robkun

    Hell yeah, man. SJM is my shiiiiit. I uploaded their two full length albums on here in lossless, but not much attention was shined on em XD. But yeah dude, they were definitely one of a kind. Me and one of my buddies regularly stan over em to this day lol.
  6. robkun

    Whoa, that’s a shocker. The guys always kept it pushing.
  7. robkun

    Ooooh something of my forte! XD. First off, some stuff that's been floating around for a while but hasn't been posted here: Arisu & Aya from Missalina Rei: Hiroki (Ize) Mizuki & Yukku (e.mu) Now, for more secretive ones XD. Shizuru (PLEIADES, GRAND ZERO, 御剣-Mitsurugi-) Shinya (REDIEAN;MODE) Hero (CROW-SIS) Tamaki (Six O'clock/ORANGE JAM) Keita (Vivid) Kenji (STYLE) Akito (ALL I NEED/HUSH/acalli) Mitsuru (Shizuku...)
  8. I dig it except for the chorus. Too damn mediocre.
  9. Sooooooo I just came across a photo of Yuuga's first ever band: the mystic Celestier o____o.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Did he always paint his eyebrows like angry triangles?

    2. robkun


      I would assume he’s in it, Takada. And it’s funny you say that, Peace Heavy, cuz the guy I think he is in the band looks frustrated XDD.

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      Can you post it? 

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  10. I don’t know about all of ya, but I am PUMPED for that new Dubstar album. Shit’ll probably be album of the year to me.

  11. I highly recommend listening to Ace of Base on a cassette walkman while playing GTA III on the original Xbox. Shit is mystical as FUCK.

    1. robkun


      Yeah. That poor 1 dollar cassette I bought at Goodwill lol.

  12. Ughhh Last.FM still fucks up with Metronome scrobbles. Still can’t scrobble anything from their “Unknown” release cuz then it won’t show up =___=“”

    1. Alkaloid


      Try changing the album tag to fullwidth unicode (Unknown). That worked for me when I couldn't scrobble DIMLIM's VARIOUS.

    2. Ruri


      oh THAT'S why that is? i knew last.fm was designed as though there would never be two bands or artists with the same name, ever, but I didn't know that could fuck it up too 😕

  13. Still digging the fuck outta Ize. Just found a copy of their only album for under 1000 yen, so I harped on it right away. Can’t wait to dig my teeth into it <3.

  14. I know I'm really late to the party, but goddamn Ize is amazing. I really should've looked deeper into them a few years back when I first heard of em. "Ark" is officially on my hit list.

    1. herpes


      Ugh! Terephon numba!

    2. Messenger84


      Better now than never...

    3. robkun


      Indeed, Messenger! Lol

  15. robkun

    “Crash” by CRY<<MU>> Why is it so far away, yet so close?
  16. After dealing with the god-awful wait of uploading files that are, like, 5GB, uploads that are only 200MB are absolutely nothing to me anymore XDD.

  17. robkun

    The episode was great, IMO. I don’t care if I spoiled it by seeing it early, I’ve had a god-awful terrible few months, so I’m good loll. The only complaint I have is the ending theme isn’t nearly as good as “Ride on Shooting Star”. Here’s hoping the ending theme for the “Progressive” sequel is more up to par. And it just hit me like a ton of bricks: I was there when FLCL first aired on Adult Swim (I just turned 8 then). Now when the sequels come out, I’ll be 23. Goddamn how time flies.
  18. At the risk of sounding like a “noob”, how the hell do you add the active years of a band to a Last.FM page? I don’t even know how to properly look that up lol.

    1. robkun


      Suhweeet! Thanks for the heads up!

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I believe it also allows for you to do multiples, in case they came back. iirc the only thing that changes is that the second start date needs to be wrapped in [yearreformed] instead

    3. robkun


      Quick follow-up question: do you put the code in the biography section?

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  19. Missalina Rei is one of those rare VK bands whose sound is just as epic as their aesthetics.

    1. returnal


      those first two mini-albums in particular... goth ne plus ultra

    2. Hohchicano96


      "Fiancé(e)" from their last single is a damn journey.

    3. robkun


      I still can’t believe the talent in that band. The fact that both Arisu and Aya shredded on the bass at some point just makes em that much more killer. Plus, in all of my masculine heterosexuality, I can confidently say that Arisu is kawaii as fuck.

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  20. robkun

    Yet another good experience! Still recommended! Lol
  21. robkun

    “Dancing in the Moonlight” by Sophia. If I’m here and you’re here, then who the hell is driving the bus?!
  22. When someone has your demo and refuses/ignores to send it out to you =___=“”. Douchebags everywhere lol.

  23.  <—- Aaaand the award for best retro-sounding VK pop song goes to...

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