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Everything posted by herpes

  1. herpes

    that second picture is everything glad he's not singing again too
  2. herpes

    what a mess except every western attempt at vk has been awful? bataar, yohio, seremedy, this.
  3. herpes

    that tragic amount of funs for a last live tho
  4. DEZERT must've paid a shit ton to get this, good for them
  5. herpes

    dynamite tommy: won't retire gracefully
  6. herpes

    oh my god I'm crying at him making a living nowadays by scamming plus sized lolis
  7. sharaku x kenji? this might be his first interesting release in a while omg
  8. he doesn't honestly think he can make it solo right many better vocalists from far more popular vk bands have tried it and failed miserably. he's gonna crash and burn faster than you can say Jui
  9. herpes

  10. herpes

    never gonna happen
  11. herpes

    I thought she quit for good last year, but i guess this is further confirmation. oh well. midori was great at first but they got weak and her solo stuff was ............not excellent
  12. herpes

    Kisaki may be plagiarizing, tax avoiding, intellectual copyright stealing, deluded trash but he's getting GRASS back together for a day, so he gets a pass on this.
  13. herpes

    get ready to reverse google image whatever he posts
  14. so that newest cali=gari mini album is never gonna leak huh

  15. he better call becky with the good hair
  16. 1 entry 2 minna no hakkyou 3-16 minna no hakkyou drama/commerical 17 minna no hakkyou new rec 18 exit
  17. herpes

    kiwamu's disbanding
  18. one more nail in the PS coffin!

  19. herpes

    mte! i hope the girugamesh guy is ok
  20. herpes

    harmless topic ≠ making actual LGBT people seem derisory by placing themselves as a group under the queer umbrella. Not just myself who shares that opinion.
  21. herpes

    idg why my comment was deleted, "asexuality" isn't a thing and is offensive to actual lgbt people.
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