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Everything posted by zombieparadise

  1. zombieparadise

    I can do without the rest of the mini-album, but イノセンス stays on repeat. Really hoping for a full album release from these guys so we can hear a full, fleshed out sound.
  2. zombieparadise

    Back in 2010, they went major and did a couple 'anisongs' for the 'Kaichou wa Maid-sama' anime. Both singles were on 'Senkou Mellow' album. Despite this being their most popular period, I think this (and the album that came after it, 'Alpha') was actually their weakest sounding era as a band, and they were demoted to indie status from what I recall from talking with fans at the time. As for popularity, I mean, they've played in the US at least 4 times and even did a European tour, but their fanbase always seems to stay relatively the same size (even in Japan, from what I can tell). At one time, they were popular enough to be doing the Hide Memorial Summit and headlining on VA albums, etc. It's really quite sad, because you can tell the guys really love what they do and have a really unique sound – Like you said, they haven't even had any member changes after 11 years playing together. I think they're honestly together because they know they have something special, not for any monetary reason (that's for sure) Since then though, I really think they've been focused on the quality of their releases. Ignoring the last single (which was a little generic IMO), 'Human' and 'Kaikou' (their latest albums) have some really good, solid material and rival their first 2 albums as far as replay-ability goes, for me personally anyway. And I LOVE those first 2 albums. I would say so. They play with other VK bands, and while they have a toned-down look, Nao is always the most angura out of the four of them.
  3. zombieparadise

    Oh wow, didn't even know my favorite band was bringing out a new single. Sigh. Never enough fans for these guys T_T
  4. zombieparadise

    I wish these guys sounded as good as they look, damn.
  5. zombieparadise

    Lol nice to meat you too
  6. Not gonna lie, I am really liking THE THIRTEEN'S latest. I liked BITES THE BLACK so much I had to crank it in my car and roll the windows down.

  7. zombieparadise

    Wasn't even aware that he left. When did that happen?
  8. zombieparadise

    I would rather have a band that delivers consistent work (That I know and have came to like) then flip flop all over the place, never really being good at anything. I think lynch. has progressed in a style that suits them best, and though most songs sound like derivatives of each other, they are still undeniably 'lynch.' This single may not be nothing new, but it's a solid banger, and it's better than most of AVANTGARDE imho
  9. zombieparadise

    I hope you're right!
  10. zombieparadise

    What the hell? I was really looking forward to hearing something from them, at some point. Ugh
  11. zombieparadise

    All of these tracks sound really good : >
  12. zombieparadise

    It's nice to finally be excited about something new again.
  13. I'm down for the Empire of 3D Glasses and Fukai, but Beautiful Dirt was always my skipped track on WTD.
  14. I've been listening to HETERODOX for like 2 weeks. I love PIERROT, but never cared for Angelo. I gotta say though, this album is rad and actually really catchy. Way to go.

  15. Hm, kind of a weird tempo, but I like the overall mellow atmosphere. Probably not the best song to use for a PV though.
  16. zombieparadise

    YUP. The distortion, whispering and cowbell. They are really pulling out all the stops to make an original song and I love it.
  17. zombieparadise

    'Hiatus' and 'Suspend activities' are such trigger words in this world lol. Good for them – Take a fucking break, guys!
  18. zombieparadise

    Kinda reminds me of DAMIJAW. I rike it.
  19. zombieparadise

    Ryutarou's. Just kidding. I second SATSUKI. From RES to that? Yikes.
  20. zombieparadise

    Maybe he got jealous.
  21. Yes, I agree with your comments about NoGoD and MERRY's latest for sure – Two bands that I look forward to their newest releases on a continual basis. Though, MERRY's album is becoming a grower for me, and proof has some memorable tracks. SID lost me long ago. I think for me, the old bands I like are my favorites because they always manage to keep me interested, but I wasn't a fan of lynch.'s last album, and definitely NoGoD's latest work like you said. I think these are just blipps on the radar for them though; with such long careers, there's bound to be records that are better than others.
  22. zombieparadise

    I was thinking the same thing. PRIVATE ENEMY vibes, as well as a little MAD SKY in parts.
  23. zombieparadise

    Hm, was expecting an album after all those YouTube releases. Oh well!
  24. I'm also betting on an original song with all the bands. Really though, these guys look more like a host club in an an eroge game than 3 bands.
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