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About AliceParanoid

  • Rank
    Wataru's Punching Bag
  • Birthday 01/25/1997

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    Germany - NRW.

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  1. Still can't decide if I will do my summer vacations in Afghanistan or Pakistan.
    Pakistan has the cheaper Visa and Lahore has a really cool and nice indie music scene - but Afghanistan is really interesting too ;____;

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    2. AliceParanoid


      To be honest. Idk it myself lmao.
      I'm just attracted to this places.
      Uzbekistan - Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Iran ect. are all places I find really interesting aswell. 
      I guess the biggest thing which attracts me to such places is the kinda mystical feeling they give me?
      Cause most of the time u only get the negativ news from this lands and not positiv and I just want to see the beautiful and nice sides aswell in reality and not just pictures.
      Does this sounds plausible ? 

      I know that's this places aren't as safe as Germany / Iceland ect. but I kinda ignore it tho. 
      I don't really care about such things when I travel - I jsut care to see and explore the land/town. 
      Ofc I follow the safety warnings and won't drive into a town which is controlled by the Taliban ect . haha
      And yeah I know that's acts of terrorism can happen. 

      Well my last vacation where in DoHa - Qatar which isn't LGBTQ+ friendly aswell. 
      'Other countries other manners' is the lead sentence I follow when I travel.
      Since I visit them I will live after there rules and manners as long as I'm there.
      I mean yeah I have to give up my  Self-development with my personal clothing ect. - but I do it with a happy face because of all the new things I will see / hear and find out about the country I visit. 
      Traveling is for me one of the biggest liberties so I have no problem to give up a few things for it. 

    3. AliceParanoid


      Also I will probably take the advantages of Couchsurfing and not a hotel since I wouldn't have enough money  for it anyway and prefer Couchsurfing over it aswell. 

    4. herpes
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