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    JamesR got a reaction from Nyasagi in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    Yeah, not being allowed to take pics/record is a shitty rule and it should not be enforced. BUT, I really hate the "sea of cellphones" in some concerts... Dude, I want to watch the show, can you please get your fucking cellphone out of my way?
  2. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from -Arnie- in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Meio fora do assunto, mas... Só eu curti o disco do Far East Dizain? Ledão monstro da guitarra 
  3. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from Seimeisen in Deviloof ‏new distributed single "Ishtar" release   
    This same reasoning is present in the black metal scene - "they played hardcore in their previous band, how dare they!" "they look like hipsters, this isn't true black metal!" 
    Their previous band is in the past - they reformed under a different name, they aren't All Shall Die anymore, heck, they're not even playing the same genre anymore!  I don't think it's fair to write them off because of their past as non-VK musicians.
    Also, care to explain what are "VK ideals"? Releasing 20 versions of the same single? 
  4. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from itsukoii in Deviloof ‏new distributed single "Ishtar" release   
    This same reasoning is present in the black metal scene - "they played hardcore in their previous band, how dare they!" "they look like hipsters, this isn't true black metal!" 
    Their previous band is in the past - they reformed under a different name, they aren't All Shall Die anymore, heck, they're not even playing the same genre anymore!  I don't think it's fair to write them off because of their past as non-VK musicians.
    Also, care to explain what are "VK ideals"? Releasing 20 versions of the same single? 
  5. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Alguém aí faz alguma ideia de qual foi a primeira banda VK a tocar esse som metalcore/post-hardcore que todo mundo tá fazendo? Sempre tive essa curiosidade... O lançamento mais antigo nesse estilo que eu conheço é o Mad Cocktail, do Pocky Game(se não me engano é de 2006).
  6. Like
    JamesR reacted to r... in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Discordo dessa que as bandas hoje são marcas comerciais. Sempre foram. O ganha-pão dos caras é isso, fazer música e vender música. Tem que lembrar que o mercado encolheu muito. Há 15 anos, bandas pequenas que não conseguiam tocar para mais de 1000 pessoas tinham tiragens de discos de 10 mil cópias. Aliene Ma'riage era assim. Hoje tem banda com certo nível que chora para vender mil cópias de um single. A concorrência hoje é muito maior e a internet com certeza ajuda todo mundo (nós aqui no ocidente e o público do Japão) a não gastar tanto em CDs "duvidosos", então o diferencial tem que ser com outras coisas: photobook, card, DVD, versão sem DVD com música bônus, versão com pôster, etc...
    Embora eu ache que hoje o público em geral é muito mais receptivo para bandas visuais do que há 10 anos atrás e isso irá ajudar a crescer a cena lá. Até porque uma grande parte das bandas ditas normais, que tem seus membros com 20 e poucos anos, cresceram vendo bandas como o LUNA SEA, L'Arc~en~Ciel, GLAY, Dir en grey, PIERROT, etc...
    Fora que tem o público fora do Japão também, que é bem pequeno, mas existe e é fiel. Hoje as bandas são muito mais receptivas a ter material no YouTube, Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple Music e iTunes Store etc, etc, etc. Antes não era assim. Porra, hoje se eu tiver uma conta americana do iTunes, eu posso comprar uma boa parte do catálogo do えんそく, maluco! Geralmente os japoneses tão cagando para o público ocidental, mas isso é mais com bandas grandes e estabelecidas. Bandas pequenas de nicho precisam buscar novas alternativas o tempo todo. Acho até estranho que bandas hoje não tentam viajar mais pela Ásia, tipo Taiwan, Hong Kong, Coreia, Indonésia, Cingapura. Na verdade isso até mudou um pouco, hoje também é mais comum ver esse tipo de coisa. São viagens mais curtas e acessíveis do que viajar pros EUA ou pra Europa, ou até pra cá no Brasil, mas que deviam fazer muito mais.
  7. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from r... in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Crucifixion, banda formada em 2013, mas soa como se tivesse sido gravado em um porão sujo no ano de 1997, usando um rato morto como microfone. Simplesmente sensacional!

  8. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from ChaoticEnding in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Nenhum fã de D.I.D. nessa budega? Só mosh cabuloso

  9. Like
    JamesR reacted to Suuu in Deviloof ‏new distributed single "Ishtar" release   
    Thank you for sharing reasoning behind your opinion.
    and once again, I strongly believe every person has a right to have their own opinion.
    So I am not in anyway disputing your opinion, saying its completely wrong, or that you shouldn't be allowed to have your opinion.
    I am simply adding a few additional facts to this issue.
    -To some people vkei is nothing more than the visual style, and music is additional and can be any type of music, pop, rock, heavy, etc, I have met more than a handful of artists both visual and non visual that have this belief, then even more fans.
    -Even if Deviloof decided to become vkei for the money (I am not saying this is the case) they wouldn't be the first band to do so, one example is Sid, who went very heavy with makeup and other styling until the started to tone it down once gaining enough popularity (artist growth and development)
    but their motives are their own, I am not going to discuss as a artist's motives are often something only they can understand.
    secondly as for their lives and who they play with.
    granted they do play with non vkei bands, in fact their next upcoming live is with BAND-MAID®, LAST DAY DREAM and 極楽浄土.
    however they have played with, and have schedules to play with many vkei bands, some examples;
    Just to name a few
    and also they are taking part in the CROW MUSIC PRESENTS NEW SCREAM CIRCUIT’2016.
    Once again thank you for expressing your opinion and providing reasoning.
  10. Like
    JamesR reacted to jon_jonz in Deviloof ‏new distributed single "Ishtar" release   

    But also:

    End of discussion.
  11. Like
    JamesR reacted to Suuu in Deviloof ‏new distributed single "Ishtar" release   
    First of all, I would like to thank everyone who is supporting Deviloof!
    At the end of the day, when I decided to start helping Deviloof I was very much aware that they are band that will have people that love them, people that hate them and a smaller majority of people who don’t feel strongly either way about them, more so than any other band V STAR PROMOTION’s works with.
    The reason V STAR PROMOTION decided to work with Deviloof is to broaden our market, our goal is to have something to offer to as many people with varying tastes in music.
    And the fact that people have varying and different tastes in music is what this discussion leads to.
    Everybody has their own taste in music, what one person might think sounds terrible could be a masterpiece to other people, it doesn’t mean that either person is wrong, it also doesn’t mean that the song in question is innately good or bad, it all comes down to personal opinion.
    This is also the case in defining a music style, music is a vast and ever changing entity.
    Music never stays the same for long as artists and fans are always thinking of a way to change and develop it further, by this genres of music are also constantly changing and developing.
    So any genre of music can also be thought of differently by different people, what might be brutal to someone might not just cut it to other, and on the reverse side what might be brutal to some might be too much for others.
    And there is nothing at all wrong with that.
    Working with Deviloof, I have faith that they will continue to work hard to grow as artists and that they will try their best to bring new and unique music.
    It is not always going to appeal to everyone, but that’s music.
    If you like Deviloof, once again I would like to thank you for your support.
    If you don’t like Deviloof I value and understand your opinion, but please understand that the people that like them have their reasons and right to do so as well.
    The same goes in reverse.
    Thank you.
  12. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from suji in Deviloof ‏new distributed single "Ishtar" release   
    Gregory is not brutal... They sound like a Deathgaze ripoff with occasional rapping and pig squeals
    rant: can we please stop using the word "brutal" to define music? It's just ludicrous - Most music that people classify as brutal(Dying Fetus, Cannibal Corpse, and the countless wigger slam bands from around the globe) just makes people want to bounce and jump around like complete morons. Fun as hell, but not something I would call "brutal".
  13. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in DADAROMA Gt.太嘉志(takashi) & Ba.朋(tomo) monitor contract with ESP   
    Their gear is so fucking expensive here in Brazil...
  14. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from suji in Deviloof ‏new distributed single "Ishtar" release   
    Imho the 2 songs they've released so far are miles better than the ridiculous dreck most deathcore bands have released in the past two years or so(their countrymen Nokubura included)... 
  15. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from Seimeisen in D.I.D.   
    And the vocals are pretty good, they sound really abrasive
  16. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from Aferni in D.I.D.   
    And the vocals are pretty good, they sound really abrasive
  17. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from Âki in D.I.D.   
    And the vocals are pretty good, they sound really abrasive
  18. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from CAT5 in Favorite Visual-Kei / J-Rock albums of this decade!? (2010-->)   
    Hard question, I could pick many but I'll stick to three(no order):
    Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - 狂おしく咲いた凄惨な骸は奏で、愛おしく裂いた少女は聖餐の詞を謳う

    D.I.D. - Providentia
    Envy - Atheist's Cornea

    I think those albums are some of the finest works released in their genres, post-2010
  19. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from eiheartx in Favorite Visual-Kei / J-Rock albums of this decade!? (2010-->)   
    Hard question, I could pick many but I'll stick to three(no order):
    Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - 狂おしく咲いた凄惨な骸は奏で、愛おしく裂いた少女は聖餐の詞を謳う

    D.I.D. - Providentia
    Envy - Atheist's Cornea

    I think those albums are some of the finest works released in their genres, post-2010
  20. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from yakihiko in NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST new mini album "ZēTēS" release   
    4:20 boys
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    JamesR got a reaction from vanivani in How Important is the "V" in VK?   
    To me it isn't important at all, a good band is a good band regardless of their outfits. I mean, just look at Yeti, they dress like dollar store gypsies and are one of the best VK bands at the moment
  22. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from Delkmiroph in MH FEATURED POLL #22: What languages do you speak?   
    Portuguese(my native language) and English - had Spanish classes back in high school, can't say I'm fluent, tho.
  23. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from NekoHime in Hiz band name change to "CANIVAL" & new mini album "ブラックシアター(black theater)" release   
    I hope they've picked a search engine-friendly name this time
  24. Like
    JamesR reacted to saishuu in [Off-topic] new livehouse "Zepp Osaka Bayside" will open   
    ^ Nah, Zepp livehouses (at least the Tokyo one) are not that big. For me, they've always served as a transition for up-and-coming bands from the smaller concert halls (O-WEST, O-EAST, BLITZ, Kokaido, from 500 to 2000 capacity. RIP Shibuya AX) to the bigger ones (Nakano SUN PLAZA, Tokyo Dome City Hall, Tokyo International Forum Hall A, etc, from 3000 to 5000 capacity), like "oh we're maybe finally big enough to venture into bigger venues". For Osaka, it's probably MUSE > BIG CAT > Namba Hatch > Zepp.
    all useless information but hey
  25. Like
    JamesR got a reaction from Aferni in Your fav sentimental/super emotionally charged bands   
    I just got attacked by ninjas cutting onions...
    To me, Akane's bands always sounded sorrowful, even the happy songs, and their sad ones like IDEA, The Virtues, a meaningless existence and December 24 are packed with some heart-wrenching lyrics and instrumentals. I guess I'm a sucker for gloomy stuff
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