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Everything posted by herpes

  1. herpes

    him looking like carly rae on the cover isn't making me happier about being DECEIVED about how exciting this album was gonna be
  2. moonlight down type a trailer type b trailer yuuki's voice
  3. herpes

    Typo, he meant Smarch.
  4. herpes

    Says a lot that he could only work under that tired queen kamijo for half a year........
  5. herpes

    keep it
  6. herpes

    pura haven't had an original sounding album in the last decade, this is literally the most exciting thing he's done since like chandelier
  7. i like how they put all the good acts on the first day and the shit ones on the second, very considerate.
  8. monochrome nederlanders! I have a few days free in den haag next month - where do you recommend i go? is leiden good?

  9. herpes

    roxxxy was robbed
  10. herpes

    that teaser. i'm wet.
  11. RIP the true father of VK, Pete Burns

    1. suji


      Just saw the news. I'm truly shocked...RIP.

    2. Tokage


      now all the false meatspin fans will start showing themselves

  12. amazing also their look + the PV captioning feels like an homage to by-sexual?
  13. this thread was just a shit show wasn't it
  14. herpes

    this is even more pathetic than i thought they could do!
  15. herpes

    hope creep is a cover......
  16. herpes

  17. ryohei's solo work/work outside megamasso is 100x better than in the band, he shouldn't return to a group holding him back. respect others too. thx.
  18. whatever happened to that vocalist who was kicked out of his band for "inhuman acts" or something


    (not kamijo)

    1. suji


      Shintaro was actually the one with the suppposed child prostitution ring; it was never really explained why Kei was fired.

    2. emmny


      y'all are slacking we need this inhuman tea

    3. herpes


      kei from rubik! that's the guy. forgotten what a shitshow of a thread that was too.

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