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Everything posted by herpes

  1. herpes

    really sad. his work with ua produced some of the finest slick japanese trip-hop

    1. herpes


      ur tacky

    2. herpes


      i agree though, the mixing is shit and it could be blended so much better but it's a cute idea

  3. herpes

    Disbanding by Christmas
  4. herpes

    it doesn't seem comparable imo, plc were at their peak when it happened to their charismatic vocalist. lynch are stagnated and washed up, plus this happened to a bassist. bassists are far more replaceable.
  5. flower bed by moran is the best vk song written in the last decade, fight me

    1. herpes


      however soan's solo project might be the worst out of all the active post moran members, fight me also

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      Den lille havfrue by 9GBO tho

    3. herpes
  6. i'm slewn 


    1. herpes


      videos should embed in the sidebar smh

    2. Aferni


      what is this lmao

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I'm the umbilical chord of christmas lights 

  7. lycaon shouldn't have and avelcain shouldn't.
  8. herpes

    they both kinda suck but the members of cinema staff seem to be pretty good musicians which is where they differ
  9. herpes

    that was a whole christmas album right?
  10. herpes

    i was gonna put sophia in too! there was so many really great releases that month. and horizont was my first new mucc song at that time, i was just coming off a folk music kick and the flute/melody really got me.
  11. herpes

    omg i forgot about lupo label, god bless yooh and his venereal diseases
  12. herpes

    Something they do on arama often but i haven't seen here before, a timewarp. Since that oshare post got me reminiscing, what was happening in the glorious world of visual kei (JAPANESE BANDS ONLY) 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 years ago? if this does well i'll update it monthly? if it bombs then..... pls contribute important events that i'll miss accidentally and purposefully!! 5 YEARS AGO! 11/2011 9goats dropped draw and everything was right in the world mucc dropped arcadia and they should've kept it that bizarre brief fad of visual kei cover albums gave us album number 2 with a moran cover of malice mizer no one knew they wanted but needed kuroyume's comeback album bombed 10 YEARS AGO! 11/2006 Angelo dropped their debut single AILE disbanded megamasso's line-up was revealed tomo (oh him!) left pashya (oh them!) daishi from plc crept back onto the scene after a little meth incident mucc peaked and released horizont 15 YEARS AGO! 11/2001 not a great month??? 20 YEARS AGO! 11/1996 x japan dropped their most recent studio album to date, dahlia! kuroyume! did! that!!! l'arc~en~ciel! did! that! too!! technically this came out at the end of oct 1996 however, guniw tool's debut single deserves to be with these iconic releases fanatic crisis dropped the Marble album 25 YEARS AGO! 11/1991 Sleep My Dear formed when some silver~rose roadies got together and realised they can play better than them justy-nasty dropped a single and it wasn't bad buck-tick did the same with jupiter ladies room didn't with "sex drive" clutching at straws here tbh visual kei was invented in 1993 by cali gari
  13. herpes

    charlotte really were the best. however the amount of music that was crap then and still is crap is incredible for one subgenre.
  14. herpes

    Which of these three iconic songs all titled "Without you" is your fave???????????????????????? 1 La'Cryma Christi Released at the peak of the visual kei bubble, this April 1999 single by one of the four princes of VK hit the top 10 (back when you actually had to sell to get in the top 10) with 35,000 sales. Iconic solo? Check. Not featured on a regular album because they couldn't make it work? Check. Dancing in a futuristic grain silo? Check. 3 inch platform heels? Check. Power lesbian haircuts? Check. Overwraught nasal vocals? Oh fucking check. 2 Fantastic Plastic Machine The KING of Japanese electronica/dance not named Cornelius or Tetsuya or Nakata released this housey bop back in 2010. Featuring exotic Canadian vocals from the guy at Monkey Majik, this dance track is the only one here to be available on vinyl. Please consider this before voting. 3 X Japan Two overwraught brainwashed queens hug it out over some images of a guy who's been dead 15 years at this point and truly awful strings. which is ur fave, like comment and subscribe
  15. herpes

    Idg why [REDACTED] has a post minimum and not a karma minimum for access like KMC used to have 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
  16. herpes

    Fyi for anyone who needs a recap of the thread Kiryu : Bernie Noah : Trump Yayoi : Hillary
  17. herpes

    Disgusted that they would not only threaten this safe space but they would also steal the first chapter of my eroguro novella
  18. herpes

    You're trying to justify their actions/thinking though?
  19. herpes

    If you pal around with psychopaths you kinda lose the right to feel shocked when they do something like this
  20. anyone who isn't awful and needs a jpopsuki invite hmu~

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I would like to have one, if possibile :)

    2. Chi


      I have like 10 invites im willing to give to ppl who dont hit n run torrents :P

    3. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I always wanted to join Jpopsuki but I don't know how it works etc.

  21. a band that celebrates misogyny? shame on everyone that voted for them
  22. herpes

    cyberbullying is good source: president elect trump
  23. voted x japan because despite yoshiki being a garbage person i can't bring myself to vote for a positive dir en grey option people are also forgetting how rabid x japan stans used to be, know you have kareki and all the kyo is my husband freaks, but the x japans on livejournal 2006~2012 era were literally the track you ip and burn down your house types for preferring the 1992 extasy summit live to the 1993 extasy summit live
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