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Everything posted by herpes

  1. herpes

    This pompous fucker. Bet he only played the first movement.
  2. i've just found this guy's channel and you're all welcome 


    1. orange~


      such angel voice~

    2. orange~
    3. nick


      lmao. 1500+ vids in the playlist! Is he the same guy who did embarrassing vocal covers of DIR ENGREY some years ago?

  3. herpes

    Why did create humans? 生まれ持った不平等 Why did create the earth? 谁もに秘められた愚か “こうして歩いてるだけで すれ违う度、振り向くね。” また闻こえる笑い声の意味さえも… 世界のこの姿は明らかな“间违い” Realaize 生まれた姿は谁も选べないから… bass solo
  4. herpes

    It's about fucking time
  5. herpes

    Congrats for pawning the Alice in wonderland halloween outfits and getting these velvet eden numbers out of the dumpster behind dada's rental
  6. herpes

    They still tryin it huh
  7. herpes

    http://http//ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/77903146.html#ixzz2TqP3b3z3 The victim didn't proceed with charges after he publicly shamed her
  8. herpes

    karma* will get gackt for what he did to that woman *the philosophical/metaphysical system of retribution, not the shitty vocalist
  9. herpes

    god they all look like death
  10. everything's still available on spotify so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. 壁を作る!壁を作る!壁を作る!
  12. if the buyer for those vintage bar VAs falls through let me know! very interested
  13. While this is true for German - that language is phonetically repulsive - I think it's a little unfair to use that as the example. French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Icelandic are all Languages spoken within the eu and while none of them have a similar structure to a Japanese syllable (I'm wording this terribly but I hope it comes across), they all are soft like Japanese and flow well. The Icelandic Novembers are probably just as easy to listen to.
  14. hope you're prepared for the usual stale arguments of i don't understand the language which means its better because western lyrics are usually bad!! glorious nihonjin make ongaku better than white devils something about not being mainstream also cheers
  15. he looks like visual kei legend yohio!
  16. herpes

    wish he had a budget for production. could've been great.
  17. herpes

    Lmao the noise I just made

     i take back everything negative i've said about finland (and there was a lot tbh)

  19. happy birthday frypan <3

  20. herpes

    i can see both sides, on one had he's still a person and everyone deserves privacy and respect on the other OOR are complete shit and he should be grateful
  21. herpes

    photo of the anonymous wikipedia editor adding that lie
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